To better prepare the youth and leader for their once in a lifetime CJ’07 Jamboree experience the Voyageur Council has prepared a PreCamp which will be held on the weekend of May 11-13, 2007 at the Apple Hill Scout Reserve. This will be an opportunity for the Units to check out their equipment, get a chance to work to-gether as a team (especially for Units made up from more than one troop) and get a chance to learn about some of the things that make a Jamboree a unique experience. Every effort is being made to simulate some of the situations as they are likely to find them at Tamaracouta, except for the hills of course.
APPLE HILL SCOUT RESERVE - located about 2 km east of the village of Apple Hill at 18739 Kenyon Concession #2. At the north end of the metropolis of Apple Hill turn east at the Fire Hall. For details about the camp check their website listed below.
OFFERS OF SERVICE - Like all camps it takes the effort of a lot of volunteers to make the camp program work well and this one will be no different even though the program is quite different from more typical scouting camps. Some the tasks to take care of include;
- stake out the campsites for the units (Friday afternoon)
- marshalling of arriving vehicles
- check in of arriving units
- assist with vehicle transportation of “selected” Unit equipment to their sites
- presenting the eight program topics
- sorting food supplies for Sunday’s meal for the Units
- MC the camp show (campfire type program)
- assist the camp cook prepare and clean up staff meals
- keep kybo’s supplied with TP
- plus a whole bunch of stuff I can’t think of right now
ACCOMODATION - There are no dormatories at Apple Hill so you will have to bring your own bed and tent, unless you prefer an unobstructed view of the stars.
FOOD - We are arranging for a cook to prepare the meals for the OOS personel. Please bring your own eating equipment. The Units (troops) are resonsible for there own meals just as it will be for them at the Jamboree. They will be bringing their own food supplies for their Saturday meals and we are providing a bag of supplies for their Sunday meals to simulate the situation they will experience at the Jamboree.
SHOWERS - There are none, sorry!
COST - $15.00 per person which is basically for your food. Registration form is available online on the Voyageur Council CJ website.
CJ’07 National -
CJ’07 Voyageur -
Apple Hill Scout Reserve -
Tamaracouta -
Map to Apple Hill -