Sally Nathan
Spanish III
Classroom Policies
Daily Materials
1. Notebook with paper (spiral or binder)
2. Pen/pencil—be prepared to write every day
3. Student agenda (contains passes to leave the classroom)
1. Homework is assigned almost every night and will be checked or handed in at the
beginning of the next class. Studying for a quiz is considered homework.
2. Late homework is accepted for half credit if you complete it and show it to me before
the quiz on the material. YOU are responsible for showing it to me.
3. Homework assignments are posted on the calendar section of my webpage on the PFHS website
and on Phoenix.
Class Rules
1. Be on time! You must be IN the room when the bell rings. The tardy policy will be enforced.
After three (3)tardies, your name will be submitted to the administration for discipline.
2. Be prepared! Bring your materials with you.
3. Be cooperative! You will work with many different people during the year. Everyone must
contribute for a group to succeed. Participation is vital!
4. Be attentive! No headphones, telephones, calculator games are permitted during class!
5. Be considerate! You may eat snacks and drink beverages from a plastic bottle with a cap,
but please clean up after yourself.
Homework and class work(in-class activities, participation—which includes the use of Spanish, comprehension checks, etc.) count for 10% of the grade. You must speak Spanish consistently to the best of your ability to earn an A+.
You receive advance notice of all quizzes and tests. Be ready! Quizzes, tests, CPAs, projects (summative work) is 90% of the grade. Remember that you can check Phoenix to see if you are missing anything.
You will be allowed one (1) retake per quarter, based on the following guidelines:
Retakes are for quizzes only. You must have done all of the homework for the concept assessed on the quiz. You must meet with me during 8th block or before school to go over corrections/ask questions on the quiz you wish to retake. You must complete the retake within two (2) weeks of receiving the grade. No retakes will be allowed during the last two (2) weeks of the quarter. The grade on the retake will replace the original grade. Retakes do not accumulate; only one (1) per quarter is valid.
8th block is to be utilized for make-ups and extra assistance. If you need more time one-on-one, I am usually in my room by 8:15am and will stay after school if you make arrangements with me.
Aristotle said, “Those who act receive the prizes.” It is still good advice today. What you put into the
class will determine what you get out of it, in terms of enjoyment, knowledge and grades. I am looking forward to working with you—I hope you will love Spanish as much as I do!