Coaching Conduct and Playing Rules

**We observe IHSA or NFHS playing rules unless noted in our rules**

Coaches Conduct

OGFA supports good sportsmanship in the interest and welfare of the players, coaches, parents, and fans. Good sportsmanship is the attitude and behavior that exemplifies positive support for the program. All players, coaches, parents, and fans are expected to demonstrate respect for others and display good sportsmanship at all times. OGFA has adopted a "Zero Tolerance Policy" to be enforced during all OGFA sponsored activities and events. Any person(s) demonstrating disrespectful or abusive conduct will be asked to leave OGFA sponsored activities or events. Repeat or flagrant acts could result in the removal of the program. In promoting the goals for establishing a safe, sports related environment, we strictly prohibit bullying or the act of bullying by any person(s) associated or affiliated with the OGFA. All known or suspected incidents will be investigated on a case by case basis. Person(s) engaged in bullying will be subject to one or more of the following disciplinary actions; meeting with parent/guardian(s), suspension, termination or referral to law enforcement agencies.

The Ottawa Girls Fast‐Pitch Association (OGFA) is an organization that operates for the betterment of the girls of Ottawa and the surrounding area. Our mission is to help them learn the fundamentals of Girls Fast‐Pitch Softball, develop good character building during critical growth years, be part of a competitive team, grow socially and mentally as a player, encourage acquaintances and friendships among the players, parents and coaches.

Last but not least, to have fun.

  1. Only the head coach may address an umpires’ decision, call a time out or make a visit to the pitchers’ mound. These occasions can only be performed during a dead ball, an official time out, the end of an inning or at the discretion of the umpire. No coach or assistant coach may be left alone with any non‐family player.
  2. Coaches will be responsible for all equipment issued at the start of the season. All coaches will sign out their equipment. Within one week after the tournament is completed, the equipment will be signed back in with a board member. No OGFA equipment may be used for post season play without approval from the OGFA board.
  3. No girl may sit out for two (2) consecutive innings. Exceptions include sickness, injury, parental or guardian decision or a player displaying non‐sportsmanship like conduct. (Report the incident to an OGFA board member after the game)
  4. Strike zones are at the umpire’s discretion. Umpire’s strike zone is final. No arguing balls and strikes. Coaches will be warned one time. Second offense may result in ejection and repetitive violations will be addressed by a board member.
  5. A maximum of 4 coaches (non‐players) are allowed in the dugout. Coaches on the field and the scorekeeper are included in this total.
  6. Coaches from both teams are required to rake the infield after the last game. Home team is responsible for removing bases and placing base plugs after last game.
  7. Coaches from both teams are required to report final score.

Player Safety

  1. Sliding is legal and should be encouraged. Players need to slide to prevent flagrant contact. Players are required to slide feet first on a play involved at home plate, the runner will be called out for not sliding. See 10U Rule # 5
  2. No jewelry allowed (rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings). Hair restraints should not be hard plastic.
  3. Any player catching a pitcher while either squatting or in a kneeling position during warm‐ups or before a game and during practices must have on catcher’s mask.
  4. All pitchers will wear face guards while pitching during games or practice. Heart guards are available at the concession stand. See Inst Rule # 10
  5. Players will use official ASA certified softball bats in good condition.
  6. Bats should not be thrown at any time. This applies to coaches, parents, players and volunteers.
  7. Helmets must meet NOCSA standards, have face guard and chin strap which should be buckled by all offensive players while inside the field of play.
  8. Face guards for pitchers must be solid color plastic or metal.
  9. All players must wear long pants and closed toe athletic shoes or non‐ metal cleats. Team Uniform shirts are required for the game. See SWS Rules for HS

Pre Game

  1. It is mandatory that each visiting team supply (1) person to operate the scoreboard for the duration of the game. No game may start unless these individuals are present. Game timers will begin regardless of staffing. Game will begin when staffing has been fulfilled.
  2. Each team will compete with a minimum of (6) players listed on its’ roster. A forfeit will be declared if one or both teams cannot field a minimum of 8 players (see Inst/tball rules). A forfeit is considered a loss for one or both teams not able to compete with the minimum number of players. If necessary, a team will be allowed to compete with 8 players. While using 8 players, the eighth batter in the lineup becomes the last batter. There is no automatic out applied to the 9th batters opening. No batter will be allowed to bat twice in an inning prior to the last inning in any league. A team will be allowed to insert a ninth batter (when and if available) even after completing a portion of the game. In case of a double forfeit, each team will be assessed a loss.
  3. If a team cannot field (9) players, teams are allowed to call up players based on the following restrictions: 1) Player must be in the final year of the next lower level, or in same level; 2) All players used must get at least one at bat; 3) Roster players have priority until subs are made; 4) Call ups must bat at bottom of original order and play in the outfield. See Inst Rule # 2
  4. Coaches should exchange lineup cards 20 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time. Teams should be ready to take the field, and only with the agreement of both coaches, a game may begin no more than 5 minutes before the games starting time.
  5. Infield practice before the start of the game is at the discretion of the umpire. If a team is not on the field at their scheduled game time, they lose their infield practice. At no time should infield practice delay the start of the game. No one may practice on the pitcher’s mound or in the batter’s box prior to games played. Teams may use outfield grass or enclosed bullpens.
  6. No soft toss off any fence or back stops unless a waffle or nerf ball is used.
  7. No games will be rescheduled except for inclement weather, or special circumstances deemed by the OGFA board.

Playing Rules

  1. If a game in progress is called by an umpire due to inclement weather, the game shall be considered suspended before 4 completed innings and will commence with the same batting order of players present at point of suspension at a later date. If play has gone beyond 4 completed innings when called, the score shall revert back to the end of the last completed inning. If the visiting team trails after completing its 4th at bat the game is official.
  2. No inning can begin after the 1 hour and 30 minutes expires except in a tie. The start of an inning is defined as the 3rd out of the previous inning. See Inst Rules for Instructional time limits.
  3. After the completion of the last inning in regulation or when the time limit has expired and the score is still tied, the tie-breaker procedure will begin. This would involve the last batter of the previous inning, whose turn at bat had been completed, assuming a position on second base. This would be done at the beginning of each half inning; until, at the conclusion of a full inning, a winner is determined. If a tie exists after one inning of play a second and final inning will be played under the same rules. Two innings maximum will be played in overtime. If a tie remains at the end of the additional innings, the game is over and both teams are issued a tie. Batting order remains the same and no 9th batter rule applies, regardless of inning. See Inst Rules
  4. Slaughter Rule is 10 runs after 5 innings. Home team reserves last at bat. See 10u Rule # 3 / See Inst Rules for runs per inning.
  5. If the visiting team leads by 8 runs or more at the start of the last inning of a regulation game, the home team shall bat to start the inning. The visitors retain the use of their last at bat if necessary.
  6. Consecutive batting order will consist of a full rotation. All players must bat before the lineup starts over. A player arriving late (when lineups are exchanged) must be placed at the bottom of the lineup.
  7. The 9th batter of the inning is the last batter. An automatic two outs are applied when the 9th batter is present for their at bat. Upon a walk, or hit by pitch all runners will advance one base from current position and the inning is over. If a runner is at 3rd, runner will advance home and run scores. The inning will also end when the 3rd out is recorded, or a defensive player with control of the ball touches home plate. 9th batter rule applies until the last inning of every level. The last inning a team will bat around until all 3 outs are recorded. See Inst Rules
  8. No DH/EH/FLEX/TWIN PLAYER allowed.
  9. Bunting and slapping is allowed. See 10U Rule # 7 / See Inst Rules
  10. Stealing is allowed. See 10u Rule # 5 / See Inst Rules
  11. No intentional walks.
  12. Umpires have the discretion to speed up the game between innings. There is no infield after the first inning, no warm up balls. Pitcher gets 5 warm up pitches and throw down is completed on 5th pitch. No around the horn, ball is returned to pitcher to begin inning.
  13. Coaches are encouraged to use a courtesy runner for the pitcher and catcher any time. Courtesy runner is defined as the batter (player) who made the last out.
  14. Free defensive substitutions are allowed in all levels including pitchers. See 10u Rule # 4

Adopted 2/15/2015