Revised 3/18/13

Clinton Valley Youth Baseball, Inc

Babe Ruth Baseball, Cal Ripken Division Special Major and Minor League Rules

The Babe Ruth League, Cal Ripken Division Baseball Rules and the Official Rules of Baseball

will be used for all major and minor league rulings except for the variations below. The Official Rules of Baseball are reprinted with the permission of Major League Baseball and included in the Babe Ruth League Rulebook. All managers and umpires should receive a new Rulebook and these local rules prior to the start of each season and have both of them in their possession at all games. Without a rule book and these printed local rules for reference you are out of luck because any protest must be announced at the time of the decision.

  1. Equipment and Uniforms
  1. Only approved CVYB equipment or equipment conforming to Cal Ripken Division baseball specifications may be used.
  1. Anything lost will be paid for; anything broken or in poor repair will be replaced by the league.
  1. No bats in the fences; bat racks will be provided
  1. Practice and game balls will be provided, as well as rulebooks, icepacks and scorebooks.
  1. Non-league issued bats must conform to Cal Ripken Division Rules, meaning the barrel must not exceed 2 ¼ inches in diameter. All bats conforming to this restriction are legal whether they are metal, wood or composite material. There are no weight/length differential restrictions for Cal Ripken division bats. Big Barrel bats are not permitted in Cal Ripken Division play (i.e. bats whose barrel exceeds the 2 ¼ diameter restriction). Any player using a non-league issued bat in a game must make that bat available to all players including those of the opposing team, otherwise the bat cannot be used for league play. Use of an illegal bat will cause the batter to be declared out and any and all runners will return to the base that they occupied before the hit. It is the Manager’s responsibility, not the umpire’s, to check all bats his players intend to use in the game.
  1. Managers - carry a rake, broom and shovel to groom the field before and after games.
  1. Uniform shirts and hats are provided by the league and are retained by the players at seasons end.
  1. Every player who takes the field must have a hat on. This is a small but significant safety factor in that the bill of the cap does provide some protection for deflecting a ball that might otherwise strike a player directly in the face.
  1. Managers are responsible for removing litter from their dugouts and playing area after each game or practice.
  1. Home team Managers are required to pick up and return bases.
  1. Winning team is required to call in game results ASAP.
  1. Practice Field assignments are only valid prior to the season. Once the season begins you must contact your league commissioner to determine field availability and to get permission to use the field for a practice. Games take precedence over practice.
  1. During games or practices players cannot wear jewelry, wrist watches, pins, earrings etc. on their body or uniform. Body piercing studs shall be covered with a band-aid or tape.
  1. Before the start of each game opposing managers shall exchange their batting lineups with positions. Each player must play a minimum of three defensive innings or 9 outs. However, CVYB strongly recommends that you play each player four innings or 12 defensive outs unless you are the visiting team and the game is over after 5 ½ innings or five innings in a mercy. Our program stresses learning at this age rather than competitiveness. No player shall sit out two consecutive innings.
  1. All players present will bat in a continuous batting order. A player arriving late can assume his normal position in the batting order if he has not yet come to bat for the first time. If the batting order has reached his designated position and he is not yet present, he will be moved to the bottom of the order if he shows up. If a player leaves the game for any reason no out will be recorded when his turn to bat comes up. Simply move to the next player in the order unless his leaving creates a forfeit situation as stated in Rule #5.
  1. A pitcher must pitch consecutive innings and if removed may not re-enter the game as a pitcher.

If a manager has a player who without good cause does not show up for games or practices, he may discipline the player by not playing him in his next scheduled game, providing the manager does the following:

  1. First he must notify the director of his or herdivision (i.e. majors, minors, etc) or the league President or Vice President. He must provide the reason he wishes to exercise the Discipline Rule. The league official will either approveor disapprove the request. If the league approves the request the manager must notify the parentsprior to the game. He must also notify the opposing manager before the game that the player is being disciplined.
  2. A player being disciplined may not be inserted into a game that is in progress for any reason. If another player is injured and cannot continue and the team does not have enough players to continue legally under the rules, the umpire shall call the game a forfeit. The player being disciplined cannot be used to avoid the forfeit.

A manager shall use care and discretion before disciplining a player. Your action must be justifiable. A player should not be disciplined due to the laxity of the parents. If a player missed a game or practice because his or her parents were not available or refused to transport him to the game or practice, this is not grounds for disciplining the player.


Minor league teams will play a maximum of ten (10) players in the field. If only ten (10) players are available to start the game, all ten players will be used and the discipline rule cannot be exercised. The 10th player MUST line up as a fourth outfielder. When ten (10) players are present, the defense will include a Left fielder, Left Centerfielder, Right Centerfielder and Right fielder. A minimum of nine (9) players will be used to start a game unless the opposing manager agrees to allow the team to play with eight (8). Once you agree to allow your opponent to start with only eight (8)players the game will be official and you cannot protest if you lose.


A minimum of nine (9) players will be used to start a game unless the opposing manager agrees to allow the team to play with eight (8). Once you agree to allow your opponent to start with only eight (8) players the game will be official and you cannot protest if you lose the game. If only nine (9) players are available to start the game the discipline rule cannot be exercised. If a team loses a player due to quitting or season ending injury, report it to the league and a minor league player will be advanced. Minor league players can also be brought up to the majors to avoid forfeits. If you need to bring up a player or players for a particular game, you must inform the league and also inform the opposing manager prior to beginning your game.


If a team cannot field at least nine (9) players within 15 minutes of game time, the umpire will declare a forfeit unless the opposing manager agrees to allow the team that is short players to play with eight (8) players. If you as a manager allow your opponent to start a game with

eight (8) players, that decision cannot later be rescinded. The game will go on as an official game and the results will stand. Under no circumstances will any team be allowed to play an “official game” with less than eight (8) players. Teams starting with nine (9) players who lose a player during the game due to injury will be allowed to finish with eight (8) players. Teams allowed to start a game with eight (8) players who lose a player during the game due to injury will forfeit.

The league detests forfeit situations as we are here for the benefit of the children. No team will be required to forfeit a game if they are missing players due to a school function. However, at the end of each game Managers should inquire as to who will not be able to make your next scheduled game. If it is discovered that you are missing multiple players due to a school function, report that immediately so that we can re-schedule the game. It also is a recommended courtesy to call your opposing Manager ASAP so that he can inform his players and parents that the game will be re-scheduled.

When a Forfeit does occur, we strongly recommend that the two teams engage in some type of scrimmage with the players who are available. The kids that are there want to play baseball and the parents that are there want to see them play. Our umpires are instructed that they are REQUIRED TO STAY and umpire your scrimmage in a forfeit situation since we are paying them to be there. Please advise the Head Umpire if your umpire does not stay in a forfeit situation because then we will not pay him.

Re-Scheduling Note – Only the League can re-schedule games. Managers do not re-schedule games. This is the only way we can maintain control and make sure that you have umpires available for re-scheduled games. The fact that a Manager or coach cannot be available for any game IS NOT a reason to reschedule. That is why you have assistants. The league will not reschedule games because a manager or coach has a conflict. The same is true for re-scheduled games. Most make up games are played on Saturday and if the manager is not available an assistant will have to manage the team.

  1. Base Coaching

Managers, coaches or parents may coach bases but not players. If you have an assistant who is under 18 years of age, they are required to wear a helmet to coach bases. Only the manager may talk to the umpire regarding calls. Managers or coaches shall not orally or physically gesture a call which is to be made. This includes calling of balls and strikes. Base coaches must remain in position during the inning. All other staff must remain in the dugout at all times. PENALTY – One warning per game then immediate ejection from the game on the second instance.

  1. Intentional Walks

There will be no intentional walks in the minors.

In the Majorsthe pitches must be thrown for an Intentional walk to occur and the ball is a live ball during the entire process. Base runners may attempt to steal at any time during an intentional walk. If the catcher leaves his box prior to a pitcher releasing the ball during an intentional walk it is a balk and all runners are entitled to advance.

  1. Stealing – Minors Only

Stealing of home on a wild pitch or passed ball will not be allowed. If the catcher or another fielder retrieves the passed ball and returns the ball directly to the pitcher, the runner on third base cannot come home. This also applies if the pitcher muffs the return throw or the catcher throws the ball past the pitcher. The only way a runner on third may steal home is if the catcher or pitcher attempt to make a play on him or attempt to make a play on another base runner. Attempting a play must include making a throw in an attempt to put a base runner out. Pitchers and catchers should be instructed that no matter what the runner on third does, if they ignore him and do not throw at him, he will be required to return to his base before the next pitch. Runners on 1st or 2nd also MAY NOT steal on the throwback to the pitcher even if the pitcher muffs the throwback. However, it is not a dead ball. If the pitcher or any other fielder retrieves the muffed throw and attempts to make a play on any base runner, the ball is alive and any base runner off his base may be put out. These modifications are designed to keep the games moving and to eliminate gamesmanship with a runner on third

  1. Infield Fly Rule – Minors Only

There will be no infield fly rule in the minors.

  1. Game Time and Time Limits

All games during the week start at 6:15. Forfeit time is 6:30. The time limit for all games, both Majors and Minors leagues is 2 hours. A new inning shall not be started after that time. The official time is the time when the last out of an inning is recorded. If the last out of an inning is recorded and there is one minute left in game time a new inning will be started. The exception to this rule is that ifthe umpire believes there will not be sufficient safe daylight to complete another full inning. Any ruling regarding remaining safe daylight is an umpires judgment call and not protestable. If the last out of an inning is recorded and two hours have elapsed from the start of the game the game is over. Games shall end in a tie score unless the time limit permits additional play.

EXCEPTION: In the case of a tie game, teams should attempt to break the tie if there is sufficient safe daylight even if the time limit has been reached.

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR MAY – It behooves you to get your games started on time in the first few weeks of the season. If both teams are ready to start five minutes early, start. The umpires are instructed not to let any new inning start if the following time has been reached:

Week One –8:05 Week Two 8:10

This is because any cloud cover (which is common in May) at this time of the year will make it unsafe for play after these times. The issue is not whether there is safe daylight to start an inning, it is having enough safe daylight to complete an inning. Even in week three if you don’t get started on time you could run into a problem where the umpire calls a game before the time limit because there is not enough “safe daylight” to complete another entire inning.

  1. Eighth Batter Rule – Minors

In all innings except the 5th, 6th and any extra innings there shall be no more than eight (8) batters. The 8th batter must either hit the ball or strikeout. If the 8th batter should receive four balls the offensive team will be awarded a base runner. This will occur once and only once. The player who made the last out shall put on a helmet and take first base. Any runners on the bases forced to advance by this runner shall do so including to score a run with bases loaded. Once the 8th batter has received four balls, the umpire will no longer call balls on the batter. The batter will retain his strike count and continue to try to hit the ball or be retired by strikeout. If the 8th batter hits the ball all normal baseball rules apply and any normal baseball out may be recorded through force or tag plays. Additionally, the defensive team may end the inning by throwing the ball home and touching Home Plate.

Examples of ending an inning by the 8th batter –

  1. Any third out is recorded
  2. Base runners or not, 0 or 1 out, a line drive or pop up is caught by an infielder. If caught by an outfielder, runners may tag up and attempt to score until a defensive player records a third out by putting out another runner or runners or by tagging Home Plate.
  3. If the batted ball becomes a hit, runners may score until a defensive player records a third out by putting out another runner or runners or by tagging Home Plate.
  4. Overthrow rules apply
  1. Talk Between Teams

There is to be no yelling, chatter or distracting talk between teams from the field or from the dugout. Base coaches shall not talk to or attempt to distract fielders. Only positive cheering for one’s own team is allowed.

  1. Pitching Rules

Any player on the roster may pitch. Previous game pitching assignments shall be exchanged by the managers prior to the game.

  1. A calendar week is Sunday through Saturday
  2. One or two game week
  • A Minor League pitcher may not pitch more than 2 innings per game and not more than

4 innings per week total.

  • A Major League pitcher may not pitch more than 3 innings per game and no more than 6 innings total.
  1. In a three or more game week a Minor League pitcher may pitch a total of six innings and a Major League pitcher may pitch a total of nine innings.
  2. If a player pitches in three innings or less, one calendar day of rest is required

Example: Sunday – Tuesday, Monday - Wednesday, Tuesday – Thursday