U.S./AZ History
Mrs. Gauna
/ 696-5681
Class Description: U.S./AZ History is a yearlong class that focuses on United Statesand
Arizona history from early Native Americans to modern day.
Materials: Bring the following materials to class EVERYDAY:
-pencil or blue/black pen-notebook with PAPER
*We will have online access to the textbook this year. There will be a class set for students to
use in class and students will be able to access the text online at home. If you need a
textbook to take home, please let me know.
Classroom Procedures:
- Turn homework into the basket at the beginning of class.
- Place cell phone into our “Phone Hotel”
- Sit in your seat.
- The first 5-10 minutes of class you will work on your Mindset (bellwork) in your notebooks silently – They will be collected for a grade every other week!
- The lesson will begin.
Homework: Homework is due on the assigned date. It is to be turned into the
appropriate basket at the beginning of class.
Late Work Policy: Class work and homeworkare only accepted up to the END OF THE UNIT
and will be given half credit.
Cheating and Plagiarism:
-Any student caught cheating or is willingly helping another student cheat will receive a ZERO for that assignment, test, or project AND a referral will be written.
-All essays and written projects will be turned in through turnitin.com.
Attendance: If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to get the work (class work and
homework) you missed. You can check the homework link on my website, check
the Agenda binder in class, or call a friend from class. If you are
absent for an extended period of time, please contact me as soon as possible.
The number of days absent equal the number of days you have to make up the work (if absent for 2 days – you will then have 2 days to make up missed work).
Mindsets are included in make-up work. If clarification is needed on any assignment, please come and speak to me. I will be more than happy to help you.
Tardies: Students are expected to be in their seats and working when the bell rings,
NOT walking in the door. Being late to class is a disruption to the whole class.
Please be on time, as instructions that you missed, will not be repeated and you will
not be allowed to make up bellwork if tardy is unexcused.
We will be following the CDO tardy policy.
Consequences: We will be following CDO’s consequences for classroom violations:
-2ndand 3rd violations will result in lunch detentions and parent contact
-4th violation is a referral and the creation of an action plan
-5th violation is another referral and possible ISS
-6th violation may result in removal of the class and loss of credit
**Depending the severity of the violation, a referral may be required without going through
the above steps.
Cell Phones: Cell phones ARE NOT to be used in class. You will place your cell phone in
our “Phone Hotel” when you enter class. Attendance will be taken by your phone in it’s “Phone Hotel” slot. If you do not have a phone, you will have a place card to put in the slot. You will collect your phone at the end of class. If you are caught with your phone, first offence is TWO lunch detentions. Second offence is a referral.
Grading: The scale for grading is as follows:
A = 90 - 100%
B = 80 – 89%
C = 70 – 79%
D = 60 – 69%
F = 0 – 59%
Grades are based on individual and cooperative class work, class participation,
bellwork, homework, projects, simulations, quizzes, and tests/exams.
*Finals for each semester are district finals = 15% of grade
Responsibilities: My responsibilities as a teacher are:
- To treat you with respect
- To be on time, prepared, and ready to work
- To help you learn and become successful in every way possible
- To listen
Your responsibilities as a student are:
- To treat others with respect
- To be on time, prepared, and ready to work
- Advocate for yourself
- Follow directions
- To listen
I truly believe that every student wants to learn and that every student should feel successful in one way or another. The goal for our classroom community is to maintain a safe, healthy, positive learning environment where we are all motivated to learn, participate, and enjoy lessons throughout the year.
The videos that we will be watching throughout the year are:
-America the Story of Us
-The Presidents
-The Century America’s Time
-The Men who Built America
-Mankind, The Story of All of Us
-Human Planet
-Survivors of the Holocaust
-Forrest Gump (some scenes deleted)
-Various videos from YouTube, the History Channel, PBS, Discovery Education, and TED Talks
I have read and agreed to the above policies. Close attention has been paid to the following areas:
Homework Late work Cheating/Plagiarism Attendance
Tardies Consequences Cell Phones Videos
Student Printed Name: ______
Student signature: ______
Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Printed Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Date: ______
Best daytime phone number to reach you: ______
Email: ______
Due Tuesday, August 7th
Year at a Glance
1st Quarter2nd Quarter
ColumbusAndrew Jackson
Colonies Native America Removal
Revolutionary WarWestward Expansion
Declaration of Independence Civil War
Articles of Confederation Reconstruction
Shay’s RebellionProgressive Era
A New Nation
3rd Quarter`4th Quarter
US – World InvolvementThe Holocaust
IndustrializationThe 1950’s Culture
WWIThe Cold War
The Roaring 20’sKorea - Vietnam
The Great Depression The Civil Rights Movement
The New DealModern Wars
Donations needed - Kleenex, hand sanitizer, colored post-it notes – name brands not needed.
Thank you!