Clenchwarton Parish Council
Parish Clerk, The Parish Office, Black Horse Rd
Clenchwarton, King’s Lynn PE34 4DN
Tel 01553 773254
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 4th October 2012
Councillors present: Sue Cross-Chair, Richard Smith, Sheila James, Kevin Pell, Richard BrownIn attendance: Joan Hodkinson-Clerk, Borough Councillor David Whitby, 7 Members of the Public.
1 / Apologies: apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllrs. Swietonowski and Collison
2 / Declarations of Interest: None received
3 / Minutes: It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on the 6th September 2012 be signed as a true record of those proceedings. Prop: Cllr Brown, Sec: Cllr Smith. All agreed
4 / Clerk’s Report/Matters arising: Report from Hastoe Housing Association – Following the closing date on the ‘call for land’, it is reported that five landowners have contacted Hastoe. Frank Baker will now prepare and submit a report evaluating each of the sites to the local authority to discuss each site with the planners and obtain their views. After this stage he will contact the Parish Council to arrange a closed meeting to discuss each of the sites. The Chair requested the Clerk to contact Hastoe to establish a time scale for this part of the process.
5 / Public Forum: No-one requested to speak. The Chair advised the meeting that the work to close off the slip road at the West Lynn junction had been completed and will continue to be monitored. However, the Chair had been witness to another ‘near miss’ at 5.25pm this evening when a vehicle approaching the junction from Pullover Roundabout turned right into the junction in front of vehicles approaching from Clenchwarton/West Lynn. The Chair urged members of the public to continue to advise her of any incidents of this nature witnessed.
6 / Mr Gordon McCalmont-Fire Station Manager: Mr McCalmont confirmed that when a fire tender is called to a fire the crew have access, in the fire tender, to a map showing where the hydrants are located in that area, the size of the water main and the last time that hydrant was serviced. He stated that it is impossible for a hydrant to run out of water and the reason that the fire crew went looking for another hydrant was because they needed to find a separate supply in order not to diminish the supply from the first hydrant. Most small fires can normally be extinguished using the hydrants but it is not unusual to have water carriers in attendance at fires. In this instance the fire had spread through a hidden void up to the bedroom and the roof space and the water bowser was ordered at 12.10am and arrived at 01.26am having travelled from Fakenham. Mr McCalmont left a copy of the hydrant map for future reference.
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7 / Mr Colin Tegerdine: Colin gave a brief statement on why he would like to be considered for co-option to the Parish Council. He has been active over the last two years campaigning for greater safety at the West Lynn junction, his principles being that negotiations work better than confrontation. He would now like to offer the same commitment to the Parish Council.8 / Report from Borough Councillor: Cllr Whitby reported that the owner of the containers, which were put on land at Wash Lane without planning permission, has been issued with a 28 day notice by the Planning Office, to remove the containers. The Borough Council have given notice that car parking fees will be frozen for another twelve months.
9 / Police Report: PCSO Ross reported that there has been no crime committed in the parish in the last month. Cllr James reported to him that children on bicycles are causing damage to cars parked on Clapper Lane.
10 / Glass Recycling Bins: It was resolved to extend the trial period for the bins for a further six months. All agreed
11 / Finance Report: The financial position and payment of wages and invoices for the month was reported (refer to payment sheet on file). Cllr James proposed that the finance report be approved, seconded by Cllr Brown. All agreed
12 / Planning:
Ref: 12/01457/F- Application for removal of condition on planning permission M2714: Agricultural occupancy restriction at Meadow View, Black Horse Road. It was resolved to support the application on the grounds that there is now a diminished need for agricultural dwellings. All agreed
Ref: 12/01495/F – Installation of a single small scale wind generator at 41 Ferry Road, Clenchwarton. It was resolved to object to the application on the grounds that this property is in a highly populated area and the constant noise from the wind generator would cause disturbance to the many neighbouring properties. All agreed
Appeal reference: APP/V2635/A/12/2175128/NWF – An appeal by Elm Park Holdings on the proposed development for outline application at Foster Sports Ground fro residential development of up to 75 dwellings of which 15 will be affordable homes. The appeal will be held at the Council Offices, King’s Lynn on Tuesday 16th October. Cllr Brown is to attend the hearing. The Clerk will arrange for Cllr Brown to speak at the hearing.
Planning Updates: The outline application for proposed two dwellings at Willow Farm, Black Horse Road has been withdrawn. The outline application for 2 new dwellings with alterations and retention of existing at 149 Main Road has been refused.
13 / Correspondence: A letter from the Bowls Club drawing the Council’s attention to a dangerous broken tile on the roof of the pavilion. Cllr Cross reported that John Bolderstone was dealing with the matter. The Borough Council are to hold a series of information meetings in November, specifically for Parish Council representative to fully brief councils on the changes to the bin collection service from April 2013. Cllr Cross and the Clerk to attend on 21st November at Tilney St Lawrence. Cllr Cross and the Clerk are to attend an open meeting at the Town Hall in King’s Lynn on the 11th October where the Borough Council is seeking feedback on their proposals for new recycling technology.
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14 / Future Agendas:Hedge and potholes at the Churchyard – to Finance committee
Annual cutting of the village hedges and the playing field
Allotment number 1 – to Finance Committee
Better Broadband
The meeting was closed to the Press and the Public at 20.20
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