Call of Cthulhu -
Revised Combat Rules, v2.0
1Actions in Combat
1.1Opportunity Actions
2Weapon Classes and Types
2.2Melee Weapons
2.3Missile Weapons
4Coolness - (Optional Rule)
5Melee Combat (Attacking and Parrying)
5.1Making an Attack
5.3Critical Successes
5.4Critical Failures
6Unarmed Combat
6.1Martial Arts
8Firearm Combat - Automatic Weapons
9Hit Locations
9.1Human (Biped) Hit Location Table
9.2Animal (Quadruped) Hit Location Table
13Hit Points and Wound Levels
13.1Hit Points
13.2Wound Levels
These are revised rules for Call of Cthulhu combat.
1Actions in Combat
In Call of Cthulhu each combat is divided into a number of rounds. In each round a character can perform two actions. This can be a combination of attacking, parrying, dodging or other actions.
Other types of action include shouting instructions, movement (running, walking, sneaking) and changing weapons. The referee should determine how many of these actions can be performed in one round of combat.
Prior to each round of combat a player must declare the actions his character is going to take. Characters can perform one attack and one parry action, two attacks, or two parries, or any combination of actions as desired.
1.1Opportunity Actions
If appropriate a character can choose to take an Opportunity Action. That means he can wait and then take an action when the opportunity presents itself. For example, a character might be waiting behind a door hoping for someone to step through.
2Weapon Classes and Types
All weapons are divided into three classes. These are Firearms, Melee Weapons and Missile Weapons. Within each class are a number of weapon types, as detailed in the tables below.
Optional Rule
If desired characters can choose a specific weapon within a type that is their favoured weapon (e.g. Swords > Longsword). This weapon is used at a +5% bonus, while all other weapons within that type are used at -5%.
Firearm Type / Base PercentageHandgun / 20
Machinegun / 15
Rifle / 25
Shotgun / 30
Sub-machinegun / 15
2.2Melee Weapons
As is the case with Firearms all melee weapons are split into types. All swords therefore are treated as one skill area with which the character is familiar.
Melee Weapon Type / Base PercentageAxe / 15
Club / 25
Dagger / 15
Polearm (pike and spear) / 10
Sword / 15
2.3Missile Weapons
Missile weapons include all bows, slings and similar weapons, as well as any thrown weapon, including knives, spears, shuriken and rocks.
Missile Weapon Type / Base PercentageBow (short bow, composite bow, long bow) / 05
Crossbow / 20
Sling / 01
In combat all characters and NPCs need to make an Initiative roll to see who reacts quickest and therefore goes first.
A characters Initiative bonus is based on their DEX score and is calculated in the following way:
DEX 1-2 = -3
DEX 3-4 = -2
DEX 5-7 = -1
DEX 8-11 = +0
DEX 12-14 = +1
DEX 15-16 = +2
DEX 17-18 = +3
Add any modifiers from Edges or Hindrances (e.g. Lightning Reactions +3).
To determine the order in which characters can act in a combat, roll 2D6 and add their Initiative bonus. The character with the highest total goes first. Characters with the same total act simultaneously.
If any character rolls a double one (i.e. 2), then this is a critical failure and the character automatically acts last regardless of any bonuses to Initiative.
4Coolness - (Optional Rule)
In combat all characters need to make a Coolness roll to see whether or not they stay calm. A characters coolness rating is calculated in the following way:
POW 1-2 = -3
POW 3-4 = -2
POW 5-7 = -1
POW 8-11 = +0
POW 12-14 = +1
POW 15-16 = +2
POW 17-18 = +3
Add any modifiers from Edges or Hindrances (e.g. Brave +3).
To check to see if a character is cool roll 2D6 and add your Coolness bonus. If the result is a 12 roll a further 1D6 and add that to the total. A basic pass is 7, but depending on the nature of the combat this can be increased to 10, 13 or 16.
If a character rolls less than 7 (or whatever number the referee has set as the basic pass) then he has failed his Coolness roll and has frozen. He may defend himself if attacked, but cannot perform any other actions. The character may roll again next round to see if he is able to act.
If any character rolls a double one (i.e. 2), then this is a critical failure and the character cannot participate in the combat. He may turn and run, freeze, or cower in a corner somewhere. Certain Edges counter the effects of a critical failure.
Coolness does not replace Sanity. Coolness is used during combat or other stressful situations, not in horrific ones where a character’s Sanity is tested.
5Melee Combat (Attacking and Parrying)
In melee combat there are three basic manoeuvres: Attack, Parry and Dodge.
5.1Making an Attack
To hit an opponent a character needs to make a roll equal to or less than the relevant combat skill (e.g. Axe). If the character is successful then their opponent must either make a successful Parry, or Dodge, or be hit.
Characters can use a variety of items to parry an attack with: weapons, shields, clothing (e.g. a cloak), or other items such as chairs, stools or broomsticks (in fact anything which can be picked up and wielded).
If a character is holding more than one item capable of being used to parry (e.g. a sword and a shield), then they must declare which is being used for each individual parry action.
A character’s Parry skill with a weapon is at the start of play equal to three-quarters of their skill with the weapon being used. After this the skill is increased in the same way as all other skills. See the table below:
Weapon Skill / Parry %5 / 4
10 / 8
15 / 11
20 / 15
25 / 19
30 / 23
35 / 26
40 / 30
45 / 34
50 / 38
55 / 41
60 / 45
65 / 49
70 / 53
75 / 56
80 / 60
85 / 64
90 / 68
95 / 71
Characters can use a shield to parry. This requires the Shield Use skill (see section 11 below).
No character can perform a Parry action more than twice in any combat round. Therefore, if a character were facing three opponents and all three succeeded with their attacks, the defending character would only be able to parry the first two attacks and would be hit by the third.
If a character successfully parries an attack then the blow has been deflected and no damage is done.
5.3Critical Successes
If when attacking a character gets a result of 01-05, this is a critical success. If the defending character also fails a Parry or Dodge roll, this may result in one of the following:
- Double damage
- Attacker gets to choose the hit location (this may be particularly useful if their opponent is in cover)
- Attacker knocks target unconscious
- Target is disarmed
If when parrying a character gets a result of 01-05, this is a critical success. If the attack character also fails an Attack roll, this may result in one of the following:
- The opponents weapon breaks
- The opponent drops his weapon
- The opponents weapon is so successfully turned that he cannot attack next action.
5.4Critical Failures
If when attacking or parrying a character gets a result of 96-00, this is a critical failure. This may result in one of the following:
- Weapon breaks
- Weapon gets dropped
- The character becomes off-balance and loses their next action
- The character inflicts damage on themselves
6Unarmed Combat
The base percentages for the four unarmed combat skills are:
Skill / Base PercentageFist/Punch / 50 OR DEX + STR
Grapple / 25 OR STR + SIZ
Head Butt / 10 OR STR / 2
Kick / 25 OR DEX x 2
6.1Martial Arts
The Martial Arts skill is no longer used. Its application was generally confusing and a little abstract.
It is assumed in these rules that the greater a characters unarmed combat skills are, the more likelihood they have of having some skill in a martial art, whether it be Boxing, Kung-Fu, or something else.
In any combat round a character can perform up to two dodging manoeuvres. If a character fails to dodge an attack, then they are hit. If a character attempts to dodge again in the same round after being hit, then the difficulty of the next dodge test is reduced by one level (i.e. from Medium to Tricky).
Characters cannot use dodge against firearms or missile weapons. However they can use cover (see Cover below).
8Firearm Combat - Automatic Weapons
In firearm combat, the type of weapon used determines how many bullets a character can fire and in what way. Please refer to the standard Call of Cthulhu rules for ordinary firearm combat.
9Hit Locations
In combat when a character (either PC, NPC, or animal) is hit then 1D10 is rolled to determine which location has been hit. The hit location is important as this will determine whether Armour or Cover has any effect.
9.1Human (Biped) Hit Location Table
Die Roll / Hit Location1 / Head
2 / Right Arm
3 / Left Arm
4 / Chest
5 / Abdomen
6 / Abdomen
7 / Right Leg
8 / Right Leg
9 / Left Leg
10 / Left Leg
9.2Animal (Quadruped) Hit Location Table
Die Roll / Hit Location1 / Head
2 / Forequarter
3 / Forequarter
4 / Forequarter
5 / Chest
6 / Chest
7 / Abdomen
8 / Hindquarter
9 / Hindquarter
10 / Hindquarter
Each type of armour protects the wearer from taking damage. The better the armour, the more damage it can protect the wearer from sustaining.
Each type of armour has a points value. The number of points of protection is the amount of hit points that the armour can protect the wearer against.
For example, Aethelstan hits Elric for 10 points of damage. Elric is wearing Chain mail, which has an armour rating of 8. Therefore Elric only takes 2 points of damage.
However, each piece of armour worn does not cover a character’s entire body. Therefore if a character is hit in an unarmoured location then he takes the full number of hit points. Using the example above, if Elric was wearing a Chain shirt and was hit in the head, he would have taken the full 10 points of damage - a nasty blow!
Armour Type / Locations Protecting / Points of Protection / Initiative PenaltyNo Armour / None / 0 / +1
Metal Helmet / Head / 7 / -
Chain Mail Hood / Head / 6 / -
Boiled Leather Cap / Head / 2 / -
Quilted Leather Jerkin / Torso / 1 / +0
Boiled Leather Jerkin / Torso / 2 / -1
Boiled Leather Arm Greaves / Arms / 2 / -
Boiled Leather Leg Greaves / Legs / 2 / -
Studded or Ringed Leather Jerkin / Torso / 4 / -1
Chain Mail Shirt / Torso, Arms / 6 / -2
Chain Mail Hauberk / Torso, Arms, ½ Legs (50% chance of unarmoured part being hit) / 6 / -3
Full Chain Mail Suit / Head, Torso, Arms, Legs / 6 / -4
Breastplate / Torso / 7 / -2
Plate Arm Greaves / Arms / 7 / -
Plate Leg Greaves / Legs / 7 / -
Full Plate Mail / Head, Torso, Arms, Legs / 7 / -5
Shield Use is a new skill. The default percentage for each type of shield is listed in the table below. Shields are used to parry attacks.
Shield Type / Default Percentage / Damage Stopped / Initiative PenaltyBuckler / 5 / 8 / -
Viking Round Shield / 10 / 10 / -1
Kite Shield / 15 / 16 / -2
Roman Wall Shield / 25 / 24 / -4
In combat characters can use cover to protect themselves. When an opponent hits a character that is using cover, the attacker rolls to determine the hit location. If the hit location is a location that is ‘in cover’ then, depending on the amount of damage that the weapon does, the defending character may not take any damage.
13Hit Points and Wound Levels
13.1Hit Points
Each character has a number of Hit Points equal to their (CON+SIZ+STR/3) + 3.
13.2Wound Levels
When a character is reduced to 2 hit points (Incapacitated) he must make a CON x 5 roll to stay conscious. When he is reduced to -3 (or more) hit points he is dead.
In addition a character suffers penalties to their physical skills when they are injured. Refer to the Wound Levels table below.
When a characters hit points are reduced to the number under the injured column, all skill rolls are made at one difficulty level greater than normal (e.g. all Medium skill rolls become Tricky, etc.).
When hit points are reduced to 1 or 2 (Incapacitated), characters must make a CON roll to stay conscious. If they remain conscious, all skills rolls become Difficult or Formidable.
When hit points are reduced to zero or less (Near Death), characters fall unconscious. If medical treatment or first aid is not given within a few rounds the character will die.
Wound LevelTotal Hit Points / Bruised / Injured / Incapacitated / Near Death
5 / 4-5 / 3 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
6 / 5-6 / 3-4 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
7 / 5-7 / 3-4 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
8 / 6-8 / 3-5 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
9 / 6-9 / 3-5 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
10 / 7-10 / 3-6 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
11 / 7-11 / 3-6 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
12 / 8-12 / 3-7 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
13 / 8-13 / 3-7 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
14 / 9-14 / 3-8 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
15 / 9-15 / 3-8 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
16 / 10-16 / 3-9 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
17 / 10-17 / 3-9 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
18 / 11-18 / 3-10 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
19 / 11-19 / 3-10 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
20 / 12-20 / 3-11 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
21 / 12-21 / 3-11 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
22 / 13-22 / 3-12 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
23 / 13-23 / 3-12 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
24 / 14-24 / 3-13 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
25 / 14-25 / 3-13 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
26 / 15-26 / 3-14 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
27 / 15-27 / 3-14 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
28 / 16-28 / 3-15 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
29 / 16-29 / 3-15 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
30 / 17-30 / 3-16 / 1-2 / 0 to -2
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