Clintonville Energy Collaborative Monthly Meeting

February 12th 2018


Ryan Ludwig (new), Craig Foster, John McDermott, Eugene Beer, Gerry Fiegelist, Mac Crawford, Debbie Crawford, Robert Eves (new), Joe Marek, Jocelyn Nevel, Janeen Sands, Karen Day, Brian Brown, Wendy Ellis, Marty Ellis, Greg Pace, Julie Kronenberger

Foster Project Tour

Meeting was held at Craig Foster’s home on W. Schreyer. Craig gave us a tour of his new solar system that is up and running. It includes an LG wall battery.15 panels, 240w each, 5100 kw system, LG battery and aux service panel to run off-grid when grid is down

Robert Eves – TinyHomes with solar

Robert explained his intentions to create a tinyHomes initiative in Columbus. Came to us because he wants to understand how to include having panels on the homes.

  • 20x20 sq ft
  • Community for future, solar
  • 2-3 acres new generation lifestyle
  • Wants CEC to help with how to do the solar
  • Central Ohio
  • HGTV show on Tiny Homes -Wendy Ellis
  • AZ of CO LuxTiny
  • Col. Shelter board has been getting grants for people with issues, etc.
  • Grant commons on Parsons is for homeless - Wendy
  • Modern Tiny Living – (Dispatch in July) - plan on community 100 mi. from Columbus – Janeen

Robert’s contact info:Phone: 614-607-8644, Email:


Treasurer Report - Karen day

CEC bank account:$940.24

2017 income tax should be about $100 like last year. Karen agreed to do our taxes this year again.

Other topics – Future of CEC structure

Debbie Crawford sent an email to board to consider letting non-profit org status and registration with the state lapse or be dissolved. The status was needed to help with liability issues, but we are becoming more about education than barnraisings, so the need to be a registered non-profit is less relevant now.

Suggest we don’t take dues in 2018 (no taxes) and propose we have a get together to discuss vision.

Clinton Heights church is scheduled for our Monday, April 9thMeeting - agenda suggestions:

  • Craig Foster can give legal update
  • Whetstone project (solar parking lot)– pursue this with City? Craig will look into it and Suzanne knows some of the latest about City of Columbus Electric perspective on this. City’s efforts are on the SmartGrid. Solar is part of that, but most in Linden etc. with transportation. Bus stops with solar chargers for wheel chairs.
  • Greg suggested that ‘Yes We Can Columbus’ platform is for 100% renewable energy in Columbus. We can support them.
  • Learn from our project owners. At April 9th meeting, have them give pointers.
  • New technology updates, maybe from Eugene?
  • Maybe have a public meeting (more widely advertised) for others to here updates and learn?

Homeowner project updates

  • Diane Harry project update- needs structural reinforcement because new metal roof heavier,needs more beefing up for solar. Roof updates/changes/procedures need to be factored into solar planning.
  • Dan Turner is doing his project on his own.
  • Karen Day may be considering installation.


  • Mac Crawford presented CEC at Citizens Climate Lobby event at Northwood and High on Saturday, Feb. 10th
  • CEC can help people focus on efficiency as well as renewables
  • We could still do charrettes but need critical mass of people. Spring or fall might work for timing.We seem to do the charrettes well, and they have gotten projects started. Even though we aren’t “barn raising” anymore, this still is a great way to get people focused on their projects.
  • CrestFest in August on Crestview is still a good way to spread our message
  • Maybe consider solar energy tour in Clintonville similar to or with Green Energy Ohio tour in October

Next meeting:

Monday, Apr 9th at Clinton Heights Lutheran church.