[Click and replace with the module title (compulsory)]
[Click and replace with the module reference number (compulsory)]
[Click and replace with the URL for the electronic version of the guide (if applicable)]
[Click and replace with the name of the faculty (compulsory)]
[Click and replace with the academic year of presentation (compulsory)]
[Click and replace with the academic level of the module]
Table of Contents
1.Module Details
2.Short Description
3.Aims of the Module
4.Learning Outcomes
4.1Knowledge and Understanding
4.2Intellectual Skills
4.3Practical Skills
4.4Transferable Skills
5.Assessment of the Module
7.Introduction to Studying the Module
7.1Overview of the Main Content
7.2Overview of Types of Classes
7.3Importance of Student Self-Managed Learning Time
8.The Programme of Teaching, Learning and Assessment
9.Student Evaluation
10.Learning Resources
10.1Core Materials
10.2Optional Materials
1.Module Details
Module Title: / [Click and replace]Module Level: / [Click and replace]
Module Reference Number: / [Click and replace]
Credit Value: / [Click and replace]
Student Study Hours: / [Click and replace]
Contact Hours: / [Click and replace]
Private Study Hours: / [Click and replace]
Pre-requisite Learning (If applicable): / [Click and replace]
Co-requisite Modules (If applicable): / [Click and replace]
Course(s): / [Click and replace]
Year and Semester / [Click and replace]
Module Coordinator: / [Click and replace]
MC Contact Details (Tel, Email, Room) / [Click and replace]
Teaching Team & Contact Details
(If applicable): / [Click and replace]
Subject Area: / [Click and replace]
Summary of Assessment Method: / [Click and replace]
2.Short Description
[Click and replace]
3.Aims of the Module
[Click and replace]
4.Learning Outcomes
4.1Knowledge and Understanding
[Click and replace]
4.2Intellectual Skills
[Click and replace]
4.3Practical Skills
[Click and replace]
4.4Transferable Skills
[Click and replace]
5.Assessment of the Module
[Click and replace]
[Click and replace. Students should be given a date by which they can expect feedback on submitted assignments.]
7.Introduction to Studying the Module
7.1Overview of the Main Content
[Click and replace]
7.2Overview of Types of Classes
[Click and replace]
7.3Importance of Student Self-Managed Learning Time
[Click and replace]
[Click and replace]
8.The Programme of Teaching, Learning and Assessment
[Click and replace]
9.Student Evaluation
[Click and replace. A brief summary of the previous module cohort's evaluation and any changes made as a result.]
10.Learning Resources
10.1Core Materials
[Click and replace]
10.2Optional Materials
[Click and replace]
[Click and replace]
Template version: 7