BIOLOGY Syllabus

Coach Amanda Bracewell

Email address:

Room Number: 2212

Phone Number: 281.641.6678/281.641.6858

Conference Period: 2nd

Welcome to Biology 2010-2011! Biology is one of the most exciting subject areas to study in all of science. In this course, you will discover that Biology is truly “the study of life”. The first semester in Biology will include the mastery of fundamental concepts such as kingdoms, classification, taxonomy, ecology, cells, cell cycle, and DNA. The second semester will continue with protein synthesis, gene technology, genetics, and body systems. It is our goal to ensure that all students are successful in this course as we work together in order to prepare them for a successful career and life!

Class Policies/Expectations:

•Please get to class on time! Tardies are strictly enforced and will be handled by your House Principal. My rule is that you must be in your seat when the tardy bell rings.

•Be prepared! Please bring your binder, pen, pencil, and highlighter to class every day. You will not be allowed to go to your locker once the bell has rung, so please don’t ask!

•Pick up all hand outsand clickers as you enter the classroom on the designated table.

•Be seated immediately upon entering the classroom and begin working on your warm-up.

•Please keep up with all assignments by referring to the classroom board or class website. It is your responsibility to check!

•You will be given only 1 copy of any handout that is distributed. It is your responsibility to keep track of your papers. If you lose a handout please see the website to download an additional copy.

•You are responsible for leaving your desk and lab area in tip top condition. Please do not write on desk top or lab tables.

•Always demonstrate RESPECT for yourself, your classmates, and the teacher. Bullying or making fun of others will NOT be tolerated.

•Take responsibility for your learning - be actively involved by participating, listening, taking thorough notes, and producing quality work.

•You are responsible for your own work. Cheatingwill NOT be tolerated. In my classroom, cheating includes both the giving and receiving of information on anything that requires individual effort. This includes tests, lab, homework assignments, quizzes, lab drawings, and projects. Any instances of cheating will result in a zero on the assignment, a Saturday class, and a “U” in conduct. I will also notify your parent(s) immediately.

•All school rules apply in this classroom.

Class Materials:

1. Textbook: (Issued) Biology, Prentice Hall; Miller and Levine

2. 3-Ring Binder with 5 Dividers: Create the following sections using your dividers: Notes, Worksheets & Vocab,

Labs & Activities, Quizzes, and Paper. You must keep ALL graded work that I return to you in your notebook

for the entire year.

3. Pen, Pencil, & Highlighter: You must have a working pen, pencil, and highlighter everyday. Borrowing from a

classmate on a daily basis is not acceptable.

5. Lab Fee: In lieu of buying various supplies for classroom use, there is a $5.00 lab donation fee for all

science classes. This fee will allow us to buy the necessary supplies for the classroom to last throughout the

year. You may bring cash, or a check made out to KPHS Science.

Class Website:

Go to the Humble ISD website listed above. Click on the link for campuses, and then select KingwoodParkHigh School. Once you are on the KingwoodPark web page, find the link for faculty web pages. Lastly, click on Bracewell, Amanda. You will need (and want  ) to reference this web site quite frequently to check for our class calendar, upcoming assignments, worksheets, homework, test dates, final exam reviews, etc.; so you might want to bookmark this site or add it to the favorites section of your computer. I will try to post most of my material on my website, so if you ever lose/forget something, check here before you ask me for a new copy!

Class Work and Make-ups

1. All class work/homework should be turned in to the appropriate class period boxupon entering theclassroom.

Assignments turned in on the due date, but after the beginning of class will be considered late and

will receive a maximum of 75. Assignments turned in one day after the due date will also receive a maximum

of75. Assignments turned in 2 days late will receive a maximum of a 60, 3 days late a maximum of 50. Any

work turned in after the 3rd day (or not turned in at all), will receive a zero.

2. If you are absent, please refer to the weekly calendar (in class) or to my web page calendar to see what

assignments you missed. Then, either see me for any handouts you might have missed, or download them from

my web site. If you missed notes, you are responsible for copying notes from a classmate. In addition, if you

are absent for a lab, you will either need to make up the lab (if possible) or you will be provided with an

alternative assignment that will count as a lab grade and it will be due one week from the date of the

absence. Failure to turn in the alternative assignment within one week will result in an automatic zero.

3. If you are absent for a test, a make-up test must be taken within one week of the absence. Make-up tests for

Biology will be administered in room ______on ______mornings from 6:30 – 7:17, or

______afternoons from 2:40 – 3:30. If you are unable to attend a make-up session, please

come seeme so we can set up a time that will work for you. Failure to make up a test within one week of an

absence will result in an automaticzero.


1. Tests may cover information from one or more chapters. The material for your tests will come primarily from

class notes; however, information from the text, labs, worksheets, etc. may also be included.

2. Biology tutoring will be held……

  • Monday & Wednesday PM2:45-3:15 Room 2212
  • Tuesday & Friday AM6:45-7:15 Room 2212
  • NHS Tutoring – Tuesday & Thursday PM3:00-4:30Library

Please come to tutoring with questions. This time is designed to help you work through areas of difficulty so

that you gain an understanding of the material. I do not hold test review sessions!


1. Your six-week grade in Biology will be determined according to the following formula:

Summative = 60% - tests, projects

Summative Link = 20% - labs

Formative =20%- daily grades, quizzes, worksheets, homework

2. Semester exams count 20% of your semester average in high school. You may choose to exempt two exams

per semester,although the same exam cannot be exempted both semesters. In order to exempt a semester

exam, all of the following criteria must be met:

a. 80 average for the 3 six week grading periods

b. 3 absences or less per semester

c. 1 or no Saturday classes per semester

It is a pleasure to have you in my Biology class this year! My goal as your teacher is to ensure that each of you has a positive science learning experience! If you ever have any questions or concerns, please let me know either by phone, e-mail, or in person. I am looking forward to a terrific year together!  Coach Bracewell