Monday 20th – Thursday 23rd June / Winsford (WEP) Games Week
Wednesday 22nd June 7.30 am / Y5 At the Manchester Halle.
Friday 24th June / INSET DAY – SCHOOL CLOSED
Saturday 25th June / Delamere Street Festival - 11am parade
Thursday 30th June 1-2.30pm / WEP Pupil Forum
Friday 1st July
Non-Uniform Day / Y3/4 Quadkids Competition
‘Where Are You Johnny James’ - Play dealing with cyber and www bullying – Parents Welcome.
Monday 4th July pm / Sports Day
Tuesday 5th - Friday 8th July / Transition Week (Also Hartford, Academy and Leftwich)

Week 2 of 7


Summer (ii)

Summer Fayre and Car Wash
Saturday 9th July
Advanced notification
Hire a Table at the Summer Fayre
£10 per table
(Name, Telephone Number and £10 to school office please
To support the event - Non uniform Day Friday 1st July – Bring a bottle or tombola item.
Winsford (WEP) Games Week

Monday 20th – Thursday 23rd June
Theme ‘ The Road to Rio’
Classes will be engaged in a variety of activities. Please ensure that the children have a sports kit and suitable footwear all week. Thank you. / Salt Rock Art Gallery - Winsford Shopping Centre
Open day Saturday 18 June from 1.30-3.30pm
Year 3 will have their artwork displayed at the gallery in Winsford Shopping Centre, along with artwork from other local schools.
Everyone welcome to pop along to admire their work
Free tea, coffee and juice.
Volunteers wanted!
Volunteer as a ‘Secret Diner’ and enjoy the opportunity of free day out at a top visitor attraction.
The Soil Association is working with parents to investigate the food on offer to children and families outside of the home.
Complete a short survey and register!
Please update the office with your current e-mails as we work towards a paperless office!!!

Class Staffing 2016- 17

Y6 Miss Stubbs Mr M Highton Mrs N White

Y5 Miss S Albiston Miss M Partridge

Y4 Mrs H Savory Mrs J Walker

Y3 Miss H Higgins Mrs A Lamb

Y2 Miss L Colclough Miss S Pollard AN Other

Y1 Miss F Lowrie Mrs King Mrs Nasreem

EYFS Miss Cheek Mrs Stacpole AN Other x 2

Miss C Folksman Mrs A Howard Mrs M Titterton

Hartford FC Girls
Are recruiting girls to come and play football, with a view to competing locally in the
Cheshire Girls League. They are particularly looking for girls in current years 2 and 3,
but would consider other ages of girls with a burning desire to play football. For further
information you can contact Alison Spears, the Girls Manager, at
or on 07974761597 / T4W – Mark Murray YR
The original, of this example of independent writing, was on 4 x large sheets and
has not transferred too well by scanning into the computer.
Here, Mark has retold the story of the Three Little Pigs – complete with some
correct spellings, use of phonics knowledge, much correct letter formation,
finger spaces, left to right orientation – all on his own!
Very well done indeed!

Over Allotments

A number of the Gardening Club and Y5 children visited the Allotments today and had a fabulous time!

They returned with a bird house and butterfly house for the school. Thank you.