Classes taught at TVCC to help pass Industry Test:

-Fundamentals of Equestrian Skills I

-Fundamentals of Equestrian Skills II

-Fundamentals of Equestrian Skills III

Instructor: Melissa Jayo

For group riding instructors dealing with progressive skill building in all levels of riders, both in the arena and on the trail. Certification may be earned in English and/or Western disciplines; minimum age for assistant certification is 16, minimum age for instructor certification is 18. Four levels of certification may be earned in both English and Western disciplines, ranging from assistant instructor to CHA clinician. Level of certification is at the sole discretion of the Clinic Staff and no certification of any kind is guaranteed.

THE CHA CERTIFICATION PROCESS… involves evaluation by two CHA Certified Clinicians, in a 5 day certification clinic held at approved CHA Program Member host site facilities. CHA certification clinics involve teaching at least four practice lessons, a riding evaluation, a written test and participation in workshops on risk management, teaching techniques, professionalism and herd management. Certification is awarded at the end of the clinic and the level of certification attained (if any) is the sole discretion of the two CHA Clinicians conducting the clinic. Certification is valid for three years from the certification date; the instructor must maintain annual individual membership in CHA. Instructors may recertify at the end of the three-year certification period by providing documentation of at least 25 hours of continuing education and work within the industry. The only way to raise the level of certification is to attend another CHA certification clinic. Seasonal equestrian staff certification requires a different certification process; please refer to the section below.

They must be able to mount, dismount and ride at the walk, trot and canter/lope on the correct lead, with good form and control in a group, in the arena and in the open. Instructor candidates must be able to ride above the level that they will be certified to teach (for exceptional circumstances, see Special Considerations under "Instructor Competency Guidelines" in the CHA Clinic Instructor's Manual).

  • ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR:English and/or Western, qualified to assist in a lesson or trail ride, under the supervision of a certified instructor.
  • LEVEL ONE INSTRUCTOR:qualified to provide foundational instruction to beginners, with a strong emphasis on safety and group control; candidates must demonstrate ability in ground handling, mounting, correct position and control at walk-trot.
  • LEVEL TWO INSTRUCTOR:English and/or Western, qualified to improve all aspects of the first level, and progressing through canter/lope, including diagonals, balance of horse and rider, pre-jumping exercises, western patterns, trail riding, etc.
  • LEVEL THREE INSTRUCTOR:English and/or Western, qualified to coach students in improving form, style and understanding of the natural aids, including basic jumping, turn backs to the rail, transitions, school figures and leads with a greater emphasis on horsemanship theory and horse care.
  • LEVEL FOUR INSTRUCTOR:English and/or Western, qualified to improve the performance of advanced riders and their horses, including jumping courses, dressage movements, reining, and other performance events, advanced horse management and horsemanship theory.
  • MASTER INSTRUCTOR:qualified in Level 4, both English and Western; highly experienced in a variety of teaching and management situations.
  • ASSISTANT CLINIC INSTRUCTOR:minimum age 21; prerequisite of Master Instructor certification and recommendation from a CHA Clinic Instructor; qualified to assist in certifying instructors; MI's recommended as an ACI must apply to CHA for ACI certification.
  • CLINIC INSTRUCTOR:minimum age 25; qualified to conduct CHA certification clinics and certify instructors with assistance from another CHA clinician. To become certified as a CI, the instructor must first attain ACI certification and then assist at a certain number of CHA clinics to qualify as a CHA Clinic Instructor.