Classroom Expectations

·  Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. Check board for daily assignments.

·  Visit the restroom and your locker between classes. Trips outside the classroom will be made in case of emergency only, and students must sign out and obtain a hall pass before leaving the room.

·  Assignments will be due on the posted date. Ten percent of the total possible points for the assignment will be deducted for each day the assignment is late. Students who are absent from school have one day for every excused day of absence to make up assignments. Please ask about missed assignments when you return to school.

·  Bring your textbook, binder, and writing utensil to class daily. You are responsible for your own belongings; please don’t leave your materials in the classroom or expect your classmates to look after them.

·  Always show respect for your classmates, teacher(s), guests, and classroom. Please use appropriate language, listen, throw away all trash, and do not write on the desks, walls, or bulletin boards.

·  Cellphones and earbuds should be kept in your locker, pocket, or purse during class.

Grading Policy

·  Daily grades, homework ( x1)

·  Quizzes, in-class writing assignments ( x2)

·  Tests, formal writing assignments, notebook checks ( x3)

·  Plagiarism will always result in a failing grade for the assignment!

Materials Needed

·  Binder – at least one inch

·  Six tab dividers (colored paper/cardstock may also be used)

·  Loose leaf paper

·  Writing utensils

·  Highlighters OR colored pencils


Each student will create an account on Edmodo is a secure educational online platform that will be used to share, create, organize, obtain, and submit ideas and assignments for this class. Parents are welcome and encouraged to register for access to their child’s edmodo account as well. A class code will be sent home with the student when he/she creates an account.

Contact Information

(276) 326-1235