Class 3-304 Homework for Dec. 1 – Dec. 5, 2014 #14

WORDS OF THE WEEK: see reverse side

Literacy: Spelling Fractions (vowels: words 1-10 / consonants: words 11-20)


Treasures Textbook: Read High-Tech Bullies pgs.348-349. In one paragraph using your own words, write about staying safe from cyberbullies. Use chart on pg. 349.

Literacy: Write 5 sentences (using any of the words of the week) underline the spelling word. Make sure the sentences begin with an uppercase letter and ends with the correct punctuation mark (. ? !)

Treasures Textbook: Read the main selection: Messaging Mania pgs.350-353

Answer Think and Compare questions 1-4 on pg. 353. REMEMBER TO ECHO the question in the answer.

MATH: worksheet

VOCABULARY: Write sentences using all of the Treasures vocab. words on the reverse side.

Literacy: Prefix worksheet MATH: worksheet Test Tomorrow

Literacy: Write words of the week 3x each / Spelling and Vocab Test on Friday

Literacy: Prefix worksheet MATH: worksheet

MATH: worksheet Science: see reverse side

SNEAK PEEK FOR NEXT WEEK week of Dec. 8, 2014

Spelling words of the week: coy /soil / foil / toil / coins / point / noise / loyal / boiled / spoiled

enjoys / voice choice / soybean / joyful / unhappy / retold / misread / noisy / checkpoint

Vocabulary words of the week

instance: an example of something / illustrate: to draw a picture to explain or decorate a written text

style: a particular way of doing something / texture: how something looks or feels

sketches: rough drawings that are done quickly / suggestions: when people offer ideas or plans

READ Treasures textbook: Draw! pgs.360-361 / main selection: What Do Illustrators Do? pgs. 362-383

Answer Think and Compare questions 1-5 on pg. 385. REMEMBER TO ECHO the question in the answer.

HOME-SCHOOL CONNECTION week of Dec. 1, 2014

Dear Family Member(s):

Below, please find a breakdown of topics that your scholar will be learning this week. We encourage you to have discussions with your child to reinforce concepts learned in order to bridge the home-school connection.

Thank you Mrs. Maharaj and Ms. Woods

Reading: Module 1 EngageNY
Waiting for the Biblioburro is narrative nonfiction which is a story about real people and actual events. Scholars have read other narrative nonfictions in this module: Rain School and Thank You, Mr. Falker. Waiting for the Biblioburro is about a mobile library that journeys over mountains and through valleys to bring literacy and culture to rural Colombia, and to the children who wait for the BiblioBurro. The mobile library is a donkey that is used to carry the librarian and books to rural areas of Colombia. Scholars will begin to think about how they can collect information from different types of texts as they improve on their note taking skills. This book can be viewed on YouTube using the following link:
1.  Science:
2.  Technology and the Design Process
Simple Machines
Machines help people do work. Simple machines have one or two parts and make work easier.
Complex machines are made up of two or more simple machines.
Scissors are examples of
complex machines.
Homework: Draw and label the parts of a scissor. /
Treasures Word Workout
Spelling Words: misfile / unwanted / recycle / undone / presale / misread / recall / precut / unload / misnumber / unfair / mistreat / unhappy / retold / preplan hard / porch / carve / prejudge / uncertain
Vocabulary Words & Strategy:
estimate: to use what you know to make
a good guess
record: to do something better than anyone has
ever done before
focus: to concentrate all of your energy on someone
or something
Strategy: Context Clues/ Homographs: words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. When a homograph in a sentence doesn't make sense, readers can use context clues to distinguish among the meanings.
Division is the
opposite of
Test on Thursday, Dec. 4th
Social Studies: Nigeria
History and Government