Clenchwarton Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 4th July 2013

Councillors present: Sue Cross –Chair, Richard Brown –Vice Chair, Sheila James, Kevin Pell, Richard Smith, Cate Swietonowski, Colin Tegerdine.
In attendance: Joan Hodkinson – Clerk/Finance Clerk and 7 members of the public.
1 / Apologies for absence: Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Collison
2 / Declarations of Interest: Cllr Richard Brown declared a Personal Pecuniary interest item 11 Planning as a tenant farmer on land at the proposed site of the Anglian Water sludge transfer scheme.
3 / Minutes: It was resolved to accept the minutes of the Council meeting of 6th June 2013 as a true record of those proceedings. All agreed
4 / Clerk’s Report/Matters Arising: The three items in the Clerk’s Report were:
Hastoe Housing: Frank Baker has been in touch with the landowner of the land off Nicholas Avenue who has confirmed that there is a ransom strip there which Hastoe would have to acquire. If a contact name cannot be found Hastoe will carry out a title search to make contact and will then consider what offers could be made to obtain the land.
Trees on Main Road: Highways engineer Andy Wallace replied: “Mr Jordan had been most co-operative over the issue until a neighbour convinced him that the trees were Highways responsibility. He is now waiting for our boundaries team to confirm in writing the status of the trees after which he has promised to deal with the trees as per original agreement. I am sorry this is still lingering on but rest assured we are progressing with the issue and would hope to have resolved by the autumn”
Caddy Liners Stock and Pricing: E-mail received from Borough Council states; “As demand as been so high we are not able to deliver the liners to parish councils directly any more but are kindly asking that their representative visits their closest main council office with a cheque to pick them up from there. We have also had to increase the price of the liners to £1.30 for 50 rather than £1.15 which will take effect from 1 July this year and as a direct result of an increase from our suppliers. 50 rolls of 50 liners will now cost £65.00.” The sale of bin liners has been very well received by the residents and at 2nd July we have sold half of the first 50 purchased.
5 / Public Forum: Mr D Thorpe commented on the proposed Anglian Water sludge transfer scheme in West Lynn saying that ‘most landowners are not in favour of the scheme and want the road from Millennium Way as first proposed by Anglian Water.

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6 / Reports from Borough & County Councillors:
6.1 Borough Councillor – David Whitby reported that there has been several reports of missed bin collections but the new contractors have now obtained more lorries to even the rounds out. Waste going to landfill is down by 728 tonnes and the recycling figure has increased from 36% to 47%. The Borough Council have included £100,000 into the budget for car parking and parking will be free every Wednesday after 3.00pm in summer. Local Development Framework has defined areas for building.
6.2 County Councillor – Alex Kemp reported that the clean up has started on the ditches on Clapper Lane and that Clapper Lane is to be surface dressed. Three Parish Councils have been chosen to write independent reports on the Incinerator. Anglian Water appear to have changed the original plan for the location of the pumping station bringing it near to West Lynn and on land that has been pinpointed for development. West Lynn residents are against the proposals.
7 / Police Report: Not in attendance and no report received. Barbara Hill (a Police Support Volunteer) for the Safer Neighbourhood Team Terrington e-mailed with details of how to sign up to Police Direct to enable us to get weekly crime stats for this area and other news. We signed up for this on the 2nd July 2013.
8 / Wind Turbine: Cllr Pell gave details of information sourced on having a wind turbine installed on the back playing field to provide electricity to the pavilion. An internet survey has been carried out by a company in Hereford and the report was circulated to all members showing the costs and benefits of having a wind turbine installed. Cllr Pell detailed the three options of paying for the turbine and agreed to look further into the matter and report back to the Finance Committee.
9 / Garden Shredder: A proposal has been put forward to the members for the purchase/hire of a garden shredder because when the grounds men cut back or time hedges, conifer trees and ivy in the churchyard there is nowhere to dispose of the rubbish. Prices had been obtained for the purchase and also hiring a shredder. It was resolved to hire a shredder in the first instance with a view to buying one in the future and to try a 6.5 hp machine. All agreed
10 / Finance Report:
10.1 Recommendations from Finance Committee.
Recommended to renew the membership to Norfolk Playing Field Association at a cost of £25.00. It was resolved to accept this recommendation. All agreed
Recommended that the 30 street lights to be replaced with LED lighting as per our successful bid in the NCC Highways Parish Partnership are as follows; 17 lights on Main Road, 9 lights on Hall Road and 4 lights on Rookery Road. It was resolved to accept this recommendation. All agreed.
Recommended to accept the quotation from CGM to include the newly grassed area beside the hedge and dyke at Ferry Road as part of the original fortnightly maintenance routine at a cost of £4.50 plus VAT per occasion. It was resolved to accept this recommendation. All agreed. It was also reported that CGM have agreed to include in the contract the cutting of the green area at Ferry Road (where the seat is located) at no additional cost.

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10 / Finance Report continued:
10.2  Payments due:
The financial position and payment of wages and invoices due for the month was reported (refer to payment sheet on file). It was resolved to accept the report and for the amount of £2,000 to be transferred from the Business Saver account to the Community account to cover the payments. All agreed.
11 / Planning:
Ref: C/2/2013/2003 – Norfolk County Council/Anglian Water Services Limited Erection of a Sludge Cake Reception Centre at King’s Lynn Wastewater Treatment Works; construction of a liquid sludge import centre (to include new access from Clenchwarton Road); construction of a Sludge Transfer pipeline.
It was resolved to submit the following observations to NCC:
1.  The proposed location too near to West Lynn
2.  The new access from Clenchwarton Road will be in the vicinity of the C80 junction and on a bend.
3.  Concerns expressed about odour emissions from the import centre.
4.  Residents of Jubilee Bank and the Parish Council have campaigned for many years for the construction of a relief road from Millennium Way to the treatment works and this has always been the preferred option.
Planning Updates:
Planning Permission has been granted for the following applications:
Ref: 13/00574/F – Demolition of former semi-detached property and construction of 2 3 bed semi-detached properties at 6 Clapper Lane.
Ref: 13/00649/F – Extensions to dwelling at 5 Willow Drive,
The Planning Inspectorate has dismissed the appeal for 2 new dwellings with alteration and retention of existing at 149 Main Road.
12 / Correspondence: The items of correspondence received included:
The AGM of the Norfolk Rural Community Council will be held at their offices at Greens Road, Dereham on Tuesday 16th July with formal business commencing at 4.00pm
Norfolk and Suffolk Local Transport Body ( LTB is a new body that will receive funding from the government for large transport schemes across the two counties), inviting comments on the long list and suggestions for any additional large capital transport schemes for inclusion in the spending programme for 2014-19.
Karl Rands – NCC Highways update on the C80/C39 junction – “after a 6 month review from the safety audit team it was recommended that the left run lane is permanently closed. As the hire of the barriers is still on going which cost roughly £500 per week the work has to be completed as soon as practically possible. As such work is currently underway and should be substantially completed by the end of the week with only lining works to follow.”
13 / Agendas: There were no items for future agendas proposed.
The meeting was closed at 20.18

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