Program Policy #8
Clean Ohio Signage Requirement
All funded District 3 projects are encouraged but not required to erect signage following District 3 signage guidelines. Temporary construction signs are highly encouraged but must follow the Ohio Public Works Commission signage guidelines. The cost of a sign is reimbursable and projects with multiple signs should check with the Ohio Public Works Commission for funding eligibility. A certification of signage location(s) and a photo should be submitted to the District 3 liaison within one year of the project closeout date. (Adopted 06-05-2013; Revised 07-18-2013; Revised 4-15-2016; Revised 6-21-2016; Revised 09-12-2016).
District 3
Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Fund
Signage Guidelines
The NRAC drafted and adopted acknowledgement signage guidelines for all Franklin County, District 3 projects funded with Clean Ohio Conservation funding beginning in Round 7 B (2013). Program policy five states, “All funded District 3 projects are encouraged but not required to erect signage following District 3 signage guidelines. Temporary construction signs are highly encouraged but must follow the Ohio Public Works Commission signage guidelines. The cost of a sign is reimbursable and projects with multiple signs should check with the Ohio Public Works Commission for funding eligibility. A certification of signage location(s) and a photo should be submitted to the District 3 liaison within one year of the project closeout date.”
A Green Space Conservation Program acknowledgement sign may be permanently placed within the project site. If feasible, the acknowledgement sign should be placed on-site at the start of construction. An acknowledgement sign is also encouraged for acquisition and stream restoration projects. The sign may be posted at an acquisition and/or stream restoration project after the acquisition and/or construction process is complete.
Temporary Construction
In addition to an acknowledgement sign a temporary construction sign is encouraged but not required for use by projects receiving Green Space Conservation ProgramFunds for construction purposes. The signs shall be 4 feet by 8 feet and shall be placed at a highly visible location at the beginning of the construction phase. These signs are not required but are encouraged and are eligible for reimbursement. The sign shall follow the requirement of the Ohio Public Works Commission. Additional information may be added but is limited to the following: Name and logo of local jurisdiction and the name of contractor that is performing the work. See signage guidelines at
Acquisition/Easement/Restoration Projects
Clean Ohio acknowledgement signs are encouraged to bepermanently placed within the project site and should be located at trail heads and or highly visible locations. These signs shall be a minimum of 12” X 18”. These may be placed along conservation easements, at land acquisition projects, and at restoration projects.