Welcome to Biology!

Ms. Phan, Room 212J

Class Expectations and General Information

Materials Needed

  • 1 subject notebook or loose-leaf paper
  • 3 ring binder
  • pen/pencil
  • highlighter
  • 5 tab section divider
  • textbooks are stored in the classroom for use as needed during class time

Classroom Expectations

Be on time and prepared to actively participate in class.

Bring all materials to class every day.

Treat each other with respect at all times!

Help to keep the classroom clean- discard trash only into the trash can.

Cell phones must be put away until class is finished.


When you are absent from class, you must check the absent work bin to collect any notes or work you missed. Absent work for Biology is stored in the GREEN bin, and each folder is dated. It is YOUR responsibility to check the folder for the day(s) you were absent. If you have any questions about how to complete absent work, see me for help.

All make up work from absences must be completed in a timely manner (the number of days absent + 1). No credit will be given for OSS or unexcused absences (other than tests or long term projects). However, you are still responsible for the material that will appear on any tests/quizzes.

Homework Policy

Homework will be periodically assigned in order to supplement the work done in class. The purpose of homework is to practice skills that have been taught in class and reinforce student learning. As a student, you should put forth positive effort to complete homework and turn it in on time. Homework and study skills are directly related to your success in this course.

Parents: Parents should facilitate the completion of homework, but should not be overly involved in the completion of the assignment.

Late Work

Late homework, projects, and other assignments will not receive full credit. One letter grade (~10%) will be deducted from the grade for every day the assignment is past due. After five days, assignments can only be turned in for half credit. Incomplete assignments will automatically have points deducted proportional to the amount of the assignment left unfinished.


This course will be graded according to the science department common guidelines:

Homework, classwork, and labs: 24%

Tests, quizzes, and projects: 76%

Behavioral Consequences

1st offense: Verbal warning

2nd offense: Phone call home, lunch detention

3rd offense: After school detention

4th offense: Behavior plan, referral

Note: The teacher reserves the right to assign detentions when deemed necessary regardless of prior offenses.

Students who disrupt the learning environment will be removed to CLC.


Entering the classroom after the bell rings without a pass results in the following consequences: 1st and 2nd tardy- verbal warning; 3rd tardy-phone call home; 4th and 5th tardy- after school detention; 6th and beyond- referral.

If you arrive more than one minute late to class you will be sent to CLC for the period.

Assessments (Tests and Projects)

There will be a test at the end of every unit to assess student learning. A study guide will be provided for every test. In this course, it is important that students develop effective study habits to succeed on tests.

If you have an excused absence on a test day, an appointment must be made to make up the test within one week of absence.

If you are OSS for a test, you will need to set up a Saturday Academy with an administrator to make up the test.

There will be a quarter project each nine weeks. This will provide students an opportunity to show what they have learned in a unique and creative way. Project guidelines and rubrics will be distributed well in advance of the due date.


Copying of homework or assignments, including labs, will not be tolerated. Working together does NOT mean allowing one person to do all of the work, and then copying all of their answers!

Copied assignments, including homework and classwork, will be given a zero. Behavioral consequences will occur as outlined in this document.

Cheating on a test will result in a phone call home and after school detention to make up an alternate test. Second or future offenses will result in an office referral and a grade of ZERO on the test.

Cheating on a project (include plagiarism) will result in a ZERO being given for the grade, as well as an after school detention.

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