August 28, 2017


StuCo Meeting- There is an all council meeting today after school in 207. All officers, members, and prospective members are encouraged to attend.

The Serteens student organization will have their first meetingtomorrowTuesday August 29th at 8:10amin room 417. EVERYONE is invited to attend. There are no requirements to be in this service organization. Please see Coach V with any questions.

FCCLA -Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America is meeting today,Monday, Aug 28at4:05in room 143. We will be selecting our Homecoming king and queen nominees. All students that were members last year and students who are interested in FCCLA this year are invited to attend! Drinks and snacks will be served!

MU ALPHA THETA - Is the national honor society of mathematics!If you excel in mathematics and would like to participate in national mathematics exams, please attend an informational meeting onTuesday 8/29either before or after school in room 222. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Frazier in room 222.


Freshmen:If you haven't gotten your free spirit t-shirt, come by room 207 to get yours!

T-Shirts for Sale: Students and staff looking to upgrade their spirit gear can do some bargain shopping for t-shirts in 207. Older t-shirts are $5, new shirts are $10. Get yours today!

Homecoming Dance: The Homecoming dance is Sat., Sept. 9thfrom7-11 pm. Tickets will be on sale this week--1 for $12, 2 for $20. Tickets at the door will be $15. Get your tickets!

Student Section:Interested in being a Student Section Leader at the games? We're organizing to be even MORE awesome. There will be a Student Section leader meeting onThurs 8/31 at 4:30


We would like to cordially invite you to attend OpenHouse at East View HS on Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2017. This will be a great opportunity to visit with your student's teachers. Open House will be held as a come-and-go event from 6:00-8:00 pm, so please feel free to visit with us at your convenience. We look forward to seeing you!


To assist seniors in their college application process GISD is hosting a Senior Night Parent and Student informational on Thursday, Sept 21st, from6:00 – 8:00 pm, at East View’s cafeteria. This is an opportunity for seniors and their parents to receive information and insight into both the college application and the FAFSA process. Please save the date and plan to attend this event


Are you interested in running for class officer? Would you like to represent your class? Be a voice for the freshman class? If so, please stop by room 318 and pick up an application from Mrs. Stephens, your class sponsor.


If you still need your ID, you may get them in the morning starting at 8 am. I will also be doing them during all lunches. If you need to you may schedule a time with Mrs. Perez.