Coastal Issue Workshop
“Remote Sensing of Intertidal Shellfish Habitats”
June 27-28, 2003
Kimbel Lodge, Georgetown, SC
ACE Basin and North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserves
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Marine Resources Division
South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium
Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, SCDHEC
Friday, June 27
8:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast (provided)
9:00 Welcome, Introductions and Orientation to Intertidal Systems
Dr. David Bushek, Associate Professor, USC Baruch Marine Field Lab-Organizer
Dr. Loren Coen, Associate Marine Scientist, SCDNR, Marine Resources Research Institute- Organizer
9:15 South Carolina's Intertidal Oyster Survey and Management System
Bill Anderson, SCDNR, Office of Fishery Management
Mike Yianopoulos, SCDNR Office of Fishery Management
9:45 Aerial photographic assessments of intertidal oyster reefs: historical analyses and GIS-based automated analyses
Dr. Ray Grizzle, Research Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire
Jamie Adams, Research Technician, University of New Hampshire
10:45 Mapping Intertidal Oysters with Airborne Multispectral Imagery: A South Carolina Pilot Project
Mark Finkbeiner, Benthic Mapping Project Leader, NOAA Coastal Services Center
Bill Stevenson, Marine Scientist, NOAA Coastal Services Center
11:45 Lunch (provided)
12:30 Field Trip to Oyster Landing/Baruch Lab at Low Tide (bring sunscreen, hat, etc.)
2:00 CICEET-funded Mapping of DNR Jones Creek Area: Hyperspectral, LIDAR, Digital Multispectral Camera
Dr. Dwayne Porter, Assistant Professor, USC School of Public Health
Laura Schmidt, Resource Coordinator, North Inlet-Winyah Bay NERR
Jeff Vincent, Researcher, USC Geography Department
3:00 Acoustic 101
A Comparison of Mapping and Characterization Techniques for Subtidal Oyster Reefs: Using Acoustic Techniques, Underwater Videography, and Quadrat Counts
Dr. Ray Grizzle, Associate Research Professor, University of New Hampshire
Dr. Semme Dijkstra, Research Scientist, University of New Hampshire
Jamie Adams, Researcher, University of New Hampshire
4:00 Survey of Southeastern North Carolina Intertidal Oyster Reefs
Dr. Martin Posey, Professor, UNC Wilmington
Agenda (continued)
4:30 Potential for utilization of remote sensing techniques in quantifying and characterizing intertidal oyster habitat in Southwest Florida estuaries.
Dr. Mike Savarese, Associate Professor, Florida Gulf Coast University
Dr. Greg Tolley, Associate Professor, Florida Gulf Coast University
5:00 The Use of Remote Sensing in Local Planning
Karen Cullen, Senior Planner, Town of Hilton Head Island
ACE Basin Land-Use Initiative
Sandra Upchurch, Reserve Biologist, ACE Basin NERR
5:30 Break
6:30 Low Country Boil and Barbeque Dinner (provided, on-site)
Saturday, June 28 – At the Baruch Marine Field Lab
8:00 Continental Breakfast (provided at the Kimbel Lodge)
8:30 Review and Outline Day’s Activities/Drive to Field Lab
9:00 Quester-Tangent Presentation/Field Demo
11:00 Discussions and Questions/Interactions Among Attendees
12:30 Lunch (provided)
1:00 Field Trip to North Inlet (please bring boots, sunscreen, hat, etc.)
4:00 Development of Summary Document (distributed to all participants after meeting)
Dr. Ray Grizzle
~5:00 Adjourn