Teacher:Nicholas Ladd Rm. A107 Social Studies: World Geography

Email: Conference Period: 6thperiod ______

Class Rules: In order to achieve an environment that guarantees all students in the classroom an excellent learning climate, the following expectation plan will be followed.


2. Students should be inside the classroom and ready to work when the bell rings.

3. Students will come to class prepared to work (bring your brain and materials), will participate through sharing of their ideas on a regular basis and honor the “one speaker at a time” concept.

4. Students are expected to respect ALL in the classroom including other students, the instructor and any substitute teacher. The use of inappropriate or derogatory language is not tolerated in the professional environment and therefore, will not be tolerated in the academic environment.

5. Food, beverage, applying makeup, texting/instagramming/face bookingand sleeping are not allowed in the classroom.

6. Students will exercise good listening skills and take appropriate notes in preparation for quizzes, tests and open and frequent discussions.

7. Students should not move around the room during class time without permission.


Characteristics of a responsible student: The Student is expected to do the following in order to successfully complete his/her course work in Social Studies.

1. Prepare for class. Turn in homework in a timely fashion. Read assigned work, and

study everyday, NOT just the night before the test.

2. Be attentive. Keep a notebook and bring it to class with you everyday. Attend regularly, and

participate in class discussions.

3. Show initiative. Initiate a conference with the teacher before or after school if you are having a

problem. Do all correctives, all homework, all class work, and take notes in class! Seek help

before the end of the unit, and before the test! Tutorials will be on Friday after school until 3:30.

4. Meet all deadlines. Do all class work in class. Do all homework on time. Keep appointments and be

on time to class. Be responsible for your own actions. ______

Social Studies Department Grading Policy:

Major = 60%

Daily = 40%

Retesting:The current school policy is that students in levelclasses may retest only once during the semester and ONLY if they meet the criteria of being Responsible Students! A responsiblestudent should NOT fail. It is the student’s responsibility to seek tutorials BEFORETHE TEST!

Make-up Work:Students who are absent from school are to make up assignments, without penalty, within a reasonable time following their return to school (not weeks later). This means that a student is allowed one day to make up assignments per day missed. It is the student's responsibility to ask for the make-up work upon returning to school.

Late Work Policy: Missed assignment deadlines will result in a reduction of points

Daily Work = 25 points off per day, Nothing accepted after 2 days

Major Work = 20 points off per day, Nothing accepted after 2 days.

****Zero Tolerance Policy: Students are expected to behave appropriately at all times.

Cheating will NOT be tolerated by the teacher, the department or the school district. Plagiarism is cheating! Copying another student's work (even making a copy off the computer) is NOT acceptable. The teacher is interested in assessing the level of the STUDENT’S understanding of the curriculum. Either of these actions will earn you a ZEROthat CAN NOT be made up! Parents will be called and/or emailed.


Student signature DateParent's Signature


Print Student NamePrint Parent Name

*Parent’s Email address: ______