WHY do I need to access the Garvey/Goelz/Clark/Gehrlein Team web page?

Since Boyce has gone mostly “paperless,” we will try to use our web page to relay information to you as opposed to sending letters home. You will need to access the classroom web page to get access to general information that is related to the team and class. We will be using this web page to post daily homework assignments.

WHEN do I need to access the Team web page?

In the beginning of the year, there are several pieces of information that we would like you and your child to review to help ensure their success on the Garvey/Goelz/Clark Team.

  • Important First Week Stuff! (and all attachments)
  • Homework FAQ’s
  • MMS Student Portal Overview
  • MMS Parent Portal Overview

Although there are other links on our web page that we would like you to review, please make sure you review the four listed above as soon as possible.

HOW do I access the Team web page?**

  1. Go to the district web page:
  2. Click on the “Select a school…” pull-down menu and choose “Boyce Middle School.”
  3. Click on “Teachers’ Pages.”
  4. Select the “Garvey/Goelz/Clark/Gehrlein Team.”

**Once you have edited your e-Alert subscriptions to include the Garvey/Goelz/Clark/Gehrlein Team, you will simply be able to access our web page through the e-Alert that you receive. You will receive an e-Alert each day to notify you of the updated homework assignments.

In addition to the Team web page, we would also like your child to show you the following websites and explain how each works. You may want to bookmark these on your home computer. We will use them often throughout the year. Your child has a label in his/her Binder Reminder with login and password information.

  • Your child’s USC Student Gmail Account

Thanks for all of your support! We hope that all of these technology resources help to keep you informed and up to date with our team events!


Mrs. Sherri GarveyMr. Mark GoelzMr. Kevin Clark

English Language Arts TeacherMath TeacherScience Teacher

412-833-1600 ext. 5120412-833-1600 ext. 5058412-833-1600 ext. 5070


Please sign and return this slip by: Friday, August 29, 2014

My child and I have reviewed the websites listed above and have successfully subscribed to the Garvey/Goelz/Clark Team e-Alerts.

Parent Signature: ______