Class Syllabus forWorld History
Teacher: Coach Savell
Classroom Goals:
- Accomplishing classroom goals will require working independently, with other students, and with me.
Guidelines for Success: A to E
- Always try!
- Be responsible
- Cooperate with everyone
- Do your Best!
- Everyone is to be treated with respect
Classroom Rules:
- Come to class everyday that you are not seriously ill.
- Arrive on time with paper, pencil/pen, and textbook.
- Take care of locker and restroom during passing period.
- Follow directions the first time that they are given.
- Stay on task during all work times.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
Activities: Each activity listed below will include very specific information for you about how to be successful in this class.
- Opening/attendance routine
- Teacher directed instruction/Lecture
- Discussion
- Independent work
- Cooperative groups
- Peer tutoring
- Key Points
- Test/Final Exam
Grades: Will be based on:
- Individual Assignments
- Group Work
- Test/Final Exam
Classroom Procedures:
Entering the classroom
- Be in the room before the bell rings
- Read the board or screen
- Begin on 1st activity
Daily Assignments: Will be listed on the board.
Turning in Assignments: Turn in your completed work to the teacher. Please check to see if your name is on the assignment.
Returning Assignments: Keep what you think will be beneficial to you, throw others away. If I have a missing grade for you, and you can show me the paper, the assignment will not have to be redone.
Grade Status: Check on computer or see me.
Student Responsibilities after an Absence
- Locate date of absence on the Makeup Calendar, assignment will be recorded there
- Locate class box under Makeup Calendar, select folder and get the assignment
- Assignment is due the following class
- If you need assistance, please see me
Ending Class:
- Books will be returned to the bookcase in numerical order, 1-5, 6-10, etc.
- Review of today’s Goals
- You will be excused by me after the bell ring
Consequences for Classroom Rules Violations: If you violate a rule, you may be
assigned a consequence. Depending on the frequency and severity of the
misbehavior, you may receive one or more of the following consequences:
- Redirection
- Parental Contact
- Change in seating assignment
- Time owed: after class, or before school, at lunch or after school
- Detention
- Office Referral
- You may make an appointment with me to discuss thesituation
Consequences for Code of Conduct Violations: Office Referral
I Follow All School Policies.