BMC Public Health Department - various duties
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai Public Health Department
Functions of Dispensary:-
  1. Clinical management on OPD basis.
  2. Immunization- polio, D.PT, Measles, Tetanus, Toxid, Typhoid.
  3. Preventive services.
  4. In upgraded dispensaries- Laboratory services- Urine, stool, HB blood, and Malarial parasite. (Out of 163 dispensaries- 60 are upgraded).
  5. Health Education to the patients attending the dispensaries.
  6. Medical examination of Municipal employees. On the whole, dispensaries, preventive, curative services to the patients.
Functions of Health Posts:-
  1. Conducting baselines surveys of the community (of about 65,000 population) residing with in the given geographical area.
  2. Enlisting the eligible couples, motivating them for adoption of small family norms and providing them with outreach services for contraception.
  3. Immunizing children against the 6 vaccine preventable diseases viz. children tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis and measles through fixed center based and camp approaches.
  4. Preventing and treating case of nutritional anemia in mother and children by distributing iron-folic acid tablets & syrup.
  5. Vitamin A syrup to all children as prophylactic doses for Vit. A deficiency.
  6. Oral Rehydration salt packets to children of under-five age group suffering from diarrhea
  7. Conducting Growth Monitoring Programme for children of under-five age group.
  8. Giving health education to all slum-dwellers.
  9. Detection and treatment of cases of Leprosy, Tuberculosis, AIDS and Malaria.
  10. Registration of unregistered births ad deaths.
  11. Detection of new home births and the motivation of such mothers to get their babies immunized.
  12. Establishing effective Management Information System including proper record keeping and timely reporting.
  13. Developing and efficient referral system.
Duties of Medical Officer of Health (MHO)-
1.To discharge efficiently the duties of the District Registrar of Births and Deaths as provided under Section 442 to 453 of the Bombay Municipal Corporation Act.
2.To see that proper record regarding births and deaths occurring in his ward, is maintained and to issue birth and death certificates in accordance with the record, whenever applied for.
3.To investigate cases of infectious diseases reported or occurring in his ward and to take the necessary preventive and controlling measures, such as: -
i.Coming the surrounding building to find out other cases.
iii.Collection of samples of water, food articles etc.
iv.Arrangement to carry out inoculation.
v.Educative propaganda in the locality.
vi.Steps for rectification of sanitary defects of premises as may help prevention of spread of diseases.
4.To investigate cases of food poisoning and to take necessary preventive measures.
5.To inspect the places for the disposal of the dead in regard to attendance of staff, amenities thereat, maintenance of register, cleanliness and other matters in connection with the disposal of the dead. Also to take timely steps to provides amenities required to be provided at the places.
6.To cause to make enquires about deaths in which no certificates of cause of death is provided at the places.
7.To cause to make enquires about unregistered births and to take necessary action for registration of such births.
8.To see that vital statistics about birth, death and diseases are maintained properly and to submit the information to the H.O’s office periodically and whenever called for.
9.To see that the nursing homes in his ward are registered as per the provisions of the Bombay Nursing Homes Registration Act, 1964 and the Rules & Byelaws thereunder.
10.To check up the dispensaries in his ward in all respects and to take necessary steps for its smooth & proper working.
11.To take steps to equip and start a new dispensary when ever a new dispensary is to be started.
12.To check up the work and attendance of mobile dispensaries.
13.To supervise the work of destruction of unwholesome food exposed or food exposed to contamination.
14.To inspect and control the food establishments and food hawkers and other trades covered under Section 394 and 412A of the B.MC Act in his ward under the provisions of licence and relevant provisions of the Act.
15.To implement the provisions of the Maharashtra Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1962 in regard to the licensing of trades and commodities covered by Rules.
16.To inspect by surprise, trades and operations in his ward to see whether they are carried on in comformity with the conditions of the licence they hold.
17.To inspect and control cinemas, drama theatres, and other places of public amusement under the provisions of relevant laws.
18.To cause enquiry to be made about maintenance of pauper lunatics as per section 62E of the B.M.C Act.
19.To attend and certify the packing having been done as per the rules, of dead bodies or ashes, etc. to be transported outside the limits of Greater Mumbai and to issue certificate for taking a dead body outside Greater Mumbai limits during non-working hours.
20.To supervise exhumation of body and to see that all the necessary sanitary precautions are taken and disinfectants freely used at the time of the operation.
21.To supervise and check up the work of and guide the staff working under him.
22.To dispose of papers in time and in accordance with the standing orders and circulars issued from time to time.
23.To maintain a field book of the work done in the field.
24.To perform any other work in connection with his duties as may be directed by his superiors.