Coach Grant Scheme: Application Form and Guidance
The Tennis Foundation (TF) is excited to introduce our Coach Grant Scheme supporting disabled people involved in disability tennis through the TF’s Network Programme to enable them to gain coach education up to an LTA Level 2 coaching assistant.
If successful in your grant application the TF will support you with a grant up to a maximum of £200 which much be used towards the cost of a tennis coaching education course (a Course). Please note that bursaries will be paid retrospectively on completion of a Course and you may be required to provide evidence of attendance on a Course.
In order to be eligible to receive a grant you must satisfy the Eligibility Criteria set out below. Eligible applications will then be reviewed by the TF’s selection panel on the basis of the Application Criteria set out below. We have a limit to the number of grants we can give in any one year so this offer may be withdrawn at any time.
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible to be considered for a grant you must satisfy the criteria set out below:
- Be resident in the UK.
- Be aged 16 or over.
- Have a physical, sensory or cognitive impairment/condition that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on the ability to do normal daily activities (i.e. disabled).
- Evidence via medical letter on request.
- Detail the confirmed dates of the course/qualification you are booked on.
- All coaches accessing funding will be asked to report back to the Tennis Foundation on the impact of their coach qualification within six months after receiving the Grant.
Application Criteria
If you satisfy the Eligibility Criteria set out above your application will be considered by the TF’s selection panel (consisting of two members of the TF’s Disability Development Team). The panel will review your application and supporting statement and your application will be assessed on the basis of the criteria set out below:
- How you will use the qualification gained as a result of the grant
- How the grant will contribute to your personal development
- How the grant will contribute to your career development
Application Form
About you / grant applicant
Date of birth
Gender (delete as appropriate) / Male / Female / Prefer not to say
Telephone number
Email address
Current coaching qualifications
Do you have any of the following physical, mental or medical conditions that affect your movements, senses or activities?
Select all that apply and please provide further details – note this information will be kept strictly confidential and only shared if we have your permission to do so
Physical impairment or mobility issuee.g. Cerebral Palsy, spinal injury, limb lossLearning disability*
Hearing impairment
Visual impairment
Mental health issue (please state)
Long-term Medical Condition (lasted, or likely to last for at least 12 months) – If you are happy to specify, please do.
Other (please specify)
None of the above
*note we are currently not counting learning difficulties as a disability, such as dyslexia, within the criteria of this application
Qualification/education course you wish to undertake
Course titleCourse provider
Course date
Course venue
Current volunteering/coaching commitments
Venue/organisationHow long have you been volunteering or coaching?
Are you involved in any Tennis Foundation activities?
How do you plan to use this coaching qualification?
Venue/ organisationWhat tennis sessions will you be supporting?
Course Support
The TF can provide further support to a number of Coach Education Centres and Course providers around reasonable adjustments you may require to access the course. In order to do this and help them support you please do let us know if you require any adaptations to be made to the coaching course you have booked yourself on below. Also in order for us to be able to support them please give us your consent to share this information only with the Course Provider and Governing Body of Tennis which is the LTA.
I hereby give the Tennis Foundation consent to share my data on this form with the LTA and (if applicable) the Course Provider for the purposes only to help support them in any reasonable adjustments I may need to access the coaching qualification.
Supporting Statement
Please use the space below to tell us about why you are applying for the grant. Please include as much information as possible (up to a maximum of 300 words) and let us know how:
- You will use the qualification gained as a result of the grant.
- The grant will contribute to your personal development.
- The grant will contribute to your career development.
- The grant will contribute to/benefit your local tennis venue e.g. how many sessions will you be involved in/what type of sessions will you be involved in?
Please use this space to tell us about why you are applying for the grant.
I confirm the information in this form is correct.
By signing this form you agree, if successful, to complete the full stated qualification.
The TF may ask you to tell us about your experience on the course and how you have used and benefitted from attending the course. By signing this form you agree that such information and any information submitted as part of this application (including but not limited to the supporting statement) may be used by the TF for the purposes of promotional activity in order to encourage more people to get involved in tennis (including published on the TF’s website and social media accounts), and you agree to the use of any such information and any other details and/or materials submitted as part of the application and for any other promotional purpose the TF may deem appropriate.
By signing this form you consent to the use of your personal data for the purpose of administering the TF Coach Grant Scheme and for the promotional purposes set out above, sufficient to enable TF and its licensees to comply with their obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 and any other applicable legislation.
Please return your application form to:
Disability Coach Grant Scheme, Tennis Foundation, National Tennis Centre, 100 Priory Lane, Roehampton, London SW15 5JQ
Or via email: (subject – Disability Coach Grant Scheme)
Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I apply for a Grant?
Please download the Coach Grant Scheme application form, complete and return to the Tennis Foundation (details found on the form).
- What courses can I use the Grant for?
The Grant can be used for LTA Levels 1 and 2 tennis education coaching courses and any Tennis Foundation disability courses (e.g. CPDs, workshops etc). We would consider other courses if further information was provided within the application.
- How much can I receive?
If successful in your application the Tennis Foundation will support you with a grant up to a maximum of £200 which goes towards the cost of the tennis coaching education courses.This will be paid after successful completion of the course.
- When will I be informed if I have been successful or unsuccessful?
The Tennis Foundation will aim to notify you if your application has been successful or unsuccessful four weeks after your submission.
- How will I receive the Grant?
If your application is successful then you will be asked to provide your bank details so that the Tennis Foundation can pay the grant into your account. Please note that grants will usually be paid retrospectively on completion of a Course and you may be required to provide evidence of attendance on a Course.
- Do I need to do anything in return?
In return for providing the Grant, the Tennis Foundation will request the following:
- You are encouraged to complete a follow up form highlighting how you have benefitted from the Grant (this will be sent six months after your application has been approved).
- You are encouraged to support to your local venues and help with any events in the area.
- I’ve had my application turned down, can I apply for the Coach Grant Scheme more than once?
You can apply for the Grant a maximum of twice in a calendar year, if you have been issued a grant you are ineligible to re-apply for another grant.
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