CLC 101: Introduction to Christian Leadership

Exam 1 (100 possible points, Spiritual Leadership, Chapters 1-6)

Name: ______Date: ______

Reading (50 possible points):

_____ I have read chapters 1-6 in Blackaby, Spiritual Leadership

_____ I have read _____ pages of chapters 1-6 in Blackaby, Spiritual Leadership

_____ I have read the annotated outlines notes of chapters 1-6 in Blackaby, Spiritual Leadership

_____ I have read _____ pages of the annotated outlines notes of chapters 1-6 in Blackaby, Spiritual Leadership

Content (50 possible points/1 point for each correct answer):

Please answer the following questions using Blackaby, Spiritual Leadership, as an open book sources.

  1. (Chapter 1, p. 5-10) What are the three issues that have “profound implications” for leaders as they attempt to lead people and organizations into the future?




  1. (Chapter 1, p. 15-16) What are the three “major issues” that the church must address to be effective?




  1. (Chapter 1, p. 22) What is society’s “great deficit”?
  1. (Chapter 2, p. 36) What is Blackaby’s definition of leadership?
  1. (Chapter 2, p. 37-42) What are the seven “distinctive elements” of this definition?








  1. (Chapter 3, p. 71) What are the six stages (“phases”) of Clinton’s model of leadership development?







  1. (Chapter 4, p. 106) What are the eight sources of vision?









  1. (Chapter 5, 127) What are the three “misguided goals” of spiritual leadership?




  1. (Chapter 5, 144) What are the three “worthy goals” of spiritual leadership?




  1. (Chapter 6, p. 154) What are the three “illegitimate sources of influence” in spiritual leadership?




  1. Chapter 6, p. 179) What are the six “legitimate sources of influence” in spiritual leadership?







  1. What six lessons about spiritual leadership have you learned from chapters 1-6?
