Code of Conduct
Volunteers have a special place here at Families in Transition and are able to help in many ways. This could be working directly with our clients or interacting with our customers at our OutFITters Thrift Store. To assist Families in Transition in providing a safe and positive environment for all, we ask our volunteers to comply with the Code of Conduct for Volunteers. This code of conduct has been formulated to clarify the type of conduct that is expected of volunteers when participating in volunteer opportunities here at Families in Transition. Each volunteer has an obligation to observe and follow FIT’s policies and to maintain proper standards of conduct at all times. If an individual’s behavior interferes with the orderly and efficient operation of a department, corrective disciplinary measures will be taken. The decision as to whether a volunteer’s conduct violates FIT’s policies rests solely with FIT. (Please see the volunteer handbook for the corrective discipline for any rule violations.)
The following are the types of conduct that FIT has determined important to go over with all volunteers and those who will be supporting their client’s during their volunteer assignment, as all are required to comply. All policies and procedures are also included in the Families in Transition volunteer handbook. Please ensure that you have been provided a copy and have gone over it with either the Resource Development office or your supervisor. FIT reserves the right to change, add to or amend this list at any time.
· Observe similar standards of behavior and ethical conduct to that required of staff. You are expected to act within the law, be honest and fair, respect others (this includes other volunteers, staff, participants, clients, donors, etc.), and work to the best standard of your ability.
· Observe confidentiality in respect of all information gained through your participation as a volunteer. Some information is especially sensitive. Sensitive and/or personal information requires additional caution in the way it is treated. For example volunteers should not discuss nor disclose personal information about our clients, staff, or volunteers to others.
· Observe all safety rules or health and sanitation regulations.
· FIT's reputation for integrity is its most valuable asset and is directly related to the conduct of its staff and volunteers. Therefore, volunteers must never use their positions with FIT, or any of its participants, for private gain, to advance personal interests or to obtain favors or benefits for themselves, members of their families or any other individuals, corporations or business entities. FIT adheres to the highest legal and ethical standards applicable in our business. FIT's business is conducted in the strict observance of both the letter and spirit of all applicable laws and the integrity of each volunteer is of utmost importance.
· Volunteers of FIT shall not conduct their personal affairs in such a fashion that their duties and responsibilities to FIT are jeopardized and/or legal questions arise with respect to their association or work with FIT. This includes any personal or professional business occurring on any of FITs property.
· Observe FITs dress policy which is that all volunteers are expected to maintain the highest standards of personal cleanliness and present a neat, professional appearance at all times. At OutFITters Thrift Store and Boutique all volunteers are required to wear long pants and close toed shoes. (Please see volunteer handbook for further detail.)
· Observe FIT’s policy on personal phone use. We ask that all volunteers personal cellular telephones must be turned off or set on vibrate during volunteering hours while on FIT premises. Please note, that during a volunteer shift, it is expected that personal calls and texts are kept to a minimum. (Please see volunteer handbook for further detail.)
· Observe FIT’s violence policy against any violence committed by a volunteer or anyone else against a volunteer, employee, participant, customer, supervisor or member of management will not be tolerated. (Please see volunteer handbook for further detail.)
· Observe FIT’s policy on smoking during volunteer shift. FIT is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for volunteers, staff, and visitors. Smoking is not permitted on any FIT property, inside of or outside of the building or in FIT trucks and/or automobiles.
· Observe FIT’s policy on concealed weapons. Possession, use or sale of weapons, firearms or explosives on work premises is forbidden. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
· Observe FIT’s drug and alcohol policy. Volunteers are prohibited from reporting to work or working while using illegal or unauthorized controlled substances. Volunteers are prohibited from reporting to work or working when the volunteer uses any drugs, except when the use is pursuant to a doctor's orders and the doctor has advised the volunteer that the substance does not adversely affect the volunteer’s ability to safely perform his or her job duties. Volunteers are also prohibited from reporting for duty or remaining on duty with any alcohol in their systems. Volunteers are also prohibited from consuming alcohol during working hours, including meal and break periods. (Please see volunteer handbook for further detail.)
· Observe the policy on confronting a participant or guest during conflict. Some participant/guest issues may occur in the store or on FIT property. Volunteers should immediately alert the Management staff if there is concern for the safety of the participant, volunteer or employees. Concerns may include the following individuals: a tenant (adult or youth), tenant guest or family members, store customer/donor or other community members. If an OutFITters Thrift Store staff, FIT staff or FIT volunteers are in immediate danger, please call 911. Once the phone call has been made please call the FIT crisis line at 866-563-2070.
· All volunteers will refrain from using abusive, profane, discourteous, disrespectful or false or malicious language concerning FIT’s activities or any volunteer, participant or member of management.
· All volunteers will refrain from dishonesty of any kind, including but not limited to, such conduct as falsification of personnel or other records or reports; punching another volunteer’s time card; unauthorized reproduction of keys or misuse of security precautions; misappropriation of FIT’s property, its participants or that of fellow volunteer, or destruction or abuse thereof.
· Volunteers will refrain from communicating with FITs participants outside of their volunteer role. This includes any social media channels as well.
· Excessive absences and/or tardiness and/or poor performance or failure to call in or report to work for two (2) consecutive days can result in termination of volunteer commitment with Families in Transition.
· Those attending the volunteer shifts with your client(s) are required to complete the following:
o Go through FITs Volunteer Application Process
o Be trained in the volunteer assignment of your client(s)
o Stay with your client(s) at all times to assist and answer any questions with their volunteer assignment
· Refrain from using a FIT vehicle for personal errands or for use other than as assigned or disregard for FIT’s vehicle policy.
· Volunteers at the OutFITters Thrift stores must refrain from making purchases while on their volunteer shift or putting any items aside for after their shift. Items located in the inventory and receiving space are not to be sought out. Items on the sales floor are the only ones available to purchase when your shift has been completed.
· Theft or stealing of any kind on FIT property is unacceptable and will result in termination of volunteer commitment with Families in Transition.
I have received a copy of the Volunteer Code of Conduct and have read over each point. I have asked any questions that I might have had with the appropriate FIT representative.
NAME: ______
DATE: ______
SIGNATURE (if under 18): ______
FIT REP: ______