Clinical Self-Reflection Journal Prompts:

  1. Describe two defense mechanisms that you noted in your patients in the clinical setting, and give a specific example of their subjective or objective behavior that supports your assessment. What defense mechanisms have you used yourself? Give an example as well.
  2. List the psychotropic medications that your patient was prescribed. What is the indication for the use for this patient? List the drug classifications, potential side effects, and important nursing considerations. How do you feel about the use of psychotropic medications in general? Was the medication helping your patient? Describe the patient’s response to these medications.
  3. Describe a situation you observed in the clinical setting, where a patient was becoming agitated. Did you observe any of the staff using verbal de-escalation strategies with this patient? Describe the staff’s verbal and nonverbal behaviors. How did you feel when this was happening? Did you feel safe? Was there anything that could have helped the situation to be handled more effectively?
  4. Describe a time in your life that you felt isolated. What contributed to your feeling isolated, and what could have helped you in this situation?
  5. Describe one of your patients, according to Erikson’s stages of development. How was the patient doing in their progression, and was the patient successful in achievement of the task, or were there any conflicts or crises experienced in their progression? What stage do you see yourself in? Give an example of a stage specific challenge that you can identify with.
  6. Have you interacted with a patient with active psychosis in this clinical setting thus far? Describe how their impaired though process affected your ability to relate to them. What challenges did you experience? What positive symptoms were they experiencing and how did you assess these? How did you feel about the interaction? Did you use voicing doubt or attempt to reorient to reality? How was that received? If you did not encounter a patient with this experience yet, be sure to let your clinical instructor know, and view the following YouTube video, and reflect upon how you would feel working with this patient, and what statements you would make to this patient. ( insert sample simulation video of patient with psychosis here)
  7. Define the word ‘stigma’. Do you believe there is a stigma associated with mental illness? Why or why not. Give an example of something you observed in your clinical rotation that supports your position.
  8. Have you observed the use of seclusion or restraint in your clinical setting? Describe a situation where this was utilized. Were less restrictive measures applied before this level of care was utilized? What was the RN responsibility in this situation? Did you feel that the use was appropriate? Why or why not? If you have not observed the use of seclusion or restraint in your clinical rotation, research your state guidelines for the use of these interventions in your state, describe in detail. How would you feel about the use of these procedures?
  9. Describe one of your patients and the specific cultural considerations that impacted their treatment. What cultural affiliation did they identify with, and how does that culture perceive mental healthcare? What culture do you identify with, and what cultural considerations or needs do you have with respect to mental health? How would you convey these to your providers? How could providers for mental health be considerate of your cultural identity and values? (Note: Spiritual needs or consideations can be incorporated here as well).

Threaded Discussion prompts:

  1. In your initial post, list three areas of stress in your life today. Describe the effects of stress upon the brain and nervous system (cite source). Describe in detail a method that can be used for stress management (cite source).

Read three of your classmates’ stress management methods, and respond to them with feedback about their approach. (Are you familiar with the approach?). Choose one to try out, let the student know you are going to use it, and reply back to them again after you have tried it with your results.

  1. Tell about a celebrity who has experienced mental illness and shared their story with the media. How has this impacted your view about them, and your view of mental illness? Remember to cite your sources. Respond to two of your classmate’s postings regarding different celebrities.
  1. Describe a population that you have identified as being ‘vulnerable’ due to the experience of mental illness. Describe the increased risks that they have as a result. Describe some of the resources available for this group in your community. Discuss how you could advocate for this group, to help them to have better access to care, or to improve their outcomes. Remember to cite at least two sources in your initial posting. Read and respond to two classmates, using an additional citation of a source pertaining to their vulnerable populations.