Mr. E. Shackelford


TEXT:Bock, Mariano, and Craine.STATS In Your World (2rd Edition). Pearson 2012


Statistics with Technology CP is an activity based course where students will develop their own understanding of the principles and practices of statistics. The course will provide a foundation for college level statistics that is a requirement for most majors. Students will learn how to formulate a good statistics question, collect data, analyze data, and interpret results. Students will develop effective statistical communication skills and be required to prepare frequent written and oral analyses of real data.



Semester grades are determined by dividing the total points earned by the total number of points possible. Points are earned fromClasswork, Homework, Projects, Quizzes, and Tests. Students can regularly review their grades on-line at Qconnection and it is theresponsibility of the student to report any concerns to the teacher. Please save all work to check against the computer.

Letter grades will follow a normal plus/minus grading scale:A 90 – 100%

B 80 – 89%

C 70 – 79%

D 60 – 69%

F 59 or below



Homework consists of book assignments, worksheets, and other work determined by the teacher. Homework will be collected in packets usually scored between15-25 points.Although homework is assigned on a regular basis, most work and learning will result from active involvement in classroom activities.

Time in class is very important. Classwork is assigned and on a regular basis. Students are expected to participate in class daily. Classwork is usually scored between 5-10 points. Students will also receive a participation grade that will reflect their daily effort. If students are off-task or on their cell phones and have to reminded to pay attention, they will lose some/all of their participation points for that day. Group collaboration and student teacher interaction is essential:

  • Classwork assignments will be collected on the day assigned.
  • Classwork can ALWAYS be made up but must be completed prior to taking the chapter assessment to receive full credit.


Tests are always announced in advance. Generally, each Chapter Assessment is worth 100 points. Quizzes range between 10 to 25 points, and Final Projects given at the end of each semester will be worth 150 to 200 points. During any test, the room must be silent until all papers have been returned. Tests will be reviewed with students in class, however, tests will not be allowed to leave the classroom and students cannot take them home.

  • Calculators are necessary during most tests.
  • There is to be no taping/recording of any kind in my classroom. (Ed Code 51512)
  • Cell phones, iPods, and headphones must be put away during class. If a student is using them in class, they will be asked to put them away and they will lose participation points for that day. If the student is instructed to put them away a second time, additional disciplinary action will result. Electronic devices visible during tests/quiz will result in academic dishonesty action.

District Academic Honesty policy will be strictly enforced:

Academic Honesty (Bd. Pol. 5131.9)

Definition: Academic Dishonesty is a deliberate attempt to disrupt the learning process by misrepresenting another’s work as one’s own. Dishonesty during tests or classwork includes unauthorized communicating; copying materials, or allowing another student to copy; using prohibited notes or devices; obtaining prior knowledge of test content; and/or removing or distributing all or part of any test. Copying another person’s assignment or providing homework/classwork for another student to replicate, plagiarism, or submitting a paper or project which is not one’s own work, and submitting falsified information for grading purposes are also examples of dishonesty.


First Infraction

  • The teacher will conference with the student and record a grade of Fail for that assignment.
  • Within five school days, the teacher will notify the parent and send a referral to the appropriate administrator noting the infraction.
  • The student will be placed on contract, with the understanding that a second infraction in the same or any other class will result in the student’s removal from the course in which the second infraction occurred. The contract will remain in effect for two years from the date of infraction.

Second Infraction

  • The teacher will send a referral to the appropriate administrator noting the infraction.
  • Within five school days, the parent will be notified and the student will be removed from the course and placed in a Study Hall with a grade of Fail for the semester.


Students need to come to class prepared everyday with their textbook, notebook (graph paper), and pencils. A graphing calculator (Ti84 plus) is highly recommended.

Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

(805) 497-6711 ext. 3108