Last Name R-Z
Classmate Biography
Personal Information:Name: Ken Selvey
Phone Numbers:
Email Address:
Bio Summary: My introduction to the “Class of 1966” came years earlier when, during my 5th Grade year, we moved into the RaytownSouthJunior High school district. On that first day, I was led to my new class room, well after the starting bell had rung. When the door was opened, no teacher was found, everyone was screaming and throwing things, desks were overturned and Greg Copeland had one of the DiMaggio twins in a headlock. I knew then this was not going to be like Parochial Schools I had previously attended.
For the most part, the next few years in Junior High School flew by with only a few standout memories: I learned to “Duck Walk” thanks to the shop teachers; I learned what that paddle with all the little holes felt like “WACK” from the gym teachers; I learned to love playing in that little JAZZ BAND under the direction of Myrna Gross, jamming in her basement till late in the evening.
I remember I had taken to wearing contact lenses during the 7th grade to help see better during 3 & 2 baseball night games. I was a catcher and my glasses would continually fog up under my catcher’s mask. Anyway, the contacts irritated my eyes causing my blue eyes to be flanked by red and white areas. A sensitive teacher took pity on me and made me stand up in front of the class and have everybody say the Pledge of Allegiance to me. Fortunately, she grew tired of using me as a flag after a few days. Funny the things you remember?
The “Class of 66” stayed an extra year in the junior high school but finally we arrived in the new RaytownSouthHigh School in the fall of 1963. The new school had everything: a 7 footer who couldn’t dunk; an empty trophy case; no traditions, single-wing football and the beginning of a hated rivalry with NORTH.
For the next three years we would experience and change so much. But the best was the first car. It may have only been a ’51 chevy with new vinyl seats (every time you turned a corner everybody slid to the same side of the car). But it brought Zesto’s and girls and pizza and going to Kansas for 3-2 beer. (Priceless)
Can you believe I had Latin for 2 years with Rita Welborn? Gas wars for 19 cents a gallon, cigarettes for 25 cents a pack (Thanks Doug), CentralHigh School with Warren Armstrong came to South for the game. The pre warm up was awesome! Falling in love – for the first time. Losing President Kennedy. Coach Guy Dog, Coach Bud and Coach Craddock.
Finally, it was May of 1966 and with the class project and homecoming behind us we headed for the graduation ceremony. It wasn’t a big high for me. I knew college was my next step and maybe even more beyond that. Completing high school was not my ultimate goal. I did collect my certificate, my tassel, my ring, and my year book as we all did. As we wandered around on the lawn of the RLDS Auditorium exchanging congratulations, I tried to get a little excited. It wasn’t until I saw Greg Copeland with one of the DiMaggio twins in a headlock that I finally laughed. I guess some things never change…
Family Information:
Marital Status:
Number of Children:
Number of Grandchildren:
Employment Information:
Who you worked for and how many years.
Retired/Plans to Retire.
Favorite Hobbies:
Classmate Biography
Personal Information:Name: Sammy Vento
Address: 7109 Norwood Ave Raytown, Mo.64133
Phone Numbers:
Home: 816- 353-7584
Work: 816-737-0880
Cell: 816-838-4784
Email Address:
Bio Summary: After high school I went to junior college, then joined the navy and saw some of the world, mostly in Europe. Worked until I retired in October of 2005 and now sell insurance for just about everything.
Family Information:
Marital Status: Married
Number of Children: Girl 35 and a boy 32
Number of Grandchildren:
Employment Information: Post Office 39 years, 6 mo.
Retired : I am now working for Anchor Insurance in Raytown
Education: LongviewCollegefor 2 years
Favorite Hobbies: Golf, softball, gardening
Travel: Been to Spain, Greece, Italy, Black Sea, Cuba and other CaribbeanIslands
Recreation: Dancing, going out to eat, time on my deck grilling
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