Parish Clerk and RFO : Di Dann
Fern Hollow, 5 Balls Lane, Thursford, Fakenham, Norfolk
Tel 01328 878196 e mail
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Cley Parish Council on Tuesday 4th September 2013 at Cley Village Hall Social Club.
Attending: Cllr Kelham (Chairman, Cllr High, Cllr Moore, Cllr Randell and Cllr Scammel-katz
Di Dann Parish Clerk. NCC Cllr M Baker
There were 12 members of the public in attendance.
1. Welcome, apologies and reasons for absence
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies had been received from Cllr Allen. NNDC Cllr D Young and the Police had also sent apologies.
2. Declarations of Interest and requests for Dispensations.
There were none.
3. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 2nd July 2013.
On a PROPOSAL by Cllr High the minutes were APPROVED and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
4. Matters arising on the Minutes for information only.
There were none.
5. Receive Reports
5.1 Village Hall and Social Club. A report had been received from the Treasurer. The Current Account of the Village Hall was £5418.32 with bills to pay for the Annual Fire Safety Check £60.96; Annual Gas Safety Check £72.00; Anglian Water £107.84. The Hall had recently been awarded a £10,000 Lottery Grant for the replacement of the old kitchen. The Cley Memories Day had been a great success with over 500 visitors making a profit of over £500.
5.2 Allotments. The Clerk reported that with allotment tenancy accounts going out in the next month, 2 resignations had been received but two people had come forward to take over the vacant plots. One other enquiry had been received.
Recent crop spraying had resulted in damage to some allotments. Mr McCarthy
had said he would contact Mr Youngman who was farming the land which had
been sprayed.
5.3 District and County Councillor
5.3.1 District Councillor Young had sent a report. Following the parish council’s comments at the July meeting in the context of a “Buildings at Risk” register, he had contacted the Conservation Design and Landscape Manager at NNDC regarding the state of the red telephone box. |Inspection of the box was due and will be chased. There has been much in the local press regarding a new county-wide recycling facility to take effect next April. Green bins will be able to accept more types of plastic and also glass bottles, though the latter not until next autumn. Once bottles are accepted, bottle-banks will be discontinued. He had tabled a question requesting that, when bottle-banks are removed, some scheme of compensation be arranged for parish councils and other organisations to smooth out the loss of income from recycling credits. This was refused. Full Council has also agreed to a trial relaxation of the planning rules in order to encourage house-building. The standard proportion of affordable housing for areas east of Sheringham will drop from 45% to 20%, though these percentages are always negotiable. Some “sustainability” criteria are also being dropped. One other relaxation that could affect this area is that developments of 2 houses or more in villages have previously required 50% affordable housing. This will now only apply to developments of 10 or more.
NNDC reception area is being revamped and will provide more opportunity for privacy. Cllr Young had written to the council asking them to consider promoting the activities of Norfolk Credit Union so that resort to pay-day loan companies can be avoided. He understood that the Chief Executive is going to attend a presentation later this month.
5.3.2 Norfolk County Councillor M Baker. Cllr Baker advised that following the July meeting he had contacted NNDC Housing Department for clarification on the position in relation to No 12 Glandford Road. This had now been sold. He noted that a reply had been received from Victory Housing and asked for a copy of the letter to further the matter. £30,000 grant was now available from Victory Housing Trust and he had attended a talk from the Financial Director of Victory and there was a Warm and Well Fund available from the Trust. £180 million of cuts would need to be made by NCC as they were committed to no council tax rises. There was likely to be 15 – 20% cuts across discretionary spending. He had also been appointed to the Inshore Fisheries Group. The County had also set up a Panel to agree a Policy for Fracking and he would be sitting on this Panel.
Cllr High asked about 12 Glandford Road and expressed concern that with no council houses being built, there would be no homes for local people.
5.4 Police. A telephone report had been received from PC Clarke. The Police had received 23 calls over the last two months which had resulted in 2 crimes both of which were damage to vehicles parked in the streets.
6. Anglian Water proposals for the work planned in the Autumn.
No update on this matter had been received although it was understood that work would start on 23rd September.
7. Planning
7.1 To discuss any planning applications received
7.1.1 Proposed Sewer New Road Anglian Water Services Ltd. No objections
although a public meeting had been offered and was awaited to give a full
explanation on the proposals for parking during the works and mitigation
measures for potential losses to businesses.
7.7.2 Ref LA/13/0839 Church Barn 3 Newgate Farm Barns, Holt Road.
(Retrospective) revised internal layout and external doors and window. No
7.7.3 PF/13/0978 Woodside, The Fairstead. Erection of single storey side
extension. No objections.
7.2 To receive any decision notices (refer correspondence)
7.2.1 PF/13/0626 NWT Erection of bird hide. Permission.
7.2.2 Ref PF/13/0619 North Light, Hilltop Erection of rear conservatory. Permission
7.2.3. PF/13/0256 Riverside, High Street. Erection of single storey side and rear extension. Permission
7.2.4 Ref PF/12/1352 Dredging and clearing harbour. Permission
7.2.5 Ref LA/13/0647 Meadow Barn, 2 Newgate Farm Barns. Revised internal Layout. Permission
7.2.5 LA/13/0610 Starr House Installation of Hand Rail. Made in Cley High Street. Consent.
7.2.6 Ref PF/12/0927 Marshlands and Travellers Rest, Coast Road. Permission
7.2.9 Ref PF/13/0624 Cley Marshes Visitor Centre Erection of single storey extension. Permission.
7.2.10 Ref LA/13/0716 Parsley Cottage, 1 Newgate Farm Barns. Consent.
8. To receive and discuss the Conservation Management Plan for Hilltop
On a PROPOSAL by Cllr Scammel-Katz the report as presented was accepted.
The position of the bench was flexible. Dr Leo Batten was thanked by the Chairman for
his efforts with the report. The plan was expected to take 5 years to be
fully implemented and there were quite a few people who had offered to help with the
project, so the costs should not be too substantial.
9. To discuss correspondence received (attached)
9.1 To discuss any items
9.1.1 Letter from resident concerning Cley Mill and the bollards. This was noted. There was a possessory title. The bollards had been positioned on the land owned by the Mill.
9.1.2 E mail from EA advising of pending works in the area of the Old Quay. This was noted.
9.1.3 Letter from EA re Flood Defense Application (ref Harbour Project). This acknowledgement was noted.
9.1.4 E mail from EA regarding works to be done on River and requirement to use the launch point at Cley Quay. This was noted
9.1.5 Letter from NCC concerning planned budget cuts consultation. This was noted.
9.1.6 Letter from VHT regarding No 12 Glandford Road. This was noted.
9.1.7 Letter from NNDC concerning Recycling Banks. This was noted.
9.1.8 Letter from NWT regarding the Beach Shelter. This was noted but with income from the beach parking coming to NWT it was felt that NWT should fund the repairs to the shelter and also the cost of the dog bin. A leter would e written to the NWT.
9.1.9 Details relating to Councillor vacancy. Following the recent resignation of Cllr Kearney the vacancy had been advertised. If 10 names were not received by NNDC then the vacancy would be filled by co-option.
9.2 Items received after the agenda closed on 22nd August 2013:
9.2.1 Dereham, Watton and Holt CAB AGM 18th September 2013 at 7.30 p.m. St Nicholas Church Room Dereham.
9.2.2 NCC Definitive Map Officer. A letter to advise the progress of the footpath application The George to the Old Sea Wall
9.2.3 E mail from a member of the public concerning the problem of dogs on the beach. The letter would be referred to NWT and NNDC.
9.2.4 NCC Highways. It was noted that the resurfacing of the Old Quay Road was due to take place at the end of September. An e mail had been received by NCC from Lord Macdonald objecting to the plan. A reply would be sent to NCC to advise that no one had contacted the Parish Council with objections about the project.
9.2.5 E mail from Cllr Allen. The message raises concern about vegetation
growth on footpaths.
9.2.6 Letters from residents expressing concerning at parking on the footpath
opposite Cley Old Hall The Highways Officer would be contacted to see if some
posts could be inserted.
9.2.7 Blakeney Area Historical Society. Membership renewal invitation There
was a cost of £25. Details of the AGM on 24th September 2013 had also been
9.2.8 Letter from a resident concerning cutting back of vegetation in the Lokes.
Noted that this had been done because of complaints from residents about
overgrowing vegetation in the Lokes.
9.2.9 NorfolkALC. Norfolk Link August 2013 and other matters.
10. Financial Matters
10.1 Note and agree payments 3rd July – 3rd September 2013 (see attached)
Noted that a cheque for £50 had been written to Environmental Agency during the recess to accompany the Flood Defence Application. Other payments approved on a PROPOSAL by Cllr Scammel-Katz: Cheque No 879 Mazars External Auditor £120.00; Cheque No 880 Blakeney Area Historical Society £25.00. Cheque No 881 Mr Read £132.00
10.2 Account regarding the removal of the Asbestos from Allotments. This would be refunded to Mr Read. (refer above)
10.3 The completion of the External Audit for 2013/14 by Mazars was noted. The unqualified Accounts had been advertised.
Public Participation
An opportunity for members of the public to raise questions or concerns
Mr Livsey. Beau Rivage Noted that there had been a High Court Judgement in 1970 to confirm that the garden belonged to the property
Mr Gubb Concern about rubbish, bonfires on the Village Hall Car Park; Harvest Supper
Mr Yarham Asked if hedge could be cut on either side of Village Hall
Cllr High Advised that there were trees growing in Short Stone Lane.
11. Items for the next agenda
Anglian Water; Old Harbour Project
12. To note the date of the next meeting:
Next Parish Council meeting Tuesday 1st October 2013
13. Exclusion Item - Personnel matter
14. Clerks resignation noted and the vacancy would be advertised
There being no further matters to discuss the meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.
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Chairman Date
CPC September 2013 Minutes
6 pages 2 attachments
DRAFT until agreed at following meeting