Language Arts

Class Practices and Expectations

Mr. DePrez, 2015-2016

Hello! Welcome to 8th grade language arts. We will be doing a variety of things over the course of the year, and students will be required to wear shoes at all times. This will prevent the excitement of our work from blowing off students’ socks, thus securing a safe, projectile-free learning environment. That rule is just one of many contained within this document, all of which are designed to protect the physical, emotional, and academic safety of every student.

Parents, as you read through this with your child, you will likely find that he or she swells with optimistic anticipation. While that is appropriate in light of the spectacular year afoot, he or she may insist upon framing this document and hanging it on the wall in commemoration of this moment. Do not allow it! This paper must be signed and returned no later than Friday, July 24.

Course Work

Generally, each unit will devote time to academic reading and writing skills organized around central themes introduced in our primary literature study. The goal is to give every student the tools needed to become a stronger communicator through meaningful opportunities to listen, speak, and write. Each quarter will include assignments that incorporate the specific skills taught throughout the year. Those items all align with state and district standards, and will be organized around the district’s required reading list as follows:

Quarter 1

8th Grade— 1. Taming of the Shrew

Honors— 1. Taming of the Shrew

Quarter 2

8th Grade— 1. The House on Mango Street

2. Short selections mythology, fables, personal narratives

Honors— 1. The House on Mango Street

2. Short selections mythology, fables, personal narratives

Quarter 3

8th Grade— 1. Preamble and 1st Amendment to the US Constitution

2. Animal Farm

Honors— 1. Preamble and 1st Amendment to the US Constitution

2. Animal Farm

3. Fahrenheit 451

Quarter 4

8th Grade— 1. The Diary of Anne Frank (play)

Honors— 1. The Diary of Anne Frank (play)

2. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Each literature study will include shorter, supplementary fiction and nonfiction texts which will explore themes in the main texts, as well as providing context. Students will also construct narrative, expository, and argumentative essays which will provide the framework for class discussions.


In general, homework will consist of work not completed during class time. Of course, every student is different, and various tasks may take students more or less time than their peers. On average, students typically find themselves with approximately 30-60 minutes of homework each week. It is important that all students are appropriately challenged, so please communicate if assignments are taking significantly more or less time.

Late Work

Late work may turned in at a 10% deduction per day late; however, certain large projects may not be turned in late as they will be due at the end of the quarter when grades are closed. Students and parents will always receive prior notice when such limitations apply.

Obviously life exists beyond language arts; Mr. DePrez is aware that while significantly less fulfilling, that outside life can at times interfere with school. Still, exceptions to the late work policy will only be made if arranged prior to the due date with parental involvement (aside from illness or extenuating circumstances). All late assignments and make-up or retaken tests will need to happen prior to the end of the grading period, which is generally nine weeks.


The grading scale for language arts includes scores for class work, homework, and assessments. Each activity will be designated in one of those categories for tracking on Infinite Campus, but points will be tallied cumulatively, and grades will be assigned as follows:

·  A= 90-100% of available points earned

·  B= 80-89% of available points earned

·  C= 70-79% of available points earned

·  D= 60-69% of available points earned

Earning fewer than 60% of available points will result in an understanding that the student has become so fond of Mr. DePrez language arts that he or she has chosen to take it again next year. This is unnecessary as Mr. DePrez is easily accessible. If it appears that a student has chosen this path, parents will be immediately involved to help explain that there are easier ways to keep in touch than repeating the course.

Extra Credit

There is no extra credit available to any student for any reason.

Test Retakes and Make-ups

Students who earn fewer than 85% of the points available on a test or quiz will be allowed to retake the test. Retakes will be given at tutoring sessions, but may not be taken prior to the student completing test corrections. Retakes will be scaled to 85%, meaning a perfect score on a retake will be awarded 85% of the available points. It is the responsibility of the parent to make travel arrangements for retakes.

Tests missed due to absence can be made up at any time prior to the end of the quarter. However, students will need to make arrangements to make-up tests outside of regular class time (before or after school or at lunch).

Please be sure to check-in to my website and Infinite Campus frequently to ensure student success. Feel free to contact at me anytime with questions or concerns at .

Sincerely looking forward to a great year,

Fred DePrez, Jr.


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Student Name (Printed) Student Signature Date


Student Email


Parent/Guardian Name (Printed) Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Email Parent/Guardian Phone Number