Cockshutt C of E Primary School

30 June 2017

e-mail address:


Festival of Talent Family Fund Day

A reminder that the Festival of Talent Family FundDay is being held at The Marches School tomorrow – Saturday 1 July 2017, 12.30 – 5.00pm

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod

A reminder that Ash and Oak classes will be going to Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod on Tuesday 4 July 2017. If you have not already sent in the permission slip, please could you return it to the office by Monday 3 July 17 – Thanks

KS2 Performance

The first dress rehearsal will be on Monday afternoon. Please bring in all costumes on Monday morning.

Many Thanks

Mrs Baker

A reminder that KS2 performance is on Wednesday 5 July, 1.30pm and Thursday 6 July 17, 5.30pm. Tickets available from the office.

Ellesmere Library Art Competition

Congratulations to Alex Hamil and Isla Meakin who were awarded 3rd place in their categories. The awards were presented by the children’s author Virginia McKenna.

Congratulations also to Amelia Owen and Millie Birch who received highly commended.


Week beginning 26 June 17 – menu 2.

Cockshutt C of E Primary School

30 June 2017

e-mail address:


Festival of Education

On Thursday the Year 5s went to the Festival of Education at the Marches. We did some cool science with bubbles and Bunsen burners and worked in a live operating theatre. We had to remove a brain and eyeball from REAL pigs head! We also had to do a heart transplant by cutting out a heart swapping it with another and then sewing it back into the torso, as well we looked at a real digestive system and how it worked. We all really enjoyed the trip and have learned a lot it was a great experience.

By Darcey and Ethan

Year 5 children’s behaviour was outstanding and Mrs Dawson and Mrs Twigg were really proud of them.

Cockshutt C of E Primary School

30 June 2017

e-mail address:


Birch Class

Please could you send in shoe boxes or cardboard for Monday 3 July 2017.

Ash Class

Ash class will be attempting to make moving tops next Thursday. If anyone has any apre rigid cardboard and/or stiff wire, could they please bring it in to Ash class at the beginning of next week.

Mr Wedley


Please find attached information on Oswestry Boys and Girls Football Club who are offering girls only football training to girls from Reception to Year 2.

Cockshutt C of E Primary School

30 June 2017

e-mail address:


Ellesmere Rangers Junior Football Club

Please find attached information on Ellesmere Rangers Junior Football Club

Summer Family Events

Please see attached information on Summer Family Events

Good Work Assembly – 30 June 2017
Award / Rowan / Birch / Ash / Oak / Trophy
Quality Work / Lauren Kerrigan / Elise Morgan / Ethan Hanmer Thomas
Presentation / Frankie Batha / Gabriella Inglis Downes / Ruby Jammaz / Leanne Hickson / Ruby Jammaz
Behaviour / Henry Mosey / Zach Bayliss / All Year 5’s / All Year 5’s
Creative / Luke Smith / Ben Beasley / Ben Beasley
Outstanding Writing / Henry Mosey / Aston Bailey / Henry Mosey
Aston Bailey
1st / Blakemere / 260
2nd / Crosemere / 259
3nd / Whitemere / 223

Diary Dates to remember

Week Beginning 1 July 2017

Saturday 1 July 17 – Marches School Festival of Talent Family Fun Day

Tuesday 4 July 17 – KS2 Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod

Tuesday 4 July 17 – Rowan Class – Forest School

Wednesday 5 July 17 – guitar lessons

Wednesday 5 July 17 – Rock Club

Wednesday 5 July 17 – KS2 Performance – 1.30pm – Millennium Hall

Thursday 6 July 17 – KS2 Performance 5.30pm – Millennium Hall

Thursday 6 July 17 – Cricket Club

Thursday 6 July 17 – Rowan & Birch – Forest School

Thursday 6 July 17 – keyboard lessons

Summer Term Monday 24 April 17 – Friday 21 July 2017