{Client’s Company}

Competitive Analysis

Created by

{Your Name}



Competitive Positioning

Market Profiles

Market Segmentation Profile: {Market A}

Market Segmentation Profile: {Market B}

Value Proposition

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis Summary

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Competitive Positioning

What sets your product, service and company apart from your competitors? What value do you provide and how is it different than the alternatives?

Competitive positioning is about defining how you’ll “differentiate” your offering and create value for your market. It’s about carving out a spot in the competitive landscape and focusing your company to deliver on that strategy. A good strategy includes:

Market profile: size, competitors, stage of growth

Customer segments: groups of prospects with similar wants & needs

Competitive analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the landscape

Positioning strategy: how you’ll position your offering to focus on opportunities in the market

Value proposition: the type of value you’ll deliver to the market

When your market clearly sees how your offering is different than your competition, it’s easier to generate new prospects and guide them to buy. Without differentiation, it takes more time and money to show prospects why they should choose you; as a result, you often end up competing on price – a tough position to sustain over the long term.

Market Profiles

{Target Market A}:



Geographical Regions


Market Size (Total Revenue)


Typical Company Size (Annual Revenue)


Typical Company Size (# Employees)


Typical Decisionmaker


Decisionmaker influencers


Typical Problems


Market Trends


Market Maturity Stage


{Target Market B}:



Geographical Regions


Market Size (Total Revenue)


Typical Company Size (Annual Revenue)


Typical Company Size (# Employees)


Typical Decisionmaker


Decisionmaker Influencers


Typical Problems


Market Trends


Market Maturity Stage


Market Segmentation Profile: {Market A}


{Segment A}

Why they need {insert name of product}?




How they use {insert name of product}?




Value derived from {insert name of product}




{SEGMENT A} profile

Size of Market Segment



Typical effort needed to reach the decisionmaker

 {Insert}

Market Noise

How many other competitors are in this space


A-ha Factor

How quickly do they get your message and understand your value



 {Insert}

Emotional Triggers


Primary Motivations for Purchase


Market Perceptions

 {Insert}

Reputation within this segment

 {Insert}

{SEGMENT A} Priority High



{Segment B}

Why they need {insert name of product}?




How they use {insert name of product}?




Value derived from {insert name of product}




{SEGMENT B} profile

Size of Market Segment



Typical effort needed to reach the decisionmaker

 {Insert}

Market Noise

How many other competitors are in this space


A-ha Factor

How quickly do they get your message and understand your value



 {Insert}

Emotional Triggers


Primary Motivations for Purchase


Market Perceptions

 {Insert}

Reputation within this segment

 {Insert}

{SEGMENT B} Priority High



{Segment C}

Why they need {insert name of product}?




How they use {insert name of product}?




Value derived from {insert name of product}




{SEGMENT C} profile

Size of Market Segment



Typical effort needed to reach the decisionmaker

 {Insert}

Market Noise

How many other competitors are in this space


A-ha Factor

How quickly do they get your message and understand your value



 {Insert}

Emotional Triggers


Primary Motivations for Purchase


Market Perceptions

 {Insert}

Reputation within this segment

 {Insert}

{SEGMENT C} Priority High



Market Segmentation Profile: {Market B}

{Segment A}

Why they need {insert name of product}?




How they use {insert name of product}?




Value derived from {insert name of product}




{SEGMENT A} profile

Size of Market Segment



Typical effort needed to reach the decisionmaker

 {Insert}

Market Noise

How many other competitors are in this space


A-ha Factor

How quickly do they get your message and understand your value



 {Insert}

Emotional Triggers


Primary Motivations for Purchase


Market Perceptions

 {Insert}

Reputation within this segment

 {Insert}

{SEGMENT A} Priority High



{Segment B}

Why they need {insert name of product}?




How they use {insert name of product}?




Value derived from {insert name of product}




{SEGMENT B} profile

Size of Market Segment



Typical effort needed to reach the decisionmaker

 {Insert}

Market Noise

How many other competitors are in this space


A-ha Factor

How quickly do they get your message and understand your value



 {Insert}

Emotional Triggers


Primary Motivations for Purchase


Market Perceptions

 {Insert}

Reputation within this segment

 {Insert}

{SEGMENT B} Priority High



{Segment C}

Why they need {insert name of product}?




How they use {insert name of product}?




Value derived from {insert name of product}




{SEGMENT C} profile

Size of Market Segment



Typical effort needed to reach the decisionmaker

 {Insert}

Market Noise

How many other competitors are in this space


A-ha Factor

How quickly do they get your message and understand your value



 {Insert}

Emotional Triggers


Primary Motivations for Purchase


Market Perceptions

 {Insert}

Reputation within this segment

 {Insert}

{SEGMENT C} Priority High



Value Proposition

A value proposition is the true value your company delivers to the market.

Currently, {Client Company}’sprimary value proposition is:

[delete thOSE that are not applicable]

Operational Excellence / Price

Product Leadership / Innovation

Customer Intimacy / Intimacy

{Client Company}’ssecondary value proposition is:

[delete thOSE that are not applicable]

Operational Excellence / Price

Product Leadership / Innovation

Customer Intimacy / Intimacy

Recommendation [use if recommending a change in strategy]

After reviewing the market profile and segmentation, competitive positioning matrix and value proposition, {Client Company} will create an opportunity for growth and competitive advantage by repositioning themselves with the following value proposition:

[delete thOSE That are not applicable]

Operational Excellence / Price

Product Leadership / Innovation

Customer Intimacy / Intimacy

The reasoning for this is{insert}, and the primary benefits are{insert}.

Competitive Analysis

{Client Company}’sTop 8 Competitors

Competitor / Type / Approximate Market Share
1 / Direct Indirect Future
2 / Direct Indirect Future
3 / Direct Indirect Future
4 / Direct Indirect Future
5 / Direct Indirect Future
6 / Direct Indirect Future
7 / Direct Indirect Future
8 / Direct Indirect Future

Competitor’s General Ratings

Ratings / 5 = the company offers extremely high value in this category
3 = the company offers average value in this category
1 = the company offers little or no value in this category
Competitor’s general ratings
Category / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / Avg / Your rating
Market Share
Product/Brand Awareness
Name Recognition
Corporate Citizenship
Environmental Responsibility

Competitor’s Value Proposition Ratings

Ratings / 5 = the company offers extremely high value in this category
3 = the company offers average value in this category
1 = the company offers little or no value in this category
Competitor’s value proposition ratings
Value Proposition / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / Avg / Your rating
(5 = extremely low price)

Quality of Competitor’s Solutions

Ratings / 1 = not at all well
5 = very well
quality of Competitor’s solutions
Pain a prospect/
customer feels / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / Avg / Your rating

Competitive Analysis Summary

Here is a review of how {Client Company} compares to the competition.













{Client Company} can beat the competition by



Items for {Client Company} to address next

Brand Strategy: Develop your brand strategy around your value proposition and positioning



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Created by Your Name – 2/14/2006Page 1 of 16