Town of Lyman
Code Enforcement Office
MEMORANDUMPhone: 207-247-0647
To:Board of Selectmen
From:Patti McKenna, CEO
Date:February 28, 2018
Re: Monthly Report February 2018
The Code Enforcement Office has conducted the following business for the period of 2/1/18-2/28/18 resulting in total fees collected of $2,283
Building Permits:09 $ 785
Electrical Permits:08 $ 982
Internal Plumbing Permits:03 $ 250
Septic permits01 $ 265
Driveway00 $
Site plan Applications 00 $
Staff Review Application00 $
Tree cut request00
New Violations 00
New Violations / Complaints:
A complaint was received regarding Co-Part on Kennebunk Pond Road. They allowed storage of vehciles outside of the fenced in area. I contacted them on the week of 2/14. They explained that they had an influx of cars that created an overflow. They are working on renting a lot out of town to move the excess cars to. They planned to have the cars removed within a week of my phone call.
Update on Violations/ Complaints
I have not updated on every complaint or violation that I have listed in my reports. If anyone has a question on a specific one that I have not reported on, please contact me and I will be happy to give progress updates.
General Information Update:
Sonny’s Convenience Store on Middle Road has installed an ADA compliant restroom as required. They have received occupancy permits to open and they plan to reopen soon. Possibly in March.
The ISO rating for Lyman was completed. This is the rating that insurance company/s base property insurance on. For houses constructed after this month the rating is 5 for residential and 4 for commercial. The ratings are from 1-10 with 1 being the best. Lyman’s rating went down for commercial buildings since 2013, and stayed the same for Residential. In 2007 the ratings were 10 for Residential and 9 for Commercial.
The State of Maine has adopted the 2015 International Residential, Building and Existing Building versions of the codes. The code books have been ordered and the town will begin enforcing these codes immediately. I have the code books in my office if anyone wants to view them during regular business hours.
There is also a significant Electric Code change that will be enforced immediately. All rebar in residential foundations must be bonded. This will require to be part of the electric permit and requires an electric inspection before the footings and foundation walls are poured.
There is another Electric Code change. The State Electric Board was allowing towns to issue permits for mini-split heat pumps to plumbers. This is no longer acceptable. Permits will be issued to licensed electricians only, to be effective immediately.
Lyman employees are walking as a Team in Mary’s Walk in Saco on March 18th if anyone wants to join our team in honor of Gina Merry. The Team name is Gina’s Team.
Respectfully submitted,
Patti McKenna, Code Enforcement Officer