KAZAKHSTAN Implementation Plan - WP2014

Logical Framework Matrix Kazakhstan 2014 - 2017

Intervention Logic / Objectively verifiable indicators / Sources of verification / Assumptions
Overall Objective
To develop human capital through the provision of quality VET for sustainable economic growth / -  Employability of workforce increases
-  Business Productivity increases / -  Labour Force Survey
-  National Labour Market statistics
-  Enterprise surveys / Economic growth in the country continues
project purpose
- To increase VET relevance and attractiveness in Kazakhstan
- Shift from a centralised to a multi-level ‘down-up’ policy approach in policy making, policy implementation and governance in VET / - Employability of VET graduates increased
- Productivity of companies increased
- Effectiveness in policy making, implementation and governance at regional and local level increased / - Labour Force Survey
- National Labour Market statistics
- Enterprise surveys
- Information on functioning of multi-level governance bodies in VET
- Laws, regulations, implementation decisions related to VET governance Statistics of the Ministry of Education and of VET providers / -  Implications of exit of Kazakhstan from DCI instrument will not compromise the commitment of national stakeholders
1.  Education & business study in school & business cooperation has led to policy review discussions in council bodies at national, regional and sectoral levels and to concrete adaptations at local level,
2.  Torino Process self-assessment has led to agreement on main achievements and challenges of the VET system
. / 1.1  Kazakh stakeholders at national, regional and local level are actively engaged in discussions on recommendations of the E&B study
1.2  The recommendations of E&B study are validated by the Ministry of Education, business representatives and regional authorities
1.3  Policy initiatives and incentives at national, regional and sectoral levels for schools and companies to strengthen their cooperation are reviewed
1.4  The implementation measures of policy initiatives and incentives for education and business cooperation are reviewed
1.5  Sector councils are operational
2.1 Relevant national stakeholders contributed to self-assessment led by the Ministry of Education
2.2 Torino Process report has been validated by national stakeholders / 1.1  Analytical report on Education & Business study
1.2  Feedback by the Ministry of Education, business representatives and regional authorities on Education & Business study report
1.3  Revised and/or amended legal acts, implementations measures in the area of education and business cooperation both at national and local level
1.4  Information on sector council functioning (mission reports)
2.1 Torino Process report
2.2 Conclusions and recommendations of the validation seminar / -  Social partners are engaged
Activities 2014
1.1  Start-up meetings in Kyzylorda and Pavlodar regions in Q1
1.2  Finalisation of Education & Business cooperation study sample and methodology in Q1
1.3  Fieldwork of Education & Business cooperation study in 3 regions by Q2
1.4  Final analytical report by Q4
2.1 To coach and guide Kazakh team on the development of the Torino Process report;
2.2. To provide comments on the draft self-assessment report;
2.3 To conduct validation seminar on the endorsement of findings of the report and developing follow-up actions. / Means
-  ETF experts FTE:
CIH (Country manager) 0.30
NSO (Project Assistant) 0.20
PVU (COP GOV expert) 0.10
MRM (Stats) 0.05
EJA (Stats) 0.10
-  Contract for support in the implementation of the E&B study in Kazakhstan with BISAM Central Asia
-  Country budget 35 000 Euro
-  Mission budget 9 000 Euro / Outputs
1.  Education & business cooperation
2.  Evidence based policy making / -  Commitment and availability of national stakeholders.
-  Collaboration among relevant country stakeholders.
-  Willingness of stakeholders at national and regional level to share information and data
-  Agreement of the Ministry of Education to implement a self-assessment of TRP
Activities 2015
Dissemination of Education & Business study results and recommendations at national, regional and local levels / Means
-  ETF experts FTE
-  International experts
-  National experts
Activities 2016
-  Torino Process 2016
-  Follow-up actions of Education & Business study results and recommendations at national, regional and local levels / Means
-  ETF experts FTE
-  International experts
-  National experts
Activities 2017
Follow-up actions of Education & Business study results and recommendations at national, regional and local levels / Means
-  ETF experts FTE
-  International experts
-  National experts