CLASS : VI Summative Assessment – IMax. Marks: 60
29.09.16 Science TIME: 2 ½ HRS
General Instructions:
(i) The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B.
(ii) All questions are compulsory and no ink killer or whitener should be used in the answer
(iii) Question numbers 1 to 5 in Section A carry one mark. These are to be answered in one
word or one sentence.
(iv) Question numbers 6 to 11 in Section A carry two marks. These are to be answered in about
15 words each.
(v) Question numbers 12 to16 in Section A carry three marks. These are to be answered in about
20 words each.
(vi) Question numbers 17 to 20 in Section A carry five marks. These are to be answered in
about 25 words each.
(vii) Question No. 21 is a value based question of two marks.
(viii) Question No.22 is a passage based question of two marks
(ix ) Question numbers 23 to26 of Section B are multiple choice questions with one mark each.
- What is meant by nutrition? (1)
- Which two methods are used to convert yarn into fabric?(1)
- Pick the odd one out from the following. Give reason for your answer.(1)
salt, vinegar, sand and honey
- What is hydroelectricity?(1)
- Mention the breathing organs of fish and cats.(1)
- (a) Write any one difference between physical and chemical changes.(2)
(b) Electrical power lines are not strung rigidly. Why?
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- (a) Mention any two methods to conserve water.(2)
(b) What is water pollution?
- (a) Explain any one way by which plants can get rid of their wastes.(2)
(b) Why are animals called as heterotrophs?
- (a)Why are decomposers important for our environment? (2)
(b) Identify the plant part which gives us the following food-
- (a) What will happen when iron objects are exposed to moist air?(2)
(b) ‘Burning of wood is an irreversible change.’ Justify it.
- (a) Why do electricians wear rubber gloves while working? (2)
(b) In a cake shop, pastries are displayed in glass cupboards instead of wooden ones.
Give reason for this observation.
- (a) Growing children need more proteins than adults. Why?(3)
(b) Mention any two functions of fats in our body.
(c) What do you understand by a balanced diet?
- (a) Give any two reasons to separate the different components of a mixture.(3)
(b) What is tea known as homogeneous mixture?
(c) Is salt a pure substance or a mixture? Give reason for your answer.
- (a) ‘Liquids can flow but solids can’t.’ Give reason.(3)
(b) Why do silver articles appear dull after few months?
(c) What will happen when you mix water and oil? Why does it happens?
15. (a) Define- reversible change.(3)
(b) What will happen when we dip the tight lid of a bottle in hot water?
(c) Explain physical, irreversible change using an example
16. (a)Draw a diagram showing different parts of a plant. Label the following parts- (3)
(i) root (ii) stem (iii) leaves (iv) flower
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(b) Classify the shown animals into different groups according to their food habits-
17. (a) Rakesh is having soft, brittle and weak bones. He has bow-shaped legs. (5)
(i) Identify the deficiency disease child is suffering from.
(ii) Which deficiency leads to this disease?
(iii) What diet should be followed by the child to overcome this disease?
(b) What are protective food? Why are they called so?
(c) ‘Water is not a nutrient but still it is very important to us.’ Give any two reasons to
support this statement.
(d) Why do athletes need to drink more water in comparison to others?
18. (a) Observe the picture of the plant and answer the following questions- (5)
(i) Identify the shown plant.
(ii) Which part of the plant gives us fibres?
(iii) Mention the type of soil and climate which is suitable
for growing this plant.
(iv) What is ginning?
(b) Why is jute known as environment friendly?
(c) Why are synthetic clothes unsuitable for use in hot and humid conditions?
19. (a) Why are seeds important to plants? (5)
(b)How does the growth of a plant and an animal differ from each other?
(c) Give an example to show the external movement in the plants.
(d) What are unicellular organisms?
(e) Give an example of response and stimuli from your daily life to explain it.
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20.Refer to the activity and answer the following questions: (5)
(a) Identify the separation processes shown in the above diagrams.
(b) Give an example of a mixture which can be separated by the above process.
(c) Label the parts 1 and 2.
(d) What will happen if you add alum to beaker A? How will it help in the process?
(e) Can we separate salt from sea water using the above process? Support your answer by
giving reason.
Q. 21. Ritik keeps his things in an organised way. He keeps all his books subject wise in
different shelves of his study table. He keeps pencils in one box, pens in another, scales
and erasersin another. (2)
(a) What value can you pick up from Ritik?
(b) In what way is this value helpful to Ritik?
Q.22. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow- (2)
We use water filters in our homes, schools and offices to get safe drinking water. In some places three-stage water filters are used. In these filters water is first made to flow through a porous ceramic candle which filters mud, dust and other solid impurities. The filtered water is then passed through carbon filter which removes colour and odour. Finally water is passed through ultraviolet rays. These rays kill harmful microorganisms present in it. Thus, the water becomes safe for drinking.
(a)How does ceramic candle help in the filtration of water?
(b)What is the function of ultraviolet rays in three-stage filter?
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Choose the correct option for the following- (4)
Q.23 A mixture of wheat and husk can be separated by-
(a) hand-picking (b) threshing (c) sieving (d) winnowing
Q.24 Benedict’s solution is used to test the presence of-
(a) starch (b) proteins (c) fats (d) sugar
Q.25 A mixture of tea leaves from tea-
(a) distillation (b) filtration (c) sieving (d) separating funnel
Q.26 When we add iodine solution to starch containing food sample, the observed colour change
will be-
(a) blue-black (b) white (c) brick-red (d) violet
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