Student’s Abilities and Assistance Needs Matrix
The needs matrix is used to assist teams in identifying supports in place and needed for a student with an IEP who is in the general education setting. This matrix should be considered a living document. Typically the Needs Matrix is coordinated by an RESD staff member in conjunction with local district staff, and student staffings held regularly to review student progress toward independence.
This form should be completed with input from all instructional staff describing student’s needs across all settings of the day.
- Section I Overview
- Completed with all student’s teachers
- Staff indicates yes or no in each area of need
- For any yes response- provide a description of the behavior
- Section II
- Column I (Class or activity)
- Beginning with arrival, break the student’s day into class periods, activities (i.e. their schedule)
- Column II (How it is taught)
- For each class/activity describe the setting, expectations of time period and instructional delivery. (i.e. whole group, on the carpet, seated, hand raising, etc.)
- Column III (What does support look like)
- For each class/activity describe what is different for the target student vs his/her peers. (i.e. verbal reminders, visual cues of expectations, proximity, repeated directions, etc.)
- Column IV (current supports in use)
- For each class/activity check each of the listed supports that are being used with fidelity.
- Below the chart, describe or clarify any supports used and/or not listed
- Column V (paraprofessional support)
- For each class/activity describe specific support/responsibilities that the para is currently providing and/or would provide.
- Section III
- Notes:
- If any clarification is needed please use space provided to summarize
Student’s Abilities and Assistance Needs Matrix
Student name: School:Students present grade: Date:
Area of eligibility: Team Members:
Frequency of Staffings: ______
Does the student need assistance in the area of self-care? / Toileting / Yes / No / Feeding / Yes / No / Mobility problems / Yes / No
Does the student need assistance in the area of communication? / Sign language / Yes / No / Picture schedule / Yes / No / Universal communication systems used / Yes / No
Is the student disruptive in class? / Blurt out / Yes / No / Argue / Yes / No / Refuses to work / Yes / No
Is the student a danger to him/herself or others? / Physical aggression / Yes / No / Threaten / Yes / No / Intimidates others / Yes / No
Does the student need intensive on-going academic support? / Redirection / Yes / No / Re-teaching / Yes / No / Accommodations or modifications / Yes / No
Behavior Description:
Class or activity and current academic level / How is it taught?What are the expectations in this class? / What does
support look like?
(what kind of help is the student getting that other students do not get) / Is the student currently using any of the following? / If a paraprofessional is being used or being considered-identify the purpose of the paraprofessional and when the paraprofessional would or is being used
Behavior Plan / Assistive technology / Visual Schedules / Peers / Preferential seating / Scribe / Visual Timer / Small group instruction / Check in check out person / Paraprofessional
Needs Matrix. April 2013 Page 1 of 3