CO8.01: IGU Applied Geography Commission

Meeting of the Commission in Ericeira, Portugal

18-22 July, 2010

Venue for meeting and accommodation

Vila Gale Hotel, Ericeira

1 Largo dos Navegantes, Ericiera



[As at 6 June 2010]


Travel by coach from Lisbon to Ericeira

Participants will be provided with transport from Lisbon to Ericeira which is located on the coast approximately 50km northeast of Lisbon.

[All participants will receive detailed information within one week]

17.30: Welcome reception (informal)

All participants and their partners are invited.


09.00-9.15: Opening of the Meeting

Outline of the Commission’s third book project

Robert Stimson (Commission Chair) and Kingsley Haynes (Commission Secretary)

Local arrangements

Lucinda Fonseca

09.15-10.00: Keynote Addresses 1


Robert Stimson (University of Queensland, Australia)


From politics to policy: The strength of soft power in a ‘weak’ public policy

João Ferrão (Institute for Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal)

10.00-1.00: 1st Scientific Papers Session


Antoine Bailly (University of Geneva, Switzerland)



Spatial modelling, GIS and network analysis for improving sustainability of transport aggregates in the U.K.

Chengchao Zou, Mark Birkin, Graham Clarke (University of Leeds, UK)


SMILE - An applied spatial microsimulation model for Ireland

Karyn Morrissey (National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland), Graham Clarke (University of Leeds, U.K.), Cathal O’Donoghue (ERRC, Ireland), Stephen Hynes (National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland)

11.00-11.30: Coffee break


Assessing support for rural innovation in the U.S.

Kingsley Haynes (George Mason University, USA)


Economics of space: Estimating the economic significance of a NASA testing facility

Michael Carroll (Bowling Green State University, USA)



13.00-14.00: Lunch (provided)

14.00-17.00: 2nd Scientific Papers Session


Kingsley Haynes (George Mason University, USA)



A geographic perspective on the demographic, economic and social evolution of Europe: CEG’s participation in the ESPON 1.1.4 project

Diogo Abreu (University of Lisbon, Portugal)


Medicometry: A new field in applied geography

Antoine Bailly (University of Geneva, Switzerland)



15.15-15.45: Coffee break


A network-based approach for business location decision-making in the cities of Geneva and Lyon

Stephane Joost (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland)


David v’s Goliath: A case study of a local automobile dealership’s fight to save its territory

John Lombard (Old Dominion University, USA)



17.15-18.00: Applied Geography Commission business meeting

All participants invited


Robert Stimson (University of Queensland, Australia)


The meeting will discuss the AGC agenda of activities for:

(a) the remainder of 2010;

(b) 2001 when the IGU Regional Conference will be held in Santiago, Chile; and

(c) 2012 when the IGU Congress will be held in Cologne, Germany, at which the Commission’s 3rd book will be launched.


Informal drinks in hotel bar.

On your own for dinner this evening.


09.00-12.30: 3rd Scientific Papers Session


Lucinda Fonesca (University of Lisbon, Portugal)


Spatial optimization: Expanding emergency services to address regional growth and development

Alan Murray, Daoqin Tong (Arizona State University, USA)


Urban growth in the Brisbane-South East Queensland region and its implications for emergency services provision: A Geographical Information Systems-based approach

Jonathan Corcoran, Robert Stimson (The University of Queensland, Australia)


GIS to support school network planning in Estonia

Edgar Sepp (University of Tartu, Estonia)

10.30-11.00: Coffee break


Using GIS to assess the economic, fiscal and development impacts of toll roads in the Dallas (Texas) region: A 40 year perspective

Bernard Weinstein (Southern Methodist University, USA), Terry Clower (North Texas University, USA)


Les espaces technopolitains face au development durable: Modeles, constraints, qualities

Ismail Haddad (University of 7 November at Carthage, Tunisia)



12.30-13.30: Lunch (provided)

13.30-17.30: 4th Scientific Papers Session


Graham Clarke (University of Leeds)



The Lisbon metropolitan area: The geographer and the spatial planning challenge

Jose Manuel Simoes (University of Lisbon, Portugal)


Designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating an urban community development program in Portugal

M. Lucinda Fonseca (University of Lisbon, Portugal)


Helping community groups to address urban planning issues in a gipsy deprived neighbourhod: Geographical experiences from Perpignan in a post-riot contest

David Giband (University of Perpignan, France)



15.15-15.45: Coffee break


Hydropower in the Chilean Patagonia: Evaluation of socio-economic conditions for resettlement and/or compensation of rural inhabitants

Frederico Arenas (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile)


Local master plan for biospheric conservation and development: Concept, methodology, and application

Eliahu Stern (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)


The pros and cons of Florida’s creative class and its geographical responses to the great recession

John Rees (University of North Carolina, USA)



17.30-17.45 Close of meeting

Robert Stimson and Kingsley Haynes

18.00 for 18.30: Drinks and dinner (at 20.00)

All participants and their partners invited


Restaurante Esplanada Furnas

Rua das Furnas, Ericeira
tel + 351 - 261864870


08.15-17.45: All day field trip to the West Region (Região do Oeste) of Portugal

Transport by coach.

All participants and their partners are invited.

The field trip will include visits to urban historic centres, wine producers, fishing villages, nice beaches, and golf and beach resorts.

There will be a stop for lunch which will be provided.

During part of the afternoon there will be a discussion with local officials.


Informal drinks in the hotel bar

On your own for dinner this evening


09.15: Return by coach to Lisbon via Sintra and the west coast of the Sintra-Cascais region.

12.30: Arrival at Lisbon Airport

Guidelines for chairs and For speakers and the preparation of papers


Chairs are requested to ensure that there is strict adherence to the time table.

Scientific paper presentations are each allocated a 30 minute time slot in the program, within which the presenter should take no more than 20-25 minutes for the presentation of the paper with 5-10 minutes available for discussion.

There is a 15-30 minute time slot programmed at the end of each of the scientific paper sessions for general discussion.

Scientific paper authors and presenters:

Authors are requested to prepare a full paper not exceeding 30 pages of text:

·  The text should be in 12 point New Times Roman type using 1.5 spacing.

·  An abstract of no more that 250 words in to be included at the beginning of the paper.

·  Please use bold type for main headings and bold italics for secondary headings in the text. Figures and tables are to be included at the end of the written text, each on a separate page.

·  Footnotes are permitted but are to be kept to a minimum. Include acknowledgements at the end of the text before the listing of references.

·  Keep tables and figures to a minimum (as a guide no more than 6 or 7).

Prepare your paper bearing in mind that it will be a draft of a chapter for consideration for inclusion in the Applied Geography Commission’s third edited book on Applied Geography (edited by Robert Stimson and Kingsley Haynes) to be launched at the next IGU congress in Germany in mid-2012. The theme of the book is on demonstrating how geographical concepts, methods and tools have been used to address a specific issue of public policy, planning or business concern as demonstrated through a specific funded project undertaken by the authors in collaboration with a public sector or community sector agency or with a business or industry organization. The chapters are to demonstrate the role of ‘geographers at work’ in the real world.

Thus, in preparing your paper for presentation at this Portugal July 2010 meeting of the Applied Geography Commission you might wish to structure your written paper in the following way:

·  At the outset clearly state what project on which the paper is based was about and how the collaboration with the public or community sector agency or the business or industry group came about.

·  Demonstrate how the project relied on specific geographic concepts, methods and tools and how those were essential to address the issue being investigated.

·  The bulk of the paper should focus on the key findings and their significance.

·  Conclude the paper by showing hoe geography/geographers is crucial/useful in the broader context of the investigation undertaken, and refer to any on-going collaboration that has come out of the specific project reported in the paper.

Remember that you have a maximum of 20-25 minutes to present your paper. Power-point presentations are encouraged.

Please bring 20 copies of your paper for circulation at the meeting.

You will be asked to revise your paper in light of discussion and feedback received at the Portugal meeting and to provide tha revised paper in the form of a chapter for the book by the end of November 2010. The editors will commence the editing and review process in December 2010. The intention is to have the manuscript with the publisher by September 2011.

Negotiations are well advanced with Routledge press as the publisher of the book.