Clayton County 4-H Honors Youth & Adults
The 2007 4-H Pizzazz Night was held Sunday, November 18 at Johnson’s Reception Hall in Elkader. 4-H club members and adult volunteers were honored for their 4-H work.
Community Service Awards were presented to the, Mallory Minks, Monona Jr. Feeders, Peppy Pals/Mendon Hustlers, and the Luana Ramblers 4-H Clubs. These clubs were selected for their not only for their monetary donations, but also for their volunteer service.
The Meritorious Service Award was presented to Mielke’s Quarry of McGregor. This business helped the fair board develop one of the best tractor pull tracks around by supplying clay dirt for the base of the track. Each year they donate numerous loads of rock & lime to the fairgrounds for use in the barns and around the grounds.
Steve Zaruba of Osterdock was named this year’s Honorary 4-H Member. Steve is currently the Vo-Ag instructor at the Clayton Ridge and Central Schools. He was a 4-H member in Jones and Johnson counties as a youngster and has continued to be a supporter of 4-H in his adult life. As an educator he has continued his support of young people by helping them get projects and learn about them. He has hosted rabbit clinics and been involved in providing a livestock judging contest for all freshman and sophomore high school students in Northeast Iowa. He has helped with the county fair auction and can be seen helping at all the weigh in sites for beef, sheep and swine each year. This past fall he trained the Meats Judging team that won the State Contest and earned the right to represent Iowa at the National Contest in Manhattan, Kansas.
Each year a former 4-H member who continues to support the ideals of 4-H throughout his or her lifetime is honored. This year’s 4-H Alumni winners were Trent & Leslie Henkes of Luana. Both are extremely active in and supportive of the 4-H program. Trent, a member of the Monona Jr. Feeders 4-H Club growing up, carried a variety of projects including dairy, safety, photography, visual arts and veterinary science. He competed in various dairy judging contests and was on the Clayton County team that won first place at state and went on to represent Iowa in the national contest in Madison. He was member of the County Council. Leslie grew up in Ogle County, Illinois as member of the Pine Creek Valley and the Seams & Needles Clubs. She also carried a variety of projects including dairy, beef, clothing, food & nutrition, home improvement and photography. She served as a junior leader for 2 years and a club leader for 5 years in Illinois. Both Trent & Leslie received numerous county and state award honors during their 4-H membership. They currently are leaders of the Monona Jr. Feeders 4-H Club and are involved in coaching both dairy quiz bowl and dairy judging. Leslie also enjoys judging food & nutrition and clothing exhibits at area fairs. They both are also longtime dairy superintendents at the county fair. Trent & Leslie have been married 19 years and have 2 children, Leah & Matt, who are both actively involved in 4-H.
Awards of Clovers were presented to dedicated 4-H volunteers who have served 5, 10, 20 and 30 years. Serving 5 years are Lori Schoenfeldt, McGregor; Ray Curran, St. Oalf; Marvin Althoff, Colesburg; Robin Althoff, Colesburg; Sheila Adams, Holy Cross; Brenda Walters, Colesburg; Beth Henkes, Monona; Daryl Henkes, Monona; Leslie Henkes, Luana; Trent Henkes, Luana; and Joe Vlazny, Farmersburg. Honored for serving 10 years were Brad Clauson, Strawberry Point; Mary Foxwell, Monona; Deb Moose, Monona; Richard Moose, Monona; and Mary Fisher, Edgewood. Dennis Hamann, Garnavillo and Vernon Cherne, Gutterburg were recognized for volunteering for 20 years. Serving 30 years as a 4-H volunteer is Greg Schulte of Edgewood.
Junior Record Keeping Awards were presented to 37 junior members throughout the county. Winners included
Ful-O-Pep: Chelsea Curran, Wyatt Glawe, Austin Schuety and Autumn Schuety
Garnavillo Hawks: Abby Von Handorf, Brianna Achenbach, Morgan Taake, Jennifer
Gerner, Zach Wolter, Breanna Heying, Kristopher Ihde and Hannah VonHandorf
Highland Helping Hands: Amanda Meyers and McKenzie Kenkel
Lodomillo Leaders: Aurora Larson, Brandon Janssen, Jorjiann Sparrgrove, Makenzie Wegmann, Colton Wegmann and Courtney Putz,
Mallory Minks: Chad Moser, Hunter Lueken, Ryan Moser and Rachel Moser
Marion Happy Hustlers: Emily Amundson and Kenny Johnson
Monona Jr. Feeders: Brady Henkes
Peppy Pals/Mendon Hustlers: Andrea Glawe
Peppy Pointers: Jordan Tucker and Kelli Meyer
Woodcenter Eagles: Maddy Kerns, Alexis Ernst, Morgan Pritchard and Melissa Heims.
Worthwhile: Janelle Gibney and Renee Gibney.
The Collin Harbaugh Memorial honored the top junior record keeping members. The award given Brian & Koral Harbaugh in memory of their son Collin provides youth with the opportunity to attend either the area junior or intermediate camp next summer. Top junior record keeping honors went to Hannah VonHandorf and Jennifer Gerner of the Garnavillo Hawks Leaders Colton Wegmann and Tiffany Faust, of the Lodomillo Leaders
Intermediate Record Keeping Awards were presented to 21 intermediate members throughout the county. Winners included
Ful-O-Pep: Rebecca Curran and Maddy Balwin
Garnavillo Hawks: Stefanie Ihde
Giard Future Farmers: Miranda Walz
Grand Meadow: Brittany Lenth
Jefferson Go Hawks: Isaac Althoff, Matt Althoff and Molly Heitman
Jefferson Stars: Lori Schneider
Lodomillo Leaders: Ben Putz, Kelsey Bockenstedt, Hayley Larson, and Jake Mills
Luana Ramblers: Macy Walz and Margo Walz
Mallory Minks: Kirk Moser, Jaclyn Sampson, Lucas Thein and Rebecca Thein
Monona Jr. Feeders: Emily Moon
Woodcenter Eagles: Payson Kerns
Senior Record Keeping Awards were presented to 15 senior members throughout the county. Winners included
Giard Future Farmers: Kristina Walz
Jefferson Stars: Carrie Niehaus
Lodomillo Leaders: Ashley Wegmann, Kaytlan Bockenstedt, Trent Moeller, Kara Moeller and Tracey Faust
Mallory Minks: Dakota Lueken, Kayla Brown, Kendra Moser, Megan Moser and Robby Brown
Monona Jr. Feeders: Kyle Moon
Peppy Pointers: Bianca Strong
Intermediate and senior members competed for project awards. 23 project awards were presented. The winners were
Achievement: Leah Henkes, Luana
Child Development: Kimberly Connor, Farmersburg
Citizenship: Kelby Moose, Monona
Clothing: Baili Kerns, Edgewood
Clothing Selection: Kayla Brown, Volga
Communications: Leah Henkes, Luana & Payson Kerns, Edgewood
Computer: Molly Heitman, Guttenberg
Dog: Robby Brown & Kayla Brown
Food & Nutrition: Kendra Moser, Colesburg & Miranda Walz, Monona
Home Improvement: Jaclyn Sampson, Colesburg & Sarah Meyers, Volga
Horticulture: Kyle Moon, Monona
Horse: Ashley Wegmann, Edgewood & Robby Brown, Volga
Leadership: Matt Henkes, Luana
Photography: Sarah Meyers, Volga
Rabbits: Nick Chase, Farmersburg
Swine: Kimberly Connor, Farmersburg & Kristina Walz, Monona
Veterinary Science: Jennifer Chase, Farmersburg
Four special awards were given to 4-H’ers who scored well on their award applications and interviews. Baili Kerns, Edgewood, Miranda Walz, Monona, Kristina Walz, Monona and Ashley Wegmann, Edgewood each received a $50 voucher to the 2008 State 4-H Conference & Animal Science Roundup.
The Danforth Leadership awards were presented to Leah Henkes, daughter of Trent & Leslie Henkes of Luana and Kimberly Connor, daughter of Joe & Peg Connor of Farmersburg. The Danforth “I Dare Your Award” is a special leadership award presented each year to high school students who show leadership potential.
Evelyn Possehl Memorial Quilt Award: Kaitlin Orr, Elgin of the Marion Happy Hustlers for her quilt in the family heritage class at county fair.
Josephine Orr Memorial Outstanding Pie Award: Brennan Howe, Farmersburg of the Cheery Chums for his Blueberry Pie at county fair.
Club Officer Awards were presented to qualifying members holding a 4-H club office. Those honored included
President: Christina Miner, Grand Meadow; Hunter Heitman, Jefferson Go Hawks; and Rachel Foxwell, Luana Ramblers
Vice- President: Baili Kerns, Woodcenter Eagles
Secretary: Carrie Niehaus, Jefferson Stars; Lauren Foxwell, Luana Ramblers; Jaclyn Sampson, Mallory Minks; and Kyle Moon, Monona Jr. Feeders
Treasurer: Wyatt Glawe, Ful-O-Pep; Brianna Achenbach, Garnavillo Hawks; Dakota Lueken, Mallory Minks; Max Medberry, Marion Happy Hustlers; and Matt Henkes
Historian: Amanda Meyers, Highland Helping Hands, Ryan Moser, Mallory Minks; Emily Moon, Monona Jr. Feeders
Photographer: Megan Moser, Mallory Minks
Reporter: Miranda Walz, Giard Future Farmers
4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl team trophies were presented to Matt Henkes, Luana; Gina Fisher and Tyler Fisher of Edgewood; Monica Landsgard, Postville; Jake Mills and Levi Farmer of Strawberry Point; Robin Rochleau, Megan Rochleau and Tyler Rochleau of McGregor; Sam Hilgerson of Elkader; Austin Kelly, Autumn Schuety and Austin Schuety of St. Olaf; and Sam Hilgerson and Shana Hilgerson of Elkader.
Participants in the county 4-H dairy judging team were also recognized. Honored were
Matt Henkes, Luana, Aaron Klosterman, West Union, Jordan Landsgard, Postville, Baili Kerns, Edgewood, Jake Mills, Strawberry Point, Gina Fisher, Edgewood, Monica Landsgard, Postville; Kayla Koether, McGregor; Leah Ruff, Farmersburg; Levi Farmer, strawberry Point ; Tyler Fishre, Edgewood; and Jarrett Johnson, Elgin..
This year’s 4-H Pizzazz Night was planned and presented by the Clayton County 4-H Council and the 4-H & Youth Program Coordinator, Tammy Muller. For more information on the 4-H program, contact the Clayton County Extension Office in Elkader.
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