This section is for completion by Clinical Academic Teaching or Research Staff only. The information requested here is required by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), which collects data from all universities regarding their staff. Staff are only known to HESA by a code number allocated by their first University employer.

We are obliged under the Data Protection Act to maintain HR records as accurately as possible. We can only do this with your co-operation. Please therefore ensure that you notify us of any changes to the information you provide on this form.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Human Resources

Regulatory Body
Reason required by HESA: To identify the appropriate regulatory body for staff currently registered to practice in medical, health and social care professions.
Please tick up to two codes in the table below which identify the regulatory bodies with which you are registered:
General Medical Council (GMC) / □ 01
General Dental Council (GDC) / □ 02
General Optic Council (GOC) / □ 03
The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) / □ 06
Health Professions Council (HPC) / □ 07
General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) / □ 12
General Chiropractic Council (GCC) / □ 13
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) / □ 14
General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) / □ 15
Healthcare Professional Specialty
Reason required by HESA: To monitor the number of staff working in higher education institutions (HEIs) with particular clinical specialties.
Please tick up to three codes in the table below which identify your healthcare professional specialty:
Anaesthetics / □ 01
Obstetrics & Gynaecology / □ 02
Ophthalmology / □ 03
Paediatrics & Child health / □ 04
Pathology / □ 05
Psychiatry / □ 06
Radiology / □ 07
Surgery / □ 08
Physicians/Medicine / □ 09
Public health medicine / □ 10
Occupational medicine / □ 11
Dentistry / □ 12
General practice / □ 13
Infection/Microbiology / □ 15
Oncology / □ 16
Medical education / □ 17
Emergency medicine / □ 18
Others in medicine or dentistry / □ 21
Nursing / □ 31
Midwifery / □ 32
Health visiting / □ 33
Physiotherapy / □ 34
Radiography / □ 35
Occupational therapy / □ 36
Podiatry / □ 37
Speech & language therapy / □ 38
Art therapy / □ 39
Paramedic / □ 40
Orthoptics / □ 41
Prosthetics & orthotics / □ 42
Dietetics / □ 43
Healthcare scientists / □ 44
Pharmacy / □ 45
Clinical psychology / □ 46
Others / □ 51
Clinical Sub-Specialty
Reason required by HESA: To monitor the number of staff working in higher education institutions (HEIs) with particular clinical sub-specialties.
Please tick up to three codes in the table below which identify your clinical sub-specialty:
Anaesthetics / □ 101
Intensive care medicine / □ 102
Pain management / □ 103
Gynaecological oncology / □ 201
Obstetrics & Gynaecology / □ 202
Maternal & Fetal medicine / □ 203
Reproductive medicine / □ 204
Sexual & Reproductive health / □ 205
Urogynaecology / □ 206
Ophthalmology / □ 301
Medical ophthalmology / □ 302
Ophthalmic surgery / □ 303
Paediatrics / □ 401
Paediatric neurology / □ 402
Paediatric cardiology / □ 403
Neonatology / □ 404
Blood transfusion medicine / □ 501
Chemical pathology (including Clinical biochemistry) / □ 502
Clinical cytogenetics & Molecular genetics (Radiotherapy) / □ 503
Cytopathology / □ 504
Forensic pathology / □ 505
General pathology / □ 506
Laboratory haematology / □ 507
Histopathology (including Morbid anatomy) / □ 508
Immunopathology / □ 509
Neuropathology / □ 510
Paediatric pathology / □ 511
Child and adolescent psychiatry / □ 601
Forensic psychiatry / □ 602
General (Adult) psychiatry / □ 603
Old age psychiatry / □ 604
Psychiatry of eating disorders / □ 605
Psychiatry of learning disability / □ 606
Psychotherapy / □ 607
Clinical radiology (including Diagnostic radiology) / □ 701
Nuclear medicine / □ 702
Breast surgery / □ 801
Cardio-thoracic surgery (including Thoracic surgery) / □ 802
Colorectal surgery / □ 803
General surgery / □ 804
Gastrointestinal surgery / □ 805
Neurosurgery / □ 806
Oral & Maxillofacial surgery (where employed by the medical school) / □ 807
Otolaryngology (including ENT surgery) / □ 808
Paediatric surgery / □ 809
Plastic surgery / □ 810
Transplantation surgery / □ 811
Trauma & Orthopaedic surgery / □ 812
Urology / □ 813
Vascular surgery / □ 814
Acute medicine / □ 901
Allergy / □ 902
Audiological medicine / □ 903
Cardiology / □ 904
Clinical genetics / □ 905
Clinical haematology / □ 906
Clinical immunology / □ 907
Clinical neurophysiology / □ 908
Clinical pharmacology & Therapeutics / □ 909
Dermatology / □ 910
Endocrinology & Diabetes mellitus / □ 911
Gastroenterology (including Hepatology) / □ 912
General (Internal) medicine / □ 913
Genito-urinary medicine / □ 914
Geriatric medicine / □ 915
Neurology / □ 916
Palliative medicine / □ 917
Rehabilitation medicine / □ 918
Renal & Transplantation medicine (to include Nephrology) / □ 919
Respiratory medicine / □ 920
Rheumatology / □ 921
Sports & Exercise medicine / □ 922
Stroke medicine / □ 923
Toxicology / □ 924
Public health medicine (including Community medicine) / □ 1001
Occupational medicine / □ 1101
Endodontics / □ 1201
Dental general practice / □ 1202
Dental public health / □ 1203
Oral medicine / □ 1204
Oral surgery / □ 1205
Orthodontics / □ 1206
Paediatric dentistry / □ 1207
Periodontics / □ 1208
Prosthodontics / □ 1209
Restorative dentistry / □ 1210
Surgical dentistry / □ 1211
Special care dentistry / □ 1212
Oral & Maxillofacial surgery (where employed by the Dental school) / □ 1213
Oral microbiology / □ 1214
Oral pathology, Oral & Maxillofacial pathology / □ 1215
Oral radiology, Dental & Maxillofacial radiology / □ 1216
General practice / □ 1301
Infectious diseases (Communicable diseases) / □ 1501
Medical microbiology & Virology / □ 1502
Tropical medicine / □ 1503
Clinical oncology (including Radiotherapy) / □ 1601
Medical oncology / □ 1602
Medical education / □ 1701
Surgical education / □ 1702
Accident & Emergency medicine / □ 1801