Council Meeting held in the Parish Chambers,
Station Road, Codsall
Wednesday 13th June 2007 at 7.30pm. following Planning
Councillors: Mrs P. E Campbell (Chair)
Mrs M. Barrow
R. Etheridge
M Ewart
Mrs E. Forster
P. Kenyon
R. Marshall
Mrs C. Millar
Mrs S. Oatley
G. Owen
L. Stovin
D. Walls
Apologies were received from Councillor’s Chapman and Holland
Limited to 2 minutes per speaker and 15 minutes overall.
Mr Skinner and Mr Wolverson were present this evening, Mr Skinner simply wished to advise, relating to the police report. Mr Skinner has witnessed the radar speed gun being used within the area two or three times recently. It does have an impact on traffic speed and trusts that the police will continue with regular operations throughout the area.
Mr Skinner advised that he and many residents are concerned at parking on grass verges and wondered whether this were illegal and could be actioned by the police.
The minutes of the meeting held on 16th May 2007 (the AGM) were received and unanimously approved by the meeting and immediately signed by the Chairman.
P.C. Allen submitted a written report.
a. Police Report
Burglary dwellings 2
Including car keys stolen from house and the car stolen. Advice is to either keep keys in a place where they are likely to find them, in which case you should be safe elsewhere in the house, or a secure place where they are unlikely to find them.
Burglary other 2
Theft of a motor vehicle 0
Theft from motors 3
Including a bag snatch from an occupied car; advice is to keep the bag with you or if driving out of sight. The other two occurred where valuable items were left in sight. Advice with regards to sat nav is not just to hide the item but also the cradle and wipe the screen to leave no suggestion that the equipment is in the vehicle. Operation Habit is now running, it is hoped that in writing to people informing them that they are in real risk by leaving items on display, they will take more care and inform others too.
Criminal damage 3
One was a local day care centre, which has had problems with youths, please be warned anyone thinking of entering this area, we now have systems in place such that we should identify trespassers.
Anti Social behaviour 18
This now includes all manner of reports i.e. a cow loose in a garden. Minor neighbour disputes and children playing ball, but incidents where no real problem has occurred, have been excluded from this figure.
Speeding remains a concern for all, and the speed laser will be continued to be used to good effect.
There are number of what we call “Neighbourhood Watch Boxes” which will be rolled out as soon as firm commitments have been obtained from the people concerned. The boxes are for people to post any kind of information for the Police, they will be emptied on a regular basis, and notice was drawn to the fact that they will be secure.
Youths have again been located on the railway platforms especially at Codsall. A reminder is made that this is not the place to be unless you are awaiting a train. Notice was given that the British Transport Police, to who the Police report all incidents, have many by laws at their disposal, such as trespass, which has a fixed penalty fine of at least £50. A reminder was made that railways are very dangerous places to be and we in Codsall have had a number of incidents over the last 12 months that clearly illustrate the fact.
Nuisance in and around the village whilst not a worry, is happening and will not be tolerated no matter how minor. Some offences are or can be quite easy to prove and Public Nuisance is one such offence. Cctv is almost everywhere in the centre and if the evidence is available, then action will be taken and has been so in recent weeks with youths issued warnings and fixed penalties issued.
There have been a few bag snatches of late and a number of elderly people were involved. The advise given is for people of all ages to put valuables out of sight and wear your bag in such a way that the would be offender thinks there is little or no point in trying to take it.
b. Reply to speeding concern raised at April meeting
The letter from P.C. Allen, regarding speeding within Codsall was received by the meeting. P.C.Allen advised the meeting that the radar gun is in use and a number of fixed penalty notices have been issued and that the illuminating speed sign in Wood Road is working to good effect. The request for information relating to a civilian operation of the speed gun has been noted and will endeavour to obtain information for a future meeting.
Councillor Oatley reported that the Council Leader Terry Dicks has retired after 11 years and the new leader is Councillor John Taylor.
County does have some major problems and consultants have been brought in to review the closure of Residential Homes, Day Care Centres and Homes for residents with learning disabilities within the County.
Consultation continues on job evaluation, which originally had intended to be implemented by the 1st July.
Land Fill Tax has now increased to £24 per tonne and will continue to rise to £48 per tonne in three years, environmental issues continue to be a major factor.
Discussions on Local Area Agreements continue to improve and increase partnership working, all strategie bodies are involved Police, Fire, Health PCT’S etc.
a. The report on Council Finances for year to 31st May 2007 was received. Acceptance proposed by Cllr Walls, seconded by Cllr Etheridge and unanimously approved by the meeting.
b. The schedule of payments to 13th June 2007 was received with the Clerk giving full details of each item. Acceptance proposed by Cllr Etheridge, seconded by Cllr Walls and unanimously approved by the meeting.
c. The Clerk presented Revised Income and Expenditure Account for year ended 31st March 2007, showing the resulting figures for the Annual Audit Return. The revision is due to 2 reductions in anticipated expenditure that have now been paid. Acceptance proposed by Cllr Stovin, seconded by Cllr Walls and unanimously approved by the meeting.
d. d. The Internal Auditor’s report for 2006/7 and the Annual Return for year end 31st March 2007 and Annual Governance statement, were received by the meeting. Acceptance and authorisation for The Chairman and The Responsible Financial Officer to immediately sign the returns was proposed by Cllr Etheridge, seconded by Cllr Oatley and unanimously approved by the meeting.
Cllr Marshall advises that Best Value Performance Indicators were now published.
Recycling is very good and leisure centres are delivering 91% income against expenditure, despite the closure of Codsall swimming pool. Codsall Leisure Centre is recording 95% income against expenditure.
The minutes of V.H.M.C. meeting of the 21st May 2007 were received and noted.
a. Capital Grants & Loans Scheme
The letter from South Staffordshire Council seeking the Parish Councils support to the Village Hall Management Committee’s grant application for the extension to the Village Hall, to a figure of £15,602.88 was received and fully discussed by the meeting. An explanation on the operation of the grant and loans scheme was given by the Clerk and Councillor Robert Marshall.
A proposal to support the request was made by Councillor Oatley, seconded by Councillor Etheridge and unanimously approved by the meeting.
b. Parish District Liaison Group Meeting
Councillors, Campbell, Forster, Oatley, Walls, Kenyon, Millar and Barrow agreed to attend this meeting.
Councillor Stovin together with the Chairman and several other Councillors attended the Official Re-Opening of the footbridge on Friday the 8th of June, the opening ceremony being performed by Sir Patrick Cormack MP.
Councillor Stovin also advised that he had attended the lifting of the footbridge back into place over night a couple of weeks earlier and had been present when the old steam train the Cambrian Coast Express came through the station on the 9th June. Councillor Stovin had taken a picture of the Cambrian Coast Express coming under the newly restored footbridge and presented the Council with a framed photograph of the event.
Councillor Stovin advised that the restoration of the footbridge was clearly remarkable but the Station platform appearance was being spoiled by the modern Perspex shelters, which themselves require attention. Ideally these shelters should be replaced with suggestions that the previous existing canopy (a replica), be restored in keeping with the Victorian footbridge and Councillor Stovin sought the Parish Councils permission to approach Network Rail, the Station Preservation Society and all other interested parties to see if Network Rail will accede to this request. The meeting readily agreed.
The Chairman and other Councillors commented on the remarkable restoration and gratitude to the Conservation Officer Mr David Burton-Pye MBE and his team for not only ensuring that the bridge was restored but that it was restored to its former splendour and exact detail.
a. Victim Support Staffordshire
Letter & Poster to increase awareness of Male Victims of Domestic Violence campaign, was received and noted by the meeting.
b. South Staffordshire Council
Local Development Framework – Settlement Study 200
Request for local information. Councillors Campbell, Forster, Walls and Oatley agreed to complete the survey and return to the Clerk for submission to the District Council.
c. Staffordshire Highways – Notifications
i. Oak tree Rise, Codsall – Pre-adoption Footway and
Carriageway works. Received and noted
ii. Windsor Gardens, Codsall – Footway Resurfacing. Received and noted
d. Staffordshire County Council
Draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan for Staffordshire
The Clerk advised that this large document was available for all Councillors and residents to view with any comments to be forwarded to the County Council by the 31st August 2007.
In pursuance of the powers contained in Section 1 of the above Act I move that the press and public be now excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the business about to be transacted is of a confidential nature and that publicity will be prejudicial to the public interest.
11th July 2007