Close Farm Surgery

Patient Newsletter

Spring Edition2017 47 Victoria Road, North Common

Warmley, South Glos BS30 5JZ

Tel: 0117 9322108

Easter opening hours

Please note over the Easter period we will beclosed on Good Friday (14th April) and Easter Monday (17th April). If you require urgent medical assistance which cannot wait until the surgery reopens at 8am on Tuesday 18th April, please contact the NHS-111 service. Calls to the NHS-111 service are free from both a landline and mobile phone.

Extension of additional extended hours pilot service

We are pleased to report that our pilot project working with our neighbouring practices in Cadbury Heath and Kingswood to provide additional extended hours surgeries Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings has been extended until the end of September.

The service offers doctor, nurse and healthcare assistant appointments from 6.30 – 8pm on a Monday evening at Close Farm. If there isn’t a GP appointment available here when you want to book one, then you may be offered an appointment at another surgery close by.

Age UK

We are working with Age UK to try and improve the wellbeing and quality of life for older people over the age of 50 living with a long term condition. By long term condition, we mean congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, asthma, mental illness, cerebrovascular disease or renal (kidney) disease. Our clinicians will identify patients who they feel will benefit from the services and input of Age UK and with their consent refer them for support. The Age UK personal independence worker will then contact the patient and arrange to visit them at home and identify what assistance is required as part of a guided conversation. This could be anything from arranging community transport to social activities to prevent isolation and loneliness, or even help in claiming financial assistance.

If you would like to be referred to this service, please speak to your GP at your next appointment and we can arrange a referral.


Please can we remind patients that samples must be brought in before 11 o’clock. This is so they can be processed and sent off in the lunchtime collection. We cannot guarantee that samples brought in after this time will be processed the same day and may need to be repeated.

Updated website

We have recently been updating our practice website with more information to assist you. Updates include our doctor’s normal working days, details about new services we are offering and information on how to access support locally. We would welcome any comments on the website and any suggestions of things you would like us to include.

Ordering of prescriptions

Please note that in order to maintain the safety of our prescription service we do not accept requests for medication over the phone. The reason for this is some telephone calls to the practice are not clear and some medications sound very similar. Patients can easily get confused with doses and we would not want to make a mistake in issuing the incorrect drug. We would ask that patients either use our on-line service to order medication (you will need to register for this service – please see reception for a PIN number), drop off a completed counterfoil at the surgery, or speak to your chemist who can order the medication for you. We hope patients understand the reason for this, that your safety is our priority.

Continuity of care

We have always prided ourselves in the continuity of care we provide to our patients. Our GP’s have their own list of patients who they get to know and who they look after. We know with the changes the practice has experienced over the last 12 months this has at times not always been possible, but we would ask that for your care you see the same doctor where possible.

Changes to patient transport services

Non-emergency patient transport services transport is available for eligible patients for medical reasons and is for planned, non-emergency transport to and from NHS hospitals and clinics across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire, including outpatient departments, inter-hospital transfers, renal dialysis, oncology centres and your home.

From 1st April all non-emergency patient transport will be provided by E-zec Medical Transport Services. Patients or their carers are now asked to book their own transport by calling 0300 777 66 88 rather than contact the practice.

Transport is only available for eligible patients who need the support of clinically trained staff and or medical equipment during their journey.

Temporary residents

If you are a temporary resident who is staying in our practice area, but are not registered with the practice, you can see a doctor if you have an URGENT medical problem only. This provision is not for patients with ongoing or routine medical issues (such as repeat prescriptions) which should be dealt with by your own GP when you return home. If you are staying in the area for more than 3 months you should register as a permanent patient with the practice. Unfortunately the surgery is not a walk in centre; routine or long term medical conditions are best managed by your own GP who has all of your medical records to hand and can deal with ongoing medical problems.

Dementia friends

In January some of our staff underwent training from the Alzheimer’s Society and are part of the ‘dementia friends’ network. The session was very informative and allowed us to ask questions on what we as a practice can do to become more dementia friendly and most importantly raised awareness of this disease. Look out for our badges which identify us as being a ‘friend’.

Parking charges at the RUH

We have been advised that blue badge holders who wish to use the RUH need to log their vehicle at the hospital. You can do this by visiting the main hospital desk and producing your documents or calling them on 01225 824110 and then presenting your blue badge for data validation at the main reception desk when you next use the hospital. Each blue badge holder can register up to 3 vehicles. Once registered and confirmed patients will still need to display their badge in their vehicle while parked. If the main disabled car park is full, patients can park in any of the pay and display car parks free of charge when you display your blue badge.

Travel forms

With many patients now planning exciting summer holidays, please can we remind patients to complete a travel form in sufficient time – at least 8 weeks prior to travel. Our practice nurses can then assess what travel immunisations are required before you go abroad. Not all vaccinations are covered by the NHS, some vaccinations or medications will carry a charge. Please ask at reception for a travel form, complete the form then ring us a week later to enquire if an appointment for vaccinations is necessary.

Our doctor team and their normal working days

  • Dr Luke Parker–Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
  • Dr Lesley Haynes – Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (morning)
  • Dr Ash Singh – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
  • Dr Gill Degens – Wednesday Friday
  • Dr Jody Craft–Monday, Wednesday & Thursday (morning)
  • Dr Oliver Bradford – Monday (morning), Thursday & Friday

Our doctors rotate the on-call clinician andwe offer extended hours surgeries on either a Monday or Tuesday evening each week – please see reception for details. When the surgery is closed, out of hours cover is provided by the NHS-111 service. Calls to the NHS-111 service are free from both a landline and mobile phone.

Useful telephone numbers to help you

Age UK0117 929 7537

Alcoholics Anonymous 0117 926 5926

Alzheimer’s Society0117 961 0693

Care Forum0117 965 4444

Citizen’s Advice Bureau0844 826 9688

Cossham Hospital0117 340 8400

CRUSE Bereavement 0117 926 4045

Diabetes Education (local)0117 959 8970

Domestic Violence Unit Thornbury0117 945 5984

Kingswood Community Travel

(Dial & Ride and Green Community Travel)0117 961 6016

Macmillan Cancer Support0808 808 0000

National Dementia Helpline0845 300 0336

NHS Smoking Helpline0800 022 4332

Pregnancy Advisory Service (Marie Stopes)0845 300 8090

Relate0117 942 8444

Royal United Hospital, Bath 01225 428 331

Samaritans 0845 790 9090

Samaritans, Bristol office 0117 983 1000

Silver Line (helpline for older people) 0800 4708090

Social Services (South Glos)01454 868 007

South Glos Drugs Project0800 073 3011

Southmead Hospital0117 950 5050

St Martin’s Hospital, Bath01225 831 500

St Peter’s Hospice, Brentry 0117 915 9400

The Carers Support Centre0117 965 2200

United Bristol Healthcare Trust (BRI, BCH)0117 923 0000

Yate Minor Injuries Unit 01454 315355

If you would like this newsletter in a large print, please let us know