CoDA Texas 2011 State Assembly Mtg. Minutes

DATE:Saturday, October 15, 2011at 3:00 P.M.

PLACE:Holiday Inn Express South

2421 ESE Loop 323 Tyler, TX 75701 Phone: 903 566-0600


Bob M.Chair

Terri S.Vice Chair


Calista M.Treasurer

Attendees: Bob M. State Chair, Tyler, Terri S. Vice Chair, Ft. Worth, Marilyn B. Secretary, Kingwood, Calista M. Treasurer, Tyler. Other Attendees: Brandi D. Sr. Delegate, Ft. Worth, David L., Houston, Karen G. Bryan, Sue G. Bryan, Peggy F. Tyler, Glenda Tyler, Judi C. Houston, Clyde Houston, David Mc. Fort Worth, Paula S. Fort Worth, Letty Fort Worth, Monika Fort Worth, Joe B. Tyler. Total = 17, Quorum Count = 12

The meeting was called to order by Bob M. at 3:15 PM with the Serenity Prayer, Steps, Traditions & Promises

Reading of CoDA Texas Bylaws Article II regarding Membership & Voting – Bob M.


Secretary’s Reports: Marilyn B.

Marilyn read the Minutes from Spring Board Mtg. & Emergency Board Mtg. whereby the new Treasurer was selected.

Karen G. stated that Texas has had the same suggested distribution a number of years. The Fellowship Service Manual has a different suggested distribution of 60% to Community, 30% to World and 10% to State. Texas cannot perform the services it provides with 10% contribution from the Texas meetings. At the Spring Board Mtg., attendees voted to formalize the suggested Texas distribution to 60% Community, 30% to State and 10% to World. If there is no Community Representation, then 60% to State & 40% to World. Della B. pointed out that the new Distributions are posted on the Texas Website. Motion to accept Minutes by David Mc.seconded by Sue G. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Calista M.

Calista reported income from January 1 through September 1, 2011 was $1,987.50 & Expenses of $1,894.06 with a net income of $93.44. These amounts do not reflect the income or costs of the State Assembly. The Checkbook Balance as of January 1, 2011 was $4,916.12 and the ending balance as of September 30, 2011 was $5,009.56 with a Prudent Reserve of $1,000 leaving Operating Cash of $4,009.56. Sue G. moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read, seconded by Brandi D. Motion passed unanimously with a request for an amended report once the numbers were in for the State Assembly.

COMMITTEE REPORTS:Additional attendees arrived, Della B. & Paula S.; Total = 19, Quorum = 14

Delegate Report on 2011 CSC: – Brandi D. read Robert G.’s Jr. Delegate Report in his absence. He stated that our Voting Entity #1 passed and CoRE had already published the pocket edition of the CoDA Blue Book. He stated a new CoDA World Board was elected. Brandi D. gave her Sr. Delegate Report & handed out all the Motions & the Report on the Outcome. She stated the need to elect a new Delegate. Bob M. said several people were interested & that would be covered in New Business.

World Committee Term Limits -Brandi D. This item is from 2/12/11 CoDA Texas Spring Board Mtg. Minutesand is onpage 2 under New Business. World Committee Member Term Limits-discussion pursued regarding whether term limits apply to Chair position only or to all members of the committee.

2011 Spring Retreat Report & Update on 2012 Retreat: – Della B.

Contract #11697 Signed by Calista M. 9/20/11 reserves Camp Lone Star for March 30, 2012 – April 1, 2012. Contract Rate is $144/person (20 or less attendees) or $126/person (21 or more attendees). $500 deposit rolled over from 2011 Retreat with balance of $2,880 due for 2012 Retreat.

Electronic Communications Liaison Report: (Mailing & Email Distribution Lists) – Della B.

(Marilyn B. Backup). (See 10/9/10 CoDA TexasState Assembly Minutes Amended 2/12/11) "David L. proposed to have a liaison for posting info as: Della B be the Electronic Communications Liaison with State Secretary to be back up." This change in wording will comply withthe fellowship's action. This Liaison positionwas created because of conflict between the webmaster and a CoDA fellowship member. Della stated she has 476 names and 4 people have access to that Distribution List – Bob, Dephny, Mike K & herself. She asked if anybody wants to be added to contact her. Bob M. pointed out that Marilyn needs to be given access per the vote at the Spring Board Mtg. Dan W. does the mailing list & labels and Martina V. does the actual mailings.

Website Report: Della B. stated that the Website is not current & old data which isn’t pertinent is still listed. Christie S. (CoDA Texas Webmaster) relayed to Della that we could change to and change the name from TX to for $12/year & eliminate the $10/month Webmaster Fee. Moved to New Business.

Lone Star Courier Newsletter Report & Distribution Problems/Delays: Karen G.

Distribution was added because there was a distribution delay inthe May Newsletter mailing prior to CSC. Karen stated that there were 3 Newsletters sent out so far. Feb. & Aug. were mailed & emailed the last Newsletter would be electronically sent out. Della said she would send out a notice that the May newsletter was not distributed but was available on the Texas website.

Bylaws Report:Bob M.

Bob M. read Article VII of Bylaws regarding Amending the bylaws and said that we have to call for a special meeting with 2/3 quorum count to amend Bylaws. At the Spring Board Mtg., he proposed we create a committee to review Bylaws if necessary. Karen motioned to form a committee to review Bylaws, second by Marilyn. Vote was 7 For, 2 Opposed with 3 Abstentions; motion passed. Bob stated the Committee was formed but did not meet or discuss the quorum count.


Content of Newsletter – Della B. discussed 8 points regarding this issue which were brought up & tabled at the Spring Board Mtg. The intent is to establish guidelines for content and distribution based on CoDA principles and resolve past conflict on the Newsletter content and distribution. Explore the concept of Co-Editor. Much discussion ensued about the content in the newsletter. A 30 Second Time Out was called for by Terri S. Della B. suggested a Co-Editor review it before publishing & distributing. Karen G. said it does get reviewed now by officers and past volunteers/officers before it goes out. Judi C. mentioned two activities are important to build community (Retreat & Newsletter). She suggested the Newsletter should only contain the activities that are coming up & not the personal stories/articles. Paula S. said she wasn’t interested in the business items in the Newsletter, but wanted the personal stories.David L. suggested promoting Connections for personal stories.

It was decided that we should define what we want for the Newsletter Content and make a decision. Judi C. presented a motion to table the discussion & Della seconded. Sue G. brought up that it is a controversial issue that has already been tabled once & we should just decide on the issue of “What do we want”? David Mc. agreed that we need to decide now. Brandi called for a motion & Sue moved to continue to have a Newsletter with a combination of three items: 1) upcoming events/informational items, 2) personal stories and 3) CoDA definitions explained. David Mc. seconded. Vote was 16 For with 1 Abstention. Motion carried.

CSC Voting Entity Issues Status- Voting Entity Issue #2 (Print Chapter 5 as a supplemental insert available to the fellowship) - Brandi was unsure about the status of VE #2 other than it was sent to CoRE. David Mc. who is on the CoDA Literature Committee will check on it. Robert G. later confirmed that it had been tabled at CSC. David Mc. later confirmed that this VE was not approved but assigned to a committee for review & may not be considered until CSC 2012 for a vote.


Election of Officers for CoDA Texas State Board:

Bob M. read Officers Job Description

Outgoing Officers: Secretary, Vice-Chair, Jr. Delegates & Alternatives

Nominations for Secretary: David Mc. Nominated Marilyn B. & Karen G. seconded. Marilyn B. agreed to take the position for one more year only.

Voting for Secretary Nominee: 13 For, 1 No. Motion passed.

Nominations for Vice Chair: Marilyn nominated Peggy F. & Sue seconded.

Voting for Secretary Nominee: Motion passed unanimously.

Jr. Delegate, Robert G. becomes Sr. Delegate.

Nominations for Jr. Delegate: David Mc. Was elected Jr. Delegate.

Nominations for Alternate delegates:

Sue G. handed out the ballots & tallied the votes for Alternates. Results listed below:

Tina P., 1st Alternate, Clint T., 2nd Alternate, Dephny Z., 3rd Alternate, Karen G., 4th Alternate, Darlene V., 5th Alternate.

Increase CSC Delegates Expenses amounts & per diem. Brandi suggested that $800 is not enough to cover food, travel and hotel. She suggested increasing the expenses to $1,000 max. Terri S. had a Point of Clarity saying registration is paid by State & as a way to increase the amount Delegates receive, this could be a separate line item paid by the Treasurer rather than part of the $800. David Mc. made a motion that $800 covers food, lodging & travel expenses with receipts submitted in order to be reimbursed. Seconded by Brandi. Sue amended the motion to include receipts over $5, seconded by Terri. Vote for amendment was 13 For, 1 Opposed. Terri amended amount to $850 per delegate, seconded by Brandi. Vote for amendment was 10 Yes, 3 Opposed. Amendment passed. Vote to Adopt Motion & all Amendments was 11 For, 3 Opposed.

Sunday, Oct. 16, 2011

Opened Meeting @ 9:15 A.M.with the Serenity Prayer. Total Attendees = 16, Quorum = 12

We prioritized the remaining New Business items.

Corrective Action for Austin Group regarding David C.

Della (representing the Austin group) brought up 7 complaints about David C., 1 question & 1 statement. She read the Tradition Violations which he has broken. Assembly action narrowed the complaints down to three. The procedure is to go to CSG but Austin doesn’t have one so the complaints were brought to Della.

The 3 items are listed below:

1)David C. gave out business cards at meetings & taught steps.

2)Cancelled CoDA meeting to go to the Meadows Lecture.

3)Running meetings as a person of power; often referred to as boss or teacher.

Sue G. moved for Sr. Delegate to approach David C. & ask for his side of the story after presenting the 3 issues, get his input and David’s response is to be presented at the Spring Board Mtg. If Robert cannot approach David C., then the CoDA Texas Chair will be the backup. Della will present our request to Robert G. the Sr. Delegate. David L. seconded. Vote was 12 For, 1 Abstention – Motion passed.

Corrective Action for Paris Group (not following CoDA Guidelines)Needs to be handled by CSG of N. Texas.

Select Date & Location for Spring Board Mtg. - March 31, 2012 at Camp Lone Star Bluebonnet Retreat

Select Date & Location for 2012 State Assembly – Date not set, Austin/New Braunfels Group to Host

Allocate 2011/2012 Budget – Calista M. presented the Proposed Budget.

Changes included: Line 2, lower to $875 (25 – 35 attendees is average), P.O. Box Rental is $84/year, add new CSC Delegate Expense, Delete Monthly Web Hosting Charges, going to at $7/Mo. for $100/Yr.

Marilyn moved to accept Budget as amended, David Mc. seconded, Vote was Unanimous. David Mc. motioned we support Webmaster’s Decision to use, Sue seconded, Vote was unanimous.

Webinar for CoDA Texas Use – It was decided this requires more discussion because it must be scheduled, manned & promoted with equal access for all who attend. Tabled to discuss at Spring Board Mtg.

Include Spanish Workshops at CoDA Retreats & Assemblies – Brandi suggested finding more Spanish participants & volunteers were encouraged. Letty will consider being on the Retreat Committee.

Increasing Revenue for CoDA Texas – We need to alert all groups in Texas of the suggested Distribution Percentages of 60% to Community, 30% to CoDA Texas & 10% to CoDA World. If no Community Level, then 60% to State & 40% to World. We need to contact Group Contacts and alert them of these guidelines. Terri suggested passing the basket a separate time specifically for CoDA Texas. More suggestions: Raffle/Auction call “Funraising”. David L. suggested that our priority should be increasing membership & encouraging more participation. Brandi suggested putting CoDA Blue Books in Libraries. Marilyn mentioned she’s on the H&I Committee & said she would get a report from Ann S. on that Committee.

Retreat Discussion – Tabled, ran out of time.

EVENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS mentioned by the Chair:

2012 CoDA Texas Retreat – March 30 – April 1, 2012 at Camp Lone Star in LaGrange, Texas

Sue moved to adjourn, Della seconded, Motion passed unanimously.

ADJOURNMENTwith the 12-Step Candlelight Ceremony & Serenity Prayer at 11:15 A.M.

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