Clinical Audit Skills Course (CASC) Application Form
PLEASE NOTE: Partially completed forms will be returned for completion and resubmission.
Part 1 – PersonalDetails / Assignment Number: / Type here. /
Name: / Type here. /
Preferred Email Address: / Type here.
Part 2 – Training
Event Details / Course / Module Event Title: / Clinical Audit Skills Course (CASC)
Course Start Date: / 09/03/2018
Course End Date: / 08/03/2019
Training/Education Provider: / Clinical Audit Support Centre, and LPT Clinical Audit Team
Part 3 –
Information / How do you foresee that taking part in the Clinical Audit Skills Course will benefit you,
your Service, and your Service Users?
Part 4 –
Authorisation / Signature of Applicant: / / Date:
(signature not required if sent from applicant’s Trust e-mail account)
Signature of Authorising
Manager: / / Date:
(signature not required if authorising manager is copied into the applicant’s e-mail)
Name & Contact details
of Authorising Manager:
Part 5 – Contact
Details / For queries relating tothe course:
Phone: 0116 295 0992
Clinical Audit Skills Course (CASC) ‘Expectations’
The Clinical Audit Skills Course, an externally accredited scheme, runs for 12 months, during which time learners will be mentored through completing a full clinical audit cycle, including change and re-audit.
There are two CASC ‘launch’ sessions per year, in approximately September and March. These half-day launch sessions will dove-tail with the running of the Clinical Audit one-day training, as new learners will be expected to attend both the launch session and the one-day training.
Projects will need to be completed within the 12 months (the start date for which is taken to be the date of the launch session attended). Potential participants will be encouraged to consider any other current studies or obligations they might have for the time period and whether commitment to CASC is possible.
Whilst a place on the CASC is free to recipients, there is a cost per learner, which is borne by the Clinical Audit Team. Because of this, we will need to review possible CASC projects and participants in advance, to ensure the usefulness to LPT of their intended project.
Learners will be required to submit two accreditable pieces of work: a clinical audit proposal form and audit tool, and the report at the end of their audit cycle. These items for accreditation are the LPT project proposal form and the LPT audit report template. (In other words, there is no additional work for the course; learners submit the LPT documentation that they would be expected to submit for any clinical audit completed in the trust.)
Learners will receive support from both an internal mentor (a member of the LPT Clinical Audit Team at Officer level), and an external mentor, (a member of the Clinical Audit Support Centre, through whom accreditation with the Open College Network is sought).
-The Clinical Audit Support Centre will run the Launch session, and guide coursework towards the standards expected for OCN accreditation.
-The LPT Clinical Audit Team will run the one-day training, assist the project through the LPT Clinical Governance requirements, and offer day-to-day guidance on any aspect of clinical audit within LPT.
Month / How far you should have reached by whenOne / Learners enrol on the course and are assigned a tutor. Learners receive a copy of the course guide and other relevant documentation. Learners should make initial contact with their tutor and select their audit topic.
Two / Learners search for best practice and identify suitable criteria and standards for their audit project. By the end of this month, learners should have completed their Project Plan and submitted it to their tutor.
Three / Learners should consider different methodologies for carrying out their audit. Learners will also find it useful to conduct a pilot audit to ensure that the adopted methodology is appropriate. Learners will also consider sample sizes, confidentiality issues, etc. and discuss these with their tutors.
Four / Learners should use month four to collect the first set of audit data.
Five / Learners should analyse the data that they collected in the previous month to find out if care meets pre-determined standards. The data analysis phase will also identify areas for improvement and trends.
Six / The next month should be used to identify and implement changes in relations to your audit. This will involve discussing results with team members in order to identify suitable improvements.
Seven/Eight / Allow a minimum of 2 months for changes to take effect and spend this period writing up your clinical audit report to date.
Nine / Carry out the re-audit by collecting a second set of data and analysing this. By the end of month nine, you should have completed your final project report and submitted this to your tutor.
Clinical Audit Skills Course (CASC) Application Form v1.0_2018