Cobbosseecontee Yacht Club Annual Meeting

Sponsored by Paul Blouin Suzuki

(Thank you, Paul!)

July 11, 2010

Business Meeting (Following dinner)

Recognize the head table:

Bob (Friends of the Cobbossee Watershed) and Susan Moore, and Bill Monagle from

the Cobbossee Watershed District, and CYC Executive Committee members.

Secretary’s report from 2009 (motion to accept) and Treasurer’s Report (file)

No election of officers! Next year is an election year. Will need interested candidates!

Brief discussion of following issues: FYI

Dues $25/ 3 years at $75 still gets you a Paul Plumer lighthouse print free!

Membership Drive scheduled for August 7

Website: (Sponsored by Clark Marine)

Robinson 1900 Cobbossee chart reprint soon for sale


Bill Kieltyka, Vice Commodore, with announcements regarding sailing regattas.

Our first CYC Boat-in was a success at Debbi and John Farrell’s. August 21 is still an open date.

July 31 a new event: “Raft-in” in Horseshoe Cove at 5pm. All members welcome! Join us!

Next Boat-in: Saturday, August 7 at Hollis and Deena Bennett’s, 12 North Evergreen Dr., Litchfield.

Old Hallowell Day Parade July 17 at 10am. CYC again on a Clark Marine party barge advertising this

year’s Annual Concert on the Lake

Annual Concert is July 24th at 1 PM. School Street Band. Thanks to Clark Marine.

Also thanks to: John and Mary Beth Stanek for use of dock. And thanks to Dr. Theresa White

and Paul Mullen for use of the property where the concert is held annually.

Other business issues from the floor?

Annual speakers that are invited to share a few words with us:

Bill Monagel, Cobbossee Watershed District

Bob Moore, Friends of the Cobbossee Watershed

Evening Presentation: The Kennebec Land Trust
Jym St. Pierre, and Jon Lund with assistance from Deb Sewall

2010 Annual Meeting Conclusion

Keep in mind as you leave here this evening, that our CYC primary focus as a Lake Association is the quality of our beautiful Lake Cobbosseecontee! This remains our critical issue!

In regard to water quality, the key phrase is, “Spread the Word.” Please help!

1. Invasive Aquatic Plants

Non-native species can aggressively take over native plants

Can suck the life out of a lake

Once established-tough to eradicate

Only small fragment to create a serious infestation

Currently in ME- Variable leaf milfoil and hydrilla (more serious)

Note: Eurasion is worse and is in NY, VT, & NH as well as Maine!

And that is only 3 of some 11 species of IAP’s

What to do?

Continue support of the Friends of the Cobbossee Watershed, contunue our effort to

“Spread the Word” to all lake owners, and maintain our commitment to increase CYC membership!

2. Phosphorus Pollution

Phosphorus produces and feeds lake weeds and algae.

Rain washes phosphorus from lawns to lakes.

Algae are microscopic plants that get together as green slime-floating clumps or on rocks.

Too much of it and the lake turns green.

The results? Unsightly, poor overall water quality, depressed property values, negative impact on

recreation, and, therefore, a negative impact on local economy.

What to do?

Be lake smart!

Protect our lake for the future…for our kids and grandkids.

Don’t use phosphorus based fertilizer, use the phosphorus free.

Create a rain garden to protect against roof run-off.

Understand the importance of camp road maintenance as it relates to lake protection.

Direct storm water run-off to a buffer- a vegetated area of mulch, plants, shrubs, trees, etc.

Consider a 3 to 6 foot buffer at the shoreline. Use hosta, other plants and shrubs, and mulch!

Without that buffer, water runs off the grass, on to the rocks, into the lake.

With that buffer, phosphorus ends up feeding the plants in the buffer, not the algae in the lake!

Keep phosphorus out of our lake. Spread the Word!

50-50 Drawing and the results of the Jet Ski Silent Auction

Table decoration disposal.

Thank you for coming!

Now go and “Spread the word” about the Cobbosseecontee Yacht Club


Motion to adjourn this CYC Annual Meeting until the second Sunday in July, 2011.