Club Advisor & Coach HANDBOOK


Table of Contents

Information onStarts on Page #

Advisor Responsibilities 2

ASB Club Application (annual charter) 2

Budget 3

Activities, Events & Fundraisers 3

Meetings / Meeting Minutes 4

Field Trips 5

Fundraising 7

Donations / Gift Acceptance 8

Purchases/Purchase Orders 8

Posters, Fliers & Publications 9

Student Body Office/ Student Store 9

Forms & Samples See Exhibit

Club ConstitutionA

Club Budget WorksheetB

Club Permission SlipC

Club Charter Application D

Activity Request FormE

Fundraising Request FormF

Club Minutes G

School DriverRegistration FormH

Field Trip Permission/Parent Consent FormI

Panther SlipJ

Gift Acceptance FormK

Spirit Shirt ApprovalL

Electronic versions of the above forms are available on line or as an e-mail attachment by requesting them through the Student Body Office.


This student body accounting and activity information is designed to provide assistance to school administrators, faculty advisors, coaches and bookkeepers to comply with the legal requirements, school district policies, and good business practices. Well-defined procedures make everyone’s job easier.

Proper record keeping and accounting requirements for Associated Student Body funds will involve effort and time. However, accepting these fiscal responsibilities enhance the public’s trust.

Associated Study Body activities provide an excellent opportunity for students to learn, among other things, the “ins” and “outs” of good fiscal procedures. This makes it imperative that person whose responsibilities are to guide the students to fully understand the proper handling of Associated Student Body Funds.

Advisor Responsibilities

  • Oversee and supervise the organization of all club activities.
  • Support school wide activities.
  • Assist student officers in completing the annual club charter process by facilitating meetings to

To complete a club charter a constitution and budget must be submitted to the Student Body OfficebyOctober 10th for club recognition.

Revise/Approve/Sign and Date club constitution (See Exhibit A)

Develop/Approve/Sign and Date annual budget (Exhibit B)

Collect permission slip for each club participant (Exhibit C)

Turn in all required paperwork for activities, fundraisers, and field trips by established timelines.

  • Check eligibility of all club members quarterly.
  • Keep accurate financial records for all fundraisers and expenditures.

ASB Recognition of a Club

To establish or re-charter an ASB Club your group must annually meet the following criteria:

  • Have a minimum of 10 interested students.
  • Have a certificated faculty member to serve as advisor.
  • Elect officers.
  • Develop a constitution, annual budget, and collect permission slips from all members (Exhibit A, B, C). All forms due to the Student Body OfficebyOctober 4th.
  • Complete an ASB Club Charter Application (Exhibit D).

Each club/organization that has an ASB account that does not follow the above guidelines each year will be considered inactive. A fiscal year is from July 1 – June 30. An inactive club account will be closed on June 30th, and any remaining revenue will be transferred to the general ASB account.


A completed budget shows the expected course of action for the school year and serves as a guide for planning, operational control, and coordination. The budget should list all income sources and expenditures. In establishing revenue and expenditure estimates, it is difficult to anticipate all activities that will take place in a given year. A simple method of projection is to relate past performance to what is planned for the future. In other words, estimate next years receipts and expenditures by relating them to the past years receipts and expenditures. See the bookkeeper for reports to help this process.

  • Budgets can be updated at anytime throughout the year.
  • No club shall charge dues/fees as a membership requirement.
  • No club, class, sport or other ASB organization will be allowed to conduct fundraising events without a current budget and approved fundraising request form on file.
  • Advisors and club officers are encouraged to consult the Student Body Office, ASB Treasurer, or bookkeeper if budget assistance is needed.

Club financial statements that can be used to develop and/or monitor a club budget are provided quarterly and are available from the school bookkeeper upon request.

Activities, Events & Fundraisers

(See Fundraising Section for more specific information on club fundraising)

Step 1 –Important – Make Your Request

  • Submit an Activity Request (Exhibit E) and/or Fundraising Request (Exhibit F) to the Student Body Office
  • Wait for written/ASB Approval

All activities and/or fundraising events prepared, given, or sponsored, by a club or class may be considered school sanctioned activities. These activities are governed by established MCS student conduct codes and require prior approval. Prior approval can be secured by submitting activity request and/or fundraising request forms to the Student Body Office at least 3 weeks in advance. If the activity is a field trip, submit the required district Activity Request at least 3 weeks in advance. The Activity Request will be approved or denied subject to the availability of date, previously scheduled events, and facility availability. Often rooms are secured for district or community events unrelated to ASB. It is possible to have an event approved but have no facilities available. District and/or board approval are needed for some events. Plan early to avoid conflicts. A signed copy of the Activity Request will be returned to you as soon as all of the necessary approvals are obtained. Do not hold your event or fundraiser until you have received your copy of the signed activity or fundraising request form.

Step 2 – Get to Work – Set timelines, get materials, delegate jobs

  • No activity should take place unless class or club members are willing to carry out their responsibilities. Teacher advisors are responsible for the completion of the activity. It is imperative that club members and advisors assume responsibility for securing help needed for decorating, clean up, return of materials, and deposit of funds.
  • Students are not permitted to be out of class to conduct club business. Special permission must be obtained from the Activities Director for any exception to this rule a minimum of 1 week in advance.
  • During any school sponsored activity the teacher advisors act as the representative for MHS and are the sole adult responsible for the event. The teacher advisor must be present at all on or off campus activities involving students.

Step 3 – Final Report

  • At the conclusion of a fundraiser, submit a report of sales that identifies any discrepancies between the projected sales and the actual amounts collected. There are various forms available from the bookkeeper to assist with this process.

Meetings / Meeting Minutes

The Associated Student Body (ASB) organization and each club within the organization are required to keep minutes for each meeting. The minutes should include details of all proceedings including financial matters pertaining to any expense to be incurred, all fundraising ventures, all account transfers, and approval of funds to be invested or loans to be made. Each motion must be reported in the minutes. The motion must be stated and the person who made the motion and who seconded the motion must be named. Copies of all minutes must be submitted to the Student Body Office on a monthly basis. Failure to do so may result in the club being placed on inactive status.

Club Minutes Example (See Exhibit G)

Advisor Responsibilities

  • Be present and not leave students unattended at any club meeting.
  • Ensure that accurate minutes are recorded and kept on file for each meeting. All fundraising decisions and approvals for purchases required to be recorded in the minutes. Submit copies of all meeting minutes to the Student Body Office on the first Tuesday of each month.
  • Facilitate revisions to the budget as needed to add new activities and/or purchases. Submit the revisions to the Student Body Office upon club approval.
  • Be present when cash is collected, counted, and documented by students. Receipts must be issued to purchasers and cash should balance to the receipt totals.
  • Ensure that deposits are made intact and a financial summary is completed after the completion of fundraisers. Make same-day deposits & never secure money in classroom.

Student/Student Officer Responsibilities

  • Be in constant communication with club advisors about planned events and meetings. Notify and publicize meeting dates & times to the general student population.
  • Elect or designate a person that will be responsible for the accurate recording of minutes at each meeting. Minutes should be approved by the club and include written record of approval for all fundraising decisions or purchases.
  • Consider and refer to the budget when making financial decisions.


Field Trips

The purpose of an ASB field trip is to promote the social welfare of the club members and/or augment and enrich the instructional process. ASB field trips are usually scheduled to take place after school, on evenings, or weekends to not interfere with the instructional day. Any field trip must be approved through the district field trip procedure. Any overnight or out of state field trip requires school board approval 1 month in advance. More detailed information regarding field trips is available in the Student Body Office.

Note: All school rules & the student code of conduct apply while on field trips and school sanctioned activities.

The following forms are required for all school sponsored field trips and are available in the Student Body Office:

Field Trip Activity Request Form (NCR form available in the Student Body Office)

Activities Request Form (NCR form available in the Student Body Office)

Transportation Request - if bus is needed

Parent Driver Forms – if parents will be transporting students (Exhibit H)

Parent Consent Forms/Permission Slips (Exhibit I)

Panther Slip (Exhibit J)

  • Must be emailed to staff and Attendance office 2 weeks prior to event.

Field Trip Important Information

  • Teacher advisor must be present on all field trips.
  • For any field trip it is recommend that there is a 30 students / 1 teacher (adult chaperone) ratio. For any field trip that is overnight, it is recommended to have a 25 students / 1 teacher (adult chaperone) ratio.
  • Overnight field trips require a minimum of 1 male and 1 female chaperone, which would include the teacher advisor.
  • A First Aid kit is required to be on all field trips. Notify the school nurse if you will need one for your trip.
  • Take attendance and submit list to the attendance office.
  • If a student is found in possession of an illegal substance, the teacher advisor is required to call the principal or principal designee immediately.

MHS Field Trip/Activity Request



  • This process takes time. Submit request 4 weeks prior to the event
  • Subs are limited, please request early. If no substitutes are available, coverage must be in-house
  • Any special transportation requests (i.e., Storer busses, shared busses) must be communicated in advance to the Curriculum Office and communicated on the form. (576-4441)
  • Do not go on your trip without receiving both site and district approval. Call the system ahead of time to report your absence.
  • All students must have a signed Parental Authorization form to participate. Any extended day or overnight trip also requires a guardian signed Waiver of Claims. Both forms are available in the Student Body Office.
  • Out of state/country field trips require board approval. Please contact the Student Body Office2-3 months in advance for more information.
  • Students shall not be charged field trip related fees when the trip is part of the District’s educational program.
  • Questions? Call 576-4464 or stop by the Student Body Office.


Anytime items are sold, admission is charged, or funds are solicited in any way, the activity is considered a fundraiser. Outside groups may not solicit funds from students or conduct fundraisers on campus without the expressed written consent of the MHS ASB. Chartered ASB Clubs may obtain permission to fundraise through the written permission of the ASB and administration.

The following legal, district, state, and ASB regulations and procedures apply to all fund raising activities:

  • Written permission must be obtained from the ASB prior to any fund raising items being purchased or money changing hands. Written permission is obtained by submitting a completed fundraising request form (Exhibit F). The following legal requirements will be taken in to consideration when approving or disapproving fundraising requests

Fund raising events should not be scheduled in a manner as to not conflict with other school-related events, nor should they place an undue financial burden upon students.

No two clubs will conduct like fundraisers on the same dates.

Only one fundraisers per quarter is allowed and may run for no longer than 2 weeks.

  • Fundraising events should be directed toward the attainment of specific goals and objectives of the club or organization. Fund raising should be planned and conducted in a manner to teach sound, ethical business practices.
  • Fundraising may not take place without a current budget on file in the Student Body Office.

Fundraising Advisors Responsibilities

  • Advisors will make arrangements for cash boxes and securing funds with the bookkeeper in advance of the scheduled fundraiser.
  • The Faculty Advisor along with student organization prepares preliminary revenue potential for the fundraiser.
  • Student signs out inventory from Faculty Advisor.
  • Student signs in submission of money or tickets or inventory to Faculty Advisor.
  • Faculty Advisor reconciles money and inventory and prepares fundraising form or tally sheet to submit to ASB Bookkeeper.
  • Faculty Advisor deposits money with the ASB bookkeeper, which in turn, issues a receipt at the time of deposit. Keep pink copy of deposit. (Deposit slips must have 2 signatures and the club account number).
  • A final sales analysis is prepared and any discrepancy is explained.
  • A copy of sales analysis is given to the ASB bookkeeper & a copy is provided to the Student Body Office.
  • At no time should cash or checks be held in classrooms, cars or homes with the final deposit. Deposits should go to the bookkeeper immediately after collected.

Fundraising Restrictions & Considerations

  • Food Items
  • No items can be offered that are in direct competition with Nutrition Services.
  • No sale of gum or food products that do not meet district standards.
  • No sale of home baked items.
  • A district permit must be secured in order to use the school kitchen for any breakfast/dinner or BBQ. Contact the Student Body Office to request a permit at least 1 month in advance.
  • Car Washes
  • A facility request must be on file in order to have a car wash that takes place on campus. Submit the facility request form to the Student Body Office. Confirm needs with the head custodian.
  • Due to state law and/or insurance stipulations, the following will not be conducted by any student group:

Games of chance – lottery, drawing, raffle (Keep your game legal – See the Student Body Officefor more info).

Any activity using a dunk tank.

Donkey Basketball or any like activities using live animals.

Any activity where objects are thrown at a live target.

Donations/Gift Acceptance

The Request for Acceptance of Gift Form shall be used whenever the Associated Student Body receives a gift or donation. Turn in a complete form to the bookkeeper who will send it to the school board for approval. (See Exhibit K)

It is the faculty advisor and/or principal’s responsibility to determine that the gift is usable. The district is not required to accept materials or equipment that it cannot use.

Student body organizations do not have the authority to issue a potential donor a federal tax ID number. All associated student body clubs operate under the tax-exempt status provided to Modesto City Schools as a governmental organization. They are not not-for profit-organizations. If a donor indicates that they must be given tax ID # as a condition of the donation contact the Activities Director to assist.

Purchases/Purchase Orders (Exhibit L)

All disbursements of ASB club funds must be made in accordance with an established system that encompasses sound elements of internal control, good accounting practices, and conformity with regulations prescribed by the school district Board of Education. (See Education Code 48933.)

Purchase orders must be submitted for prior approval by the clubs & student council for purchases of merchandise or service. Thus, a student body is not obligated to pay for an expenditure ordered by a teacher, student, or other person who has not first received a approved purchase order from the ASB bookkeeper. These orders are pre-numbered and are to be used as follow: (See Exhibit L)

1. White copy- Audit record retained by bookkeeper

2. Yellow copy- Confirms purchase can be made by your club or team, not to exceed what has been approved on the PO.

Other matters to be kept in mind when purchasing is as follows:

1.Expenditures must be supported by invoices or other acceptable documentation.

2.Payment must be made only after evidence of receipt of the merchandise. Sign & date the invoice to indicate it is accurate & ready for payment.

3. All disbursements must be made with school issued checks. Never disburse cash.

  1. Open purchase orders are effective from the date of issue through June 30 of each year.
  2. Purchases against open purchase orders may not be made after June 30.
  3. Items purchased must be recommended by the site with an invoice presented to the bookkeeper by May 30th or payment will not be made until Sept. 15.

Prohibited Expenditures