Clarifications and Responses

Response:Please note that we will only supply the post insulators. All other clamps, top caps, conductor, etc must be supplied by the Contractor.


Aluminium Tube Thickness:

According to Dwg: 0.84/803 the Alu. Tubes should be 250mm dia. with wall thickness of 8mm.

Flat End Caps with ID of 234.


BoQ – Bill 4 refers to tubes with wall thickness of 6mm, but with end caps ID = 234.(Mismatch between Tube and End Cap.)

Please confirm if the tubes for Medupi SS should have wall thickness of 6m (as per Bill-4) or 8mm (as per Dwg:0.84/803)?

Response: The tubes for Medupi SS should have wall thickness of or 8mm as per the drawing.


Please clarify the following, regarding the above-mentioned tender Supply, Delivery and Installation of 400kV Electrical Tubular Busbars at Medupi HV Yard):

Can the tube in the below pictures be supplied in a two piece (16000 + 12200 = 28200) or should it be a one piece 28200 as per the pricing schedule. This tube is too long and it will have higher charges on the transportation and will also take a longer time to get to site.


The tubes can be supplied in the two piece configuration with the shorter lengths.


Kindly advice on the Tender invitation item no. 2 Evaluation process 2.3 Special conditions

2.3.1 CIDB registration or proof of application (Level 6 EB), Please confirm is it only EB class or work required or we can submit with EP?


You may tender with CIDB Level 6 EP.


Kindly advise what are the requirements referring to on page 14 of the Tender invitation for the ff:


1. Safety: COIDA - Original certificate of good standing or proof of application issued by the

Compensation Fund (COID) or a licensed compensation insurer (South African tenderers only)

Other safety documents as required per scope of works

2. Quality Documents: as required per scope of work

3. Environmental: documents required as per scope of work

I checked on the Tender bulletin there are NO SHEQ evaluation criteria/ requirements uploaded.


The evaluation criteria for SHEQ will now be found under this Clarification folder.


Please clarify the following queries:

1. There are no 250mm tubes in the A&B schedule

2. Must the tubes be 8mm or 6mm as they differ on the BOQ, Drawings and A&B schedule


1. There are no 250mm tubes in the A&B schedule – this was a typographical error in the schedule and should be 250mm tubes

2. Must the tubes be 8mm or 6mm as they differ on the BOQ, Drawings and A&B schedule – All the Tubes must be 8mm thickness

I have attached all the specs again as well for further information.