Cloning and Copying Contacts
There is still some confusion over when to Clone a contact and when to Copy contacts. This document aims to explain the two processes.
Cloning a Contact
What is Cloning?
Cloning a contact creates, in effect, a duplicate contact with the ‘opposite’ gender and title to the original contact. The new contact will have the same address and home phone number as the original contact.
When should I Clone?
If you have added one parent in to the system and wish to add a second parent at the same address (even if they have different surnames) you should Clone the first parent. Then all you have to do is enter a first name for the new contact (and edit the surname if it is different) and any other phone numbers, as well as the usual relationship details.
When shouldn’t I Clone?
If the parents are separated, and live at different addresses, then it is probably easier to add the second parent as a totally new contact. If you do clone the first parent, you would then have to delete the address and home phone number from the cloned contact.
Copying Contacts
What is Copy Contacts?
Copy Contacts allows you to add the same contacts to a pupil as a sibling. It does not copy any other details from the sibling, so you must add in the home address and phone number of the pupil manually.
When should I Copy Contacts?
When you add a pupil with a sibling already in school, you should ALWAYS copy the contacts from the sibling, as this will then create a Family Link between them.
When shouldn’t I Copy Contacts?
If a pupil has a sibling, there is no reason not to Copy Contacts. However, there has been an issue with certain pupils where copying contacts has failed to bring the contacts across. In these cases, you have to add the contacts using the New button, enter their name and when a match is found, use that existing record. The Family Link should still be created.
Family Links
When you have copied contacts from one sibling to another, a Family Link should be created. If it is not, check that the parents have the Parental Responsibility box ticked for both pupils.
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