Hello, and welcome to the exciting world of Chemistry. Don’t be scared, it’s not that bad. This year we will be exploring the Chemical world and all the things it has to offer. We will have science mixed with math and relate them to everyday topics, so come to class prepared to learn every day.

Class Supplies: Everyday you will be required to bring the following items to class:

  1. Something to write with- Pencil, Blue, or Black ONLY.
  2. Composition Book

Classroom Procedures:

  1. Come in get your reference material and sit down
  2. Begin your Warm-Up on the board, attendance will be taken at the tardy bell, if you are not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings you are tardy, even if you are standing at the door
  3. You may have up to 5 minutes after the tardy bell to complete your Warm-Up
  4. After you have finished your Warm-Up wait quietly and patiently for the others or until I tell you otherwise
  5. We will then answer the Warm-Up as a class, then begin our daily lesson, make sure you do your Warm-Ups, they will be graded

Grading:60% ------Tests

40%------Homework, Classwork, Quizzes, anything not a Test


  1. We will treat each other with respect
  2. If you have a substitute or classroom visitor, they will be treated with more respect
  3. Respect other peoples space and property
  4. No cell phones
  5. No profanity
  6. No food or drinks, except bottles water
  7. When you are asked to do something, do it


  1. Verbal warning
  2. Move/Call Home
  3. Office Referral


  1. You will be responsible for keeping an interactive notebook for this class. This notebook will contain everything we do in this class from warmups to notes and even assignments and tests. The notebook is not optional and if you refuse to keep a notebook you WILL FAIL my class. This is an easy and simple grade to get and to maintain.
  2. Absences are your responsibility. Since you are in high school I will expect you to act like a high school student. If you are absent for whatever reason, it will be your responsibility to get any and all missed work and/or assignments. Per school policy you have as many days as you were absent to turn in work from being absent, after that you will receive a late grade.
  3. All work is due the Friday of the week it was assigned unless I inform you otherwise. If I do not receive your work by Friday it can still be turned in for a late grade which is -30 pts off your grade. The last day I will accept late work is the Friday before the last week of the nine weeks. After that time no late work will be accepted unless absent.
  4. Students are allowed 2 restroom passes per nine weeks. They are not transferrable from nine weeks to nine weeks, they cannot be given to another student. Any unused passes can be traded in for bonus points. If you have a documented doctors note with extra restroom privileges either provide me a copy of the note or inform the nurse to let me know.
  5. All of my grading is completed over the weekend. Grades will be updated every Monday morning, no exceptions. If you turn in late work it will be graded with the following weeks assignments and updated on the following Monday. So please do not ask me if I have graded your assignment. This is the same for all classes.
  1. After grades have been updated, any student whose average is 75 or below will receive an email or phone call home. This is to ensure that you and your parents are kept up to date on your academic progress and no surprises arise at the end of the nine weeks.
  2. If you fall behind in class, it is your responsibility to set up a tutoring time with me during my tutoring times. My tutoring times are M / T / W / R / F from ______to _____ in the morning and from ______to ______after school. Locations will be G200 on A days and J123 on B days.

Throughout the year we will be doing group projects that require some supplies. In order to ease the financial burden on myself I am providing a list of supplies I would like to have donated if at all possible. Please be aware that this is in NO WAY, SHAPE, FORM, OR FASHION a requirement, and that your students grade will NOT be affected whether they bring any of these supplies or not. I am not asking each student donate all the supplies either, just one or however many you can manage would be greatly appreciated and evenly distributed among the classes. I will provide any additional supplies we may require.

White Poster boardCrayonsMap Colors

Markers Pipe CleanersStyrofoam Balls

Kleenex’sRubber BandsCardboard Boxes (Shoebox size)