Central Michigan University

Clinical Partnership and Practice Committee Meeting

November 4, 2015 Minutes

EHS 427, KulhaviConference Room, Education and Human Services Building

4:30 p.m. -6:30 p.m.


Jennifer Verleger

Ken Schafer

Dee Yarger

Betty Kirby

Katie Rinke

Karen Holton

Ann Owens

Veena Cole

Penny Lew

Heath Nestle

Jennifer Quick

Larry Corbett


Jason Gnegy

JoDell Heroux

Susan Wooden

Cindy Araway

Sheila Roupe

Megan Stembridge

Katie Hintz

Amber Yeagley

Kelly Dean

Laura Fox

Ben Jankens

Meeting Minutes:

The Meeting began at 4:35 p.m. with a welcome and introductionof Committee members for the purpose of introducing ourselves to the guest presenter, Dr. Kristina Rouech. Dr. Rouech came to the Teacher Education Program Fall 2013 and is the Lead Faculty Instructor of the EDU 107 Introduction to Education Course.

Agenda Items

1)Dr. Kristina Rouech – EDU 107 and Teacher Education Program Progression

-Dr. Rouech brought to the group several documents to help us understand the work that she has been doing to revamp the EDU 107 Introduction to Education Course. Dr. Rouech has revamped the course from large lecture format to smaller classes of 40 students or less. (see attachments) These students are required to get a minimum of 10 observation hours done during the EDU 107 course.

-Dr. Rouech also teaches the Honors Section of the EDU 107 course and has piloted group observations this semester. Students in this course will visit 2 elementary, middle and high schools of varying characteristics. There is a structured Observation Form Used for these visits that works to incorporate what students are reading in their text about teaching with what they are experiencing in their observations.

-The Honors course is also piloting a Group Interview Process that may be used eventually as an admission tool for the Teacher Education Program. The confidential Interview Evaluation Form was shared with the committee. Dr. Rouech is also looking at student data to determine future course direction, and retention of potential teachers.

-Dr. Rouech asked the Committee for feedback on what she might be preparing EDU 107 students to know, or do when observing? Heath Nestle stated that emphasis on Classroom Management is crucial. Even to have students consider scenarios where they are the only help to a situation, and have them problem solve their way through management scenarios. Heath also brought up that Observation students should be told that they should stand more than sit. Have them working with students, small groups, helping the host teacher, etc. so that the observer does not gravitate toward a “comfortable spot.” VeenaCole suggested that because time is such a premium it would be nice to have observers come earlier before school, or stay through lunch so that there would be able to have more time with prepping/debriefing the observer about their observations.

-Karen Holton brought up the dire need for Substitute teachers that all School Districts are experiencing. Would there be a way for the University to impress upon current Teacher Education students this need? Is there any help that the University is able to give to this crisis? Jennifer Verleger also mentioned that there is also a tremendous need for Para-Professional Subs and that the requirements for that are not as involved as the Substitute Teacher requirements. This situation is impacting days off, Professional Development attendance, etc. on the part of teachers.

-Betty did bring up that care has to be made with sending the youngest of the profession into circumstances that may drive them out of the profession, something that no one wants to see happen. How might that be curbed? It was discussed that there is a need for this matter to be brought up with the Legislature.

Dinner at 5:30 p.m.

2)Professional Development Items in P-12

-Dr. Kirby asked the P-12 Committee members to share Professional Development needs that they believe CMU might be able to partner on?

  • Dee Yarger suggested that new faculty that are non-tenured and in their first three years of teaching might benefit from having a CMU mentor that would be able to help with specific individualized plans, or goals that they set for their teaching career.
  • It may be beneficial for the University to develop a time that new teachers are able to come together and share professionally either with, or even without their mentor teachers. This would be a way to connect with CMU graduates, and monitor their progress in the field.
  • Heath made the point that often some of the best Professional Development is when there is time for sharing between colleagues of different buildings and districts.
  • Jennifer Verleger pointed out that over the past 3 years there have been approximately 62 new hires in their school district. While the district does currently have a mentor/mentee program, it might be something for CMU to come alongside and help the district, or even the local ISD/RESD’s partner together on programming for new teachers.
  • Jennifer Verleger brought up that she is more than willing to help CMU with surveying new teachers, and Dr. Kirby stated that she would be following up on that with Jennifer.
  • Dr. Kirby brought up the most recent Michigan Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (MACTE) gathering at CMU, and its discussion of building better partnership with the P-12 community. It would be great to be able to develop partnerships with surrounding districts so that they are not having to spend time building similar programs that Higher Education is also having to build, and vice versa. If there is a way to get that information out about requirements and how they must be addressed, there may already be a solution or answer close by to the matter. Ex. Cultural Competency, Staff Mentoring programs, etc.
  • Jennifer Verleger stated that bringing Poverty simulations to schools, Speakers to campus, or P-12 Professional Developments should be shared around the entire educational community, and possibly shared on costs?

3)Future Agenda Items –

-Ken Schafer would like to revisit some of the Professional Readiness Exam discussion points. Is it possible to see a test? Jennifer Quick will be sending the link for that.

-Potential discussion about STEAM and how it is being used/developed in the local school districts.

Next Meeting: Spring 2016 Meeting Dates will be coming in the near future. Suggestions were made that Wednesdays be avoided due to Professional Development Programs and Building Meetings. Might consider to meet on Tuesdays or Thursday evenings so that more members are able to attend. It was also suggested that the month of March be avoided as much as possible.